PREVIOUS THREAD - ANTARCTICA BRAIN - and the Department of Defence cops a well-deserved lashing.

>START HERE and work your way to oblivion, DoD.


"Pic related" you fucking evil scum. Tell Sundar Pichai and Fuckerberg they need to bite down hard on this one. Dorsey is fucking cooked too.

Attached: 1567.jpg (501x837, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


"Do not criticise the Government" - FUCK. YOU.

"enslavement systems"

" Do not criticise Corporations. Do not criticise the Crown. "

Suck. My. Dick.

"Was 911 really an inside job"


meanwhile your poncing shitshow parades around on what - fucking "Twitter" - a puerile excuse for quasi-fame where meritless nobodies and hack orators pretend to be fucking special and newsworthy....

"national security"

fuckwits. your national security applies to you, your country, not everyone else's you overgrown shit parade egomaniacs.

clearly your sheep don't care about you leading them around by the neurons,

but I. fucking. do.

"Rebellion is not tolerated."

by whom? you? subhumans who cant do anything without a weapon?

get fucked.

" money hungry scammer"

this is a ripcord attack vector just like your SAGE bullshit semi automatic ground environment, run by a fucking thief who exploits the innocent - marc fucking smith

and what have you done about it. fucking nothing. too buy circle-jerking over your bullshit technology.


"we're executed for treason"

your own congress didn't even know how facebook makes money, you pathetic fucking slugs. you have been criminally negligent in regard to the MULTIBILION DOLLAR NETWORKS CURRENTLY UNDERMINING ORDER AND PEACE, because you fucking benefit from them, you utter fucking cunts.

why don't you aim your bullshit at tek cronies, who syphon 2 BILLION people into an American shitshow and keep their data in cattle shed centers for the digitally insane...

then get back to me on what the fuck the picture means to you....

you fucking 911 the god damn planet and your best response is what: "like" "share" "Microsoft" "A.I." "we are soo cool"

Fuck. You.

"We know"

oh. you fucking KNOW?

then welcome to oblivion.

get the fuck off the planet and away from actual people.

This is amazing!

by the way, here's the amount of money you owe me in damages for doing that specific thing Through. MY. Brain.

$0 < your bankruptcy imminent.

I want the lot of you tried for war crimes, unparalleled in any other time in history.

All of you.

That. is death. staring you in the face.

pure schizo gibberish

Bump for schizoparty

Bump for MOAR schizo

Attached: 1014.jpg (2388x1592, 693K)

Look at that .org link. It is FULL of beautiful graphs of redpill stuff. Pelosi, Booze Allen...pages and pages. Nice graphics too. Might be useful for research.

meth is the plebs drug Bruce. Grow up and take the scotch and coke pill

>Might be useful for research.

fucking hell. it's directly controlling the narrative online. and is responsible for countless terrorist attacks and acts of violence. do you even internet.

Meth is way better than coke for dopamine flood. Better yet mix both. Open the gate and dam the drain at the same time.

whats wrong, America cant math?

ever noticed how your social newsfeeds are real-time streaming schizophrenia?

and yu eat that shit up like dogs breakfast and call me schizo?

fuck off , canada droid.

>Open the gate and dam the drain

draining the swamp while you guys have a chit chat all over hard evidence.

What link partychan?

>fucking hell. it's directly controlling the narrative online. and is responsible for countless terrorist attacks and acts of violence. do you even internet.

learn to read cunt.

Was talking about how the drugs differ. You really do have a low association threshold. How am I supposed to help drain the swamp anyway?

keep going. you're saying things I suspected.

>a low association threshold

did you click on the pic or are you busy doing fucking meth.

You're confusing the shit out of me.
That's all I asked for.

what the FUCK is going on in this thread

Evil God Believers refuse to acknowledge 4 corner Days rotating simultaneously around 4 quadrant created Earth - in only 1 rotation, voiding the Oneism Evil 1 Day 1 God. You worship Satanic impostor guised by educators as 1 god.

No 1 God equals 4 - 24 hour Days Rotating Simultaneously within 1- 24 hour Rotation of 4 quadrant created Earth. Ignoring 4 Corner Earth Days will Destroy Evil Humanity. I am organizing Children to join "Cubic Army of 4 Days" to convert Evil 1 Day Adults to 4 Day mentality existence, to serve perpetual humanity.

"Nothing on Earth more Evil than a human educated as 1, when composed of opposites that cancel out as an entity." In fact, man is the only 1 Evil, and will soon erase himself by ignoring Cubic 4 Day Creation. If a Man cannot tear a page from the bible and burn it - then he cannot be a scientist, or participate in Symposium - to measure Cubing of Earth with Cubic intelligence wiser than any man or god known. Educators have destroyed the human analytical brain to a single perspective, in spite of all creation within Universe being based upon opposites, binaries & antipodes, including Sun/Earth binary relative to the

human male/female binary. No ancient insignificant dead 1 Jew godism can match or exceed the enormity of the Sun/Earth Binary. His heart is not big enough for sharing with the vastness of created opposites. 1 has no heart beat or breath, constituting death of opposites. God in Human form has human

limits as body controls activity. You are taught Evil, You act Evil, You are the Evil on Earth. Only your comprehending the Divinity of Cubic Creation will your soul be saved from your created hell on Earth - induced by your ignoring the existing 4 corner harmonic simultaneous 4 Days rotating in a single cycle of the Earth sphere. Religious/ Academic Pedants cannot allow 4 Days that contradict 1Day 1God. Educators destroy your brain, but you don't know, so why care?

they steal the social content, edit it using an algorithm, then inject it with code and shove it back through the system, literally internally via profiles. it is direct mind-control.

there is hard proof of what they have done.

Which pic? Lot of graphs. Meth would help at this point but I've been sober. Let's keep it sober. Let me poke around.

the department of defense, google, fuckerberg, and Dorsey are getting their fucking asses kicked for 911ing our brains, and the fucking planet.


ggood sources in that code

its fucking killing people mate.

Money as a Weapon System. Handbook for commanders.

Systems of Surveillance
An information resource created in conjunction with
Revelations of Secret Surveillance

"Non-Lethal" Weapons; Brain Interference Technologies; the Altered Environment
Surveillance of Civilians
Background: Covert Total War; Human Experimentation

"Non-Lethal" Weapons; Brain Interference Technologies; the Altered Environment
• "Nonlethal Weapons"
• Brain Scanning
• Mind-Body Control
• Mind-Body Control: Virtual Soldier Research/Control of Soldiers
• Government Funded Research into the Control of Humans
• Mind-Body Control: Sexual Stimulation
• Voice to Skull/Interactive Brain Communication
• Neural Behavior Modification, Brain Invasive Surveillance,
and Other Brain Interference Technologies
• Control of Animals
• The Ethics of Neural Interference with Humans and Animals
• Background: Neuroscience Institutes
• Background: Neuroscience Technologies - Corporations
• Psychological Warfare/Psychodrama
• The Altered Environment: Weather: Use as a Weapon of Warfare
• The Altered Environment: Weather Interference
• The Altered Environment: Spy Satellites
• The Altered Environment: Spy Robots
• The Altered Environment: Weaponization of Space
• The Altered Environment: New Surveillance Technologies
• The Altered Environment: Remote Control

No fucking shit. But they look comprehensive enough, that there may be a connection i missed.

Do you have a YouTube channel?

Surveillance of Civilians

• Surveillance and Harassment: NSA/Echelon
• Surveillance and Harassment: Military Intelligence
• Surveillance and Harassment: FBI
• Surveillance and Harassment: FBI: 2000-
• Infiltration: The OSS
• Surveillance and Harassment: CIA
• Surveillance and Harassment: Civilian Government Agencies
• Surveillance and Harassment: State and City
• Surveillance, Harassment, Gross Negligence: Corporate; Military Industrial Complex
• Total Information Awareness; MATRIX and related programs
• Surveillance, Harassment, Infiltration: US Intelligence Agencies in Other Countries
• Surveillance, Harassment, Infiltration: British Intelligence
• Surveillance, Harassment, Infiltration: Intelligence Agencies from Other Countries
• Surveillance, Harassment, Infiltration: Mercenaries: Vance, Wackenhut
• Informers
• Infiltrators/Perpetrators
• Mobbing/Gang Stalking
• Gang Stalking - Possible War Game Connections
• Background: Concentration of Power
• Background: John Birch Society/Far Right Organizations
• Background: Ku Klux Klan
• Background: House Unamerican Activities Committee
• Surveillance, Harassment, Infiltration: Attacks on Unions and Workers
• Control of Athletes

• Intelligence Agency Subversion of the Arts

• Intelligence Agency Subversion of the Press
• Intelligence Agency Subversion of Academia
• Attacks on Art and Academic Funding and Content
• Imprisonment of Artists and Intellectuals - Communist Governments

Background - Covert Total War; Human Experimentation
• Background: Covert Total War
• Background: Eugenics - through WWII
• Background: Eugenics - WWII -
• Background: Operation Paperclip: Nazi War Criminal Scientists in the US
• Background: Space Agency Negligence

• Human Experimentation
• Regulations for Human and Animal Experimentation
• Advocacy Resources
A separate site that includes links to information and
organizations for advocates against abuse of surveillance,
neural technologies and "nonlethal weapons"


...Although, looking back at it, there was a lot of shit that I thought was insane ramblings at the time that holds water with what I know now. Like his spiel about teachers.

