Where do people get virgin girlfriends?
Where do people get virgin girlfriends?
At religious events.
East, usually.
I'm so glad I'm not as pathetic as John Green.
In 2D land.
people have to eat, otherwise they would starve
people don't have to be sluts, it's not like your life depends on it
even a whole life is sometimes not enough to know an other person completely, so why do you need multiple partners? It's a disgrace to every single partner you have had and also to yourself
Nothing of value comes from whoring around
it hurts you and it hurts society as a whole
>tl;dr I get buttmad when girls have sex with someone who is not me
Sup incel? Go back to Jow Forums and come back once you learn how to respect women. Maybe you'll get laid then, virgin loser.
t. roastie
no, i feel sad for them because it's nothing lasting, there will be times when they feel like, was it worth it? While they lying in a hospital treating there cancer with a chemical weapon, instead of doing any of the hundreds of helpful working remedies which already exists but are not allowed to exist.
Would they have been more thoughtful with there lives, meaninglessness and cancer could have been prevented.
bitches are so full of them self nowadays
I'm against hurting in general
but a slap across the face would cure womens histeria nowadays probably much better then giving them even more "respect" then they already don't deserve
because this is what created this toxic situation in the first place, respect for the people who don't deserve any
Is it this one same falseflagging bitter virgin incel who keeps spamming this?
If a woman is older than 25 and not married she is meant to be thrown into the trash.
What if she's still a virgin and waiting for her husband, dumbass?
When did you choose to die a bitter kissless virgin?
I met mine in college band courses. Lucky too because usually band girls have loosey goosey blown out roast caves by junior year of high school
Lel. Did you learn about female anatomy on Jow Forums?
What is your obsession with r9k? Band girls are mostly (60 percent or so) sluts and everyone knows that
Damn /b/-tards, r9k-fuckers, etc. GTFO back to your shitholