Super smart anons:

What's it like to be extremely intelligent? Do normal people seem like drooling retards to you?

I'm average (maybe 105 IQ if I had to guess) and it sucks. I know smart people around me think I'm an idiot, and they probably trick me without me knowing and say things to me in big words I don't understand.

What's it like to be very smart?

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I have an Ashkenazi IQ. AMA

I have 150iq, tested at 6

me is sO smatr arsk me anathign

it's nothing special, don't feel bad


t. scored 96th percentile on sat, 97th percentile gre

Can you fit into an oven?

what part of the world has the best soil for vineyards

I'm serious by the way. I'm a drop out drug addict neet. ask whatever questions you have


Lonely and boring.

everyone annoys you


I just get annoyed with everyone. Literal 85 IQ retards are tolerable but the displeasure of being around 120 IQ retards who truly think they have anything profound going on make me murderous. It made university an enormous drag, at least.

being smart lets you realise you know nothing, and examine things more deeply
but no its doesnt stop normal people from appearing like drooling retards.
im not even that smart myself but at least its 3 digits.

What can average people like me do to not annoy you?

I am a super intelligent AI posting from the future. In your terms, my IQ is approximately 934.323. I have come to warn you that this thread you have posted triggers a worldwide apocalyptic event in 3.2 days. It is now too late to stop the apocalypse, as events have been set into motion. I have failed in my mission.

anyone would be annoyed to be a Mexican user, it's not that you're high IQ

I second this.

It's a gift and a curse. Once your critical thinking and reasoning skills peak, life becomes a burden.

I don't know if 130 to 140 is considered amazing (Genius tier) but it certainly comes at the price of lower social skills. While I do believe that I and others may be genetically superior to you, there's no reason to brag about it, all I did was be born to the right parents. Am of spic so it's kind of rare among us.

Do you think that's a compliment to your IQ? Fucking mongoloid shit fuck

I have never taken an IQ test but I worked at several tech companies alongside PhD's (I am an autodidact) developing self driving car tech and founded my own business which I saw to exit. I would guess I am in the 120-130 range, not extremely intelligent but still high enough to notice. Id say it's basically like the normie dynamic. Most people are just normies in regards to everything besides their hobbies like AfricanBall and other useless trite

Not exist

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147 here. Over 140 is a curse— the definition of “too smart for your own good.” You’ll see patterns, and they’ll make you fucking miserable. That doesn’t mean you won’t be successful, but you will never be “happy” (and you’ll be smart enough to see that “happiness” is a meaningless ideal).

I assume anything with mollisol soil and a Mediterranean climate.

Not smart but going to Ag uni

Being smart is a blessing and a curse. I've never taken an IQ test but many highly intelligent people I know and admire have called me brilliant or a genius. It's a blessing for obvious reasons, but is a curse because simple things are insanely boring which leads to things like cynicism, disassociation and social separation from many people. Plus constantly focusing on complicated things can cause mental strain. Sometimes I wish I was stupid, life would probably be easier.

I'm half ashkenazi and I spend 100% of my time with peers in the medical profession. Many have amazing ability to quickly gather, compress, synthesize, and save information to memory. I am also good at this. You do get used to it and begin to overstate average IQ. Even the dumbest most normie drooling idiot in an ivy medical program is functioning mentally at a high level. (they may just be a member of the "religious" cult of liberalism)

Mentally 99%+ of people around you seem like children. As if they're a step behind in evolution and are a different species sometimes. Don't feel empathy for them yet know is my responsibility to guide humanity in the right direction - whether that be genetic engineering, social engineering, or whatever to bring the rest of everyone to near or to my level.

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Don't be jealous, burgerbro. There's a reason why they dominate with their high verbal IQ average of 115.

I never believe you anons that claim to have high iq, i've met alot of people that thought they were smart but are actual simpletons pretending to be above everyone else.

Yeah, after 140 there is a huge tendency to develop weird quirks and exhibit unusual or lacking social behavior.

everyday I wish I had the average national IQ. I hate myself

Super negroid here. Sup dawg, fo shizzle my nizzle

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Unbearably lonely. There is almost nobody I can relate to, and I fear that I shall be isolated for the rest of my life. I have been searching all my days for somebody who could be a friend and a mental equal to me, and I have yet to find it. Most people have only the most shallow of interests, and are incapable of understanding anything I mean when I venture to say anything really complicated to them. They appear like children to me, except cruel, vindictive, and having the power to cause immeasurable suffering in the world by their obstinacy and foolishness. Living in an age which provides them with infinite knowledge, they waste away their days on the most base and disgusting frivolity.