Attached: GTFO.gif (480x360, 750K)


all through a single device.

"hello tim cook. how is your military weapon iPhone doing today, cunt."

glad to know there are still some oldfags left

why else would they give steve jobs 11 biographic movies and a new heroic hollywood film every 6 months?

holy shit, this is amazing

Post pics. I'm not clicking that shit.

just go there you cuck it lists the most socially engineered postings around the internet, anything there is fake news, fake trends, why can no one realise such a thing fuck...

Jow Forums, reddit, facebook, YouTube and all social media is socially engineered to push narrative that is artificial, its unhealthy as fuck, sydney fag here OP you aren't the only one mate.

>>fucking hell. it's directly controlling the narrative online. and is responsible for countless terrorist attacks and acts of violence. do you even internet.


>is artificial, its unhealthy as fuck

yes. they are literally "signal jamming" and "signal hijacking"

yeah, it is mind control by another name or atleast narrative resolute, its happened since about 2006 on the internet and its becoming way worse now to the point where we're hoing backwards, unintelligible mentally ill information seeping into our brains,misinformation being pushed, i can feel it but im immune, 99% of people are blinded by sucking on the rainbow lollypop even stormfags here on Jow Forums

Earth diameter km
Moon diameter km

R = 1
Asquare = 4
Acircle = 3.1416
4-3.1416 = 0.8584
0.8584/3.1416 = 0.273
3474/12742 = 0.273

How about moon takes 27.3 days to get around Earth too.

Look at the drawing to the left. It is a circle inscribed inside a square. The Earth and the Moon conform absolutely to this simplest of geometrical figures. Let us imagine that the green circle represents the Earth. If this was the case, then everything in the drawing that is not green and is shown in red, would represent the Moon.

The drawing is an expression of a mathematical fact. It represents the relationship between π (Pi) and the number 4. The symbol π appears time and again in mathematics and it has fascinated people for at least 6,000 years. π defines the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. The true definition of π cannot be discovered because it appears to go on forever.

The Ultimate Truth

The relationship of π and the number 4 throws up a number of ratios.

π + 0.366 of π = 4.

We could also express this as 27.322% of π added to π would equal 4.

The relationship of the Earth and the Moon throws up the same ratios.

Earth’s polar circumference, plus 0.366 of Earth’s polar circumference equals Earth and Moon size combined. As a result it would also be correct to say that the Moon is equal to 27.322% of the size of the polar Earth.

Oh yeah, a perfect eclipse too.

Who Built the Moon? Christopher Knight

Attached: __6199757.jpg (142x142, 5K)

>unintelligible mentally ill information seeping into our brains,misinformation being pushed

that too. that platform directly reverse-engineers terrorist attacks and has killed thousands of people. they have separated families, triggered abductions, mass shootings, nightclub bombings, train bombings, malware, everything.

graphs 76757 and 7675 are 911 gateways for internal 911 and specifically what the DoD sat back and allowed while Dorsey sold us out to these parasites.

see pic.

strange I cannot see this graph when using search bar, got a direct linky?

fuck off stupid mentally ill fucknut,

>Acircle = 3.14
angle of causeway to sphinx 13.41


Posting in a schizo thread

Attached: 1545900859315.jpg (4000x3000, 1.21M)

What is to be done about it

the algorithm they use clause-newman-moore was developed by people who get funded by uncle sam, one of them via sante fe university where they anally retent themselves and get pats on the back from companies like Oracle who furbish 90% of the Fortune 500.

it's a choke point algorithm that results in disinfo and discrediting campaigns against individuals who drop the actual truth.

step 1 is getting the fuck away from google and social apps in phones. use standard cells only that don't have internet access and ban the 1G they force on you.

as for Dorsey and his sick egomaniac parade selling us out to reverse-engineering terrorist parasites, close accounts and tell everyone.

that site does this shit to children, 13 yeard olds are minors and have no idea what they're agreeing to when they sign up. they have violated human rights and childrens rights. all of them have while the DoD. the CIA and the rest sat back and allowed it.

they are nuking us in our fucking heads.

Anons, i have confirmed that this is in fact...amazing!

>30 posts by this ID

Attached: 1546555829534.png (804x743, 11K)

yeah nah cunts fucked


>ey are nuking us in our fucking heads.
more, details, how, explain

I think this crazy cunt is on to something

Attached: cheers frens.jpg (1005x720, 88K)

Help me out Aussie. How do I read this graph? Can you explain the G1, G2, thing? How do they influence one another?









social engineering you thick hamburger, christ learn yourself some information acquisition dumb burger

Praise the sun

hows that cocaine treating you?