If RGB dies, would trump trade her spot for the wall?

Would you accept that deal Jow Forums?

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No. There's nothing stopping Trump from appointing whoever he wants to the Supreme Court.

Personally, I'm for letting the Government Shutdown continue. After two months everyone will realize that nothing of value was lost.

W - A - L - L

Trade the government not being shut down for a wall.

Attached: democrats-open-borders-buttons-sanctuary-cities-no-ice-migrants.png (750x1135, 624K)

Don't have to make a deal to get both so why even ask?

This. I like the shutdowns. Despite attempts by the Democrats to make them as inconvenient as possible, they don't really affect most people. The more they do it, the more people stop taking them so seriously.

Trump should fucking end DACA like he promised DAY 1

Attached: Sad.jpg (259x194, 7K)

NO, we get ALL

Globalists die

Typical Globalist shell game, you lose OPie

I'd trade a supreme court pick for funding, once they pass funding, nominate a far right judge because what the fuck are they going to do if I reneg on my word

That's too much for something already happening. Give them the option of an ultra conservative vs conservative lite judge

>There's nothing stopping Trump from appointing whoever he wants to the Supreme Court.
Uh, yeah there is, it's called:
>Roberts won't fucking retire
>(((Ginsberg))) won't fucking die
No guarantee either of those will happen soon.

You'll lose supporters for being an ass

>Playing cutthroat games with cutthroat fucking scum
Yeah nah fuck them too and fuck the democrats for not being smart enough to see it coming


>make deal
>libtard judge declares wall unconstitutional

Sotomayor will probably die soon from her Bronx diabetes.

The only part of the shutdown I don’t like is that I will not get my tax returns until it’s over.

>If RGB dies, would trump trade her spot for the wall?
Reading is hard.


>Losing the high ground
This is democracy not game of thrones


you know what comes after bargaining? depression. we'll get that supreme court chair AND a wall.

probably as a nuclear hot offer but I think he has enough guts to not have to go there

lmao still getting paid by dod even with shut down making decent pocket change untaxed per diem. 2020 is the downfall of dems i swear

Wall + DACA repeal + overturning birthright citizenship would be worth two seats on the Supreme Court.

Reminder that 14
of the last 19 Supreme Court justices were nominated by Republican presidents
let that sink in
It doesn't matter if Trump gets another Justice, he will just become cucked once he gets there a la Roberts and Kavanaugh. There's no way you're getting a based Scalia

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At this point, secession needs to be nearing the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Dont try it snow. I have the high ground.

Trump has literally zero reason to give - Petty Pelosi and Shutdown Schumer have gone out of their way to make this about the fucking "morality" of building a wall and it's not playing nearly as well as they or their friends in the media were hoping.

A couple of weeks from now when federal employees are still on furlough and the food stamps run out, all those angry people will be asking is whether their lives and livelihoods were worth a 0.4% adjustment to a spending bill and a bunch of moral grandstanding.

take the supreme court and lock up everyone standing in the way of the wall. THIS IS TOTAL WAR

>dems raping federal workers in maryland, dc and virginia

That's 24 electoral votes. I'd bet in 2020 DC becomes 10% redder and VA flips to Trump's category.

>pissing off federal workers who are your key to winning VA

Dems be stupid


You mean like in the 1980s where Reagan traded amnesty for wall and Dems said "lol" when he asked "where's my wall?". Yea nah fuck off faggot. The time of cuckservatives pretending Dems are "good americans" while they harass soldiers, workers, men, white people in general is fucking over.

no and no

>curl up in your red states away from blue meanies
>implying they won't come after us

You mean physical removal

No deals. The government stays shutdown until congress can agree on a reasonable deal that secures our boarders.
When she dies President Trump gets to appoint a Ultra conservative Supreme Court Justice and truly make America great again.

I only accept dead shitskins


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>agree on a reasonable deal that secures our boarders.
honestly i think Trump should start adding 1 billion a week to the request until they agree on a deal.

no, we do not negotiate with terrorists, the wall and the seat will both be ours, everyone who stands in our way can get fucked like the niggers they are

gotta agree with the post count here