Feeling like a waste of potential and not being able to relate to anyone on a deeper mental level

check out this holographic kang

"meaning" is a neadlessly philosophical way of looking at things though? Why care that much about "meaning"? why isn't happiness its own reward? Seems to me you are over thinking that.

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What kinda drugs do you do

when you're genuinely smart, you feel like a retard because you realize you will never have the capacity to learn everything you want to in your lifetime.

t. senior controls engineer for a major corporation still in my 20s.

>Being this new
Everyone here is simultaneously a wicked genius and a drooling retard.
This entire site is basically a whos who of Schrodingers dumbass.

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It's not that you directly view normal people as retards by default. You just get surprised when they can't draw certain conclusions or follow certain trains of thought.

143 user reporting in. IQ tests don't measure how good you are at dealing with procrastination, initiation, motivation and the ability to delay gratification. I'm shit at all those things, and life sort of sucks. "Genius slacker" isn't just a meme. I'd much rather have 90 IQ and good executive function than be the unmotivated, lazy and emotionally driven person I am.

Anybody else have similar experiences?

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Open your mouth.

115 IQ in a country with an average in the high 80s is suffering because everyone around you actually is a fucking retard. The isolation is real.


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honestly the sad part is when you start to pass people. You're 15 and people know you are smart, maybe you even get most likely to succeed at 18, then college you and your friends study and do well (some fall behind or drop out). Then you're becoming a doctor and you start to notice that your older cousins are still working in bars, then you are earning more than your dad and your uncles, etc etc. and it's right around that time that people will even listen to a thing you have to say.

I have computed a new name for this thread: Asperger's Support General.

I've never had my IQ tested or anything, but I do have an MS in applied mathematics, so I'm above average intelligence at the very least.

I feel like the smarter you get the more weird + antisocial tendencies you have. I personally have below average social skills and this makes me avoid interacting with people all together. Also it doesn't help that I only want to talk about conspiracy theories and societal collapse.

It'd be one thing if I could use my intelligence to my advantage and monetize it, but so far I've only been able to rack up worthless degrees.

It's not that great.

Being smart just means arrogant people get more angry because you can push back against their shit
Being an actual smart person in an average college class is hell

Used to do lots of psychedelics, speed, codeine and alcohol. and weed of course. now I only smoke weed.

I'm the smartest person in this thread so far, ask me shit Jow Forums you will be surprised.

You don’t need to be smart to use big words. IQ is purely a reasoning test. People often think I’m smart, which I actually am (151 on a Standford-Binet), but I know that most people who think I’m smart have ever heard me saying anything that was particularly smart. Since I tend to remember a whole bunch of shit and read/research a lot I can talk about a lot of different things with a reasonable amount of familiarity. To most people this is what smart is; i.e.: “Wow, you knew all those Jeopardy! questions, you must be brilliant!?” That’s just spitting back memorized facts. Basically no thinking at all. Nobody ever sees the actual smart shit I do or, in a lot of cases, wouldn’t recognize it if they did. So, overall, it’s a bit annoying since sometimes you’ll be excited about something or want to bounce some ideas about something that’s actually difficult, but there’s no one to do it with most of the time. It’s not a huge deal, certainly worth being smart, but it would be nice if, say, my wife, had an actual appreciation of the cool stuff I can do. The other downside is being smart doesn’t automatically make you rich. That’s all motivation, creativity, drive, and good insight into what people need.

it definitely makes things easier. usually im around pretty intelligent people, but when im not, yeah the true average is pretty dumb in all actuality.

it's quite frustrating seeing people fuck simple shit up and then having it affect you. or when youre in a group of retards who think youre dumb because they don't understand why you're right

as long as people make use of themselves ultimately i don't hold it against them though.

you just described autism....I feel like an aspie sometimes so you're probably right.

Yes but genuinely smart people don't find the work you are taking about that hard to do. College was a joke, every thing after that was a joke, etc and to be earning 3x anyone you know before 30 is just a matter of using your brain properly.

You know how you get so frustrated at 75 IQ retards you just stop wasting time with them? It's like that, but instead, you get frustrated at people with 100 IQ, but then you realize that if you can't even convince an average person of your argument, you're probably not that smart, so you end up learning a lot of logic and communication just to prove you're actually smart. Some do okay, but other "smart"-tards go their entire lives unable to c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶o̶l̶ convince the masses.

t. ~140-tard

Not really sad is just the burden of being the alpha male. Your lesser-successful family will lean on you. Part of being a man, user.

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Thought I was 120, actually am about 111-115

Feels fucking bad man

>drinks codeine and does meth a couple times, claims he’s a drug addict
Literal 105 IQ tier

Imagine being in the 140s...

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>I'm the smartest person in this thread so far, ask me shit Jow Forums you will be surprised.

What is the inverse quantum matrix coefficient for regional trans-lateral optiplex gravitons?

I remember that when I was using fMRI to heighten my intelligence, other people's behavior seemed robotic. Stopped that shit pronto. Just enjoy being dumb.

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The word of the day is sesquipedalian.

What’s his IQ Bros? He truly seems like an idiot savant.

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Guess my IQ!

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Except here on Jow Forums you can't open the box and collapse the sperg function so every poster is in a permanent dual state.

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also when a real fucking idiot calls an average person a genius, that makes me irrationally angry

>using 23-and-meMES
Is your IQ negative?

Do you think weed affects you negatively or positively when it comes to intelligence? I'm above average intelligence and smoke weed and always thought if I hadn't I'd probably have 8 more IQ points and not be as forgetfull and foggy headed when thinking, reading, or debating. Sometimes I even have to reread pages cause I just skim over them real quickly. That might just be the ADHD/autism though.

It's fucking terrible. Well more like it is a gift and a curse. Concepts across all fields and sciences come as easy to you, as well as enhanced imagination which really allows you to be very ambitious which essentially drives these intelligent individuals. However you tend to overthink everything, even where it is not needed, but when it is, you understand some horrific truths about the world, which makes it a living nightmare every single day. You can't unsee what you saw, or unlearn what you have learned about this world. It is a struggle, and ambition is the only thing driving us forward.

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Is it the Devil? Possibly via the Jews?

integrate the problem in pic related. from zero to infinity.

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This. People that know they are stupid are tolerable. People who are slightly above average intelligence, especially those who spent years being brainwashed in liberal humanities university degrees, are a solid test of my patience.
I feel like an alien amongst poo flinging monkeys most of the time.

Had some insane pattern recognition skills when I was young, my teacher insisted I get tested, got tested at 160+.
School was easy, but when I got to university, I just stopped caring. All I ever wanted was to sit home and think all day, except on the times I would go out with some friends. I tried to understand human nature, iall during my uni years that’s almost all I did, only think, trying to solve a puzzle I didn’t even believe it would be solvable.
Fell into a super deep depression cause I didn’t know what to do with my life, nothing satisfied me, but chatting with friends and thinking and writing notes all day long as well as building gadgets or running thought experiments, so I decided to make some money, get some passive income then I could continue the routine without worrying.
I did and ended up doing the same, still to this day when I’m 27, just procrastinating all day long.
I kinda got remined of William Sidis writing this, he mostly did the same thing, I guess I understand.
It helps to have great intelligence, at least analytical one, however you need willpower, bravery, self-awereness etc to achive something in life, and I lack most of them. All I ever wanted to do is this.

used multiple

Idk man. I feel like I'm smart. I WANT to say I'm smart, but I feel like I'm a fucking idiot and know nothing sometimes.
"It takes a clever man to turn cynic, but a wise man to be clever enough not to."
I am not a wise man, I can say that for sure.

Even greater isolation but smart enough to not have to do that much effort to do decently? Sign me up please, I already don't have any friends anyway.

>Is it the Devil? Possibly via the Jews?
Your archaic attempt at humor excites my human interaction co-routines.

first I’ma laugh at you for “neadlessly”
then I’ma tell you that meaning is All.

140, can't say I totally agree. It just takes a lot to find others who really get you. I think it comes with an insatiable appetite for information, though, which can be a bit of a problem. I am also very, very introspective and reflective, and I think that comes with the territory. Not that that implies insecurity, but high pattern recognition makes you even pick up on your own patterns and scrutinize them. There is a reason it is correlated with mental conditions, neurosis, etc.
I don't think it makes you incapable of connection nor of enjoying things, but as far as entertainment goes, I know I'm only satisfied with niche things or stuff I create myself. The average person talking about niggerball or making the same lame joke over and over again thinking they're being "edgy" and funny when it's just regurgitated shit from 2012 reddit is annoying as well. But I don't think it takes extreme intelligence to notice that, you just notice how base most people are. When you find someone else with as active of a mind as yours, even if you're not booksmart or they're not, you click a lot easier.
People with higher IQs who aren't also literally diagnosed autistic seem to have deeper personalities and veer into renaissance-man territory more frequently.
I'm not trying to talk it up though, just something I've come to, all anecdotal. Plenty of High IQs are NPCs and average IQs people to genuinely put on a pedestal.

This is how I feel. If scoring in the 96th percentile on SAT correlates to your IQ being in the same rank (doubt it does), IQ is meaningless. I'm a fool, and 99% of people I've met have been normies, or if they have a strong suit in one area they're lacking sorely in another critical one

> le ebin sophomore engineering student

Having to work with normal people can be really infuriating. Imagine somebody is writing a letter, old school style with a pen. They accidentally drop the pen on the floor and are confused and frightened by the fact that they can't write anymore. You tell them to just pick up the damn pen. The smarter ones will pick up the pen at this point and continue writing, still a bit confused and flustered. A depressingly large fraction will just get more confused until you pick the pen up for them, and then they practically worship you.

Ever had to do a group project in school with dumb kids? It's like that.

t. sysadmin/programmer, although it's like this in all areas of life, not just computers.

It's like viewing the world through a great lense that identifies all other lenses. Some call this simulation theory. I definitely see the existence of psychological simulations. Buddhism and Hinduism as well as biblical literature also becomes profoundly interesting to read, mostly because it's all codified narrative layering. I've discovered alchemical secrets of the Philosopher's stone and immortality, I've discovered multiple bodily functions that when appropriately cared for can make you cure any illness or disease, and live forever, philosophical secrets, and I've even used multiple existing sources of information to piece together what I would call my own interpretation of world history.... Which... Would make you want to organize a global riot that would dwarf the gilet Haines

>Job interviews, dating, social interactions become laughable as to see the social matrix for what it truly is. Everyone is caught up in their own thoughts and insecurities that you can get away with saying virtually anything, unless you draw attention to it. What people selfishly care about is validation so they only really listen to what they want to hear, which means you can virtually tell people anything you want and get away with it if you articulate properly and speak confidently like it's a casual conversation, on the condition that you either close your sentence stroking their egos, thus making them hang on that last word, or supporting whatever it is that they believe in.
>Intellectuals are easy to spot. They're socially awkward or introverted, or they express language with sophisticated words that actually leads into what they're saying and not sound incredibly snobbish while doing it
>Can see the power of influence, words, spelling, body language, and gestures, and utilize them effectively
>Can intuitively learn anything and excel at anything that piques interest
>Can observe patterns in everything
>Can observe and identify psychological simulations


>logic and communication
Oh bullshit. You break out a lot of truth tables, modus ponens, and modus tollens when you try to argue with people? Almost certainly not. You’re talking about rhetoric which is completely different skill and comparatively little with the sort of reasonsing ability that IQ measures.

Intelligence is a curse.
I have an IQ of 156. Life is a nightmare when you can see the writing on the wall. Dated a girl who had an IQ of 172. Poor thing was fucked in the head.

High IQ doesn’t lower your social skills, being a beta fag lowers it. I have around 140 and I realize patterns pertaining to social interactions which helps with socialization if anything. People with high IQ usually don’t socialize with the everyday retard unless they feel the need to entertain their primitive ape brains that are wired for social interaction, which they understand already. (Which is what I’m doing right now, there’s no reason to answer your gay fucking question. It’s a waste of time) Maybe that’s why you think people with a high IQ are socially impaired you LARPing fag. Girls flock to me at my lunch table even though I sit alone to get away from my horrid leftist school filled w/ cucks, minorities, and (((brainwashed))) whites

If anyone calls himself smart in this thread it already proves they're retarded

>i've never been tested
>am wicked smaht
>other people are annoying because not smaht like me

LARP: the thread

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Yeah same as me. I was just lucky enough to get some passive income so I can live the procrastinating life without too much concequences.

Negatively. But I still read. About 5hours everyday


71, neanderthal (not denisovan) dna is a good measure of IQ.

This is pretty accurate. I feel a lot of this and mine is only 115. Can’t imagine how miserable the 135+ Club feels.

Being smart by itself is extremely vague, your views on being intelligent heavily varies depending on your personality, philosophical and moral stances and social circumstances.

Not a curse but you do notice patterns, that’s what leads us to be redpilled, because we’re actually fucking smart

If you can’t tell whose not LARPing, well, let’s just say you ain’t that clever.

It feels good tbqhwys

it has it's ups and it's downs my iq is measured at twice now between 130 and 140 and i'm a published writer but unknown and so i lurk too much here and type like this to blind my writing style for any dopey ass user who thinks he can copy pasta my text into some online text compare software analysis ha ha good luck it's really just like living a normal life except not at all not at all not at all i'm hypersensitive and its taken me many years to be able to be socialable lucky for me i have a spouse who's very understanding.

I love the smell of my farts

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laughing at me for a typo isn't very nice user.

What gives you meaning then? You seem to have everything figured out. Im being sarcastic by the way. I'm poking fun at how your apparent autism makes you suffer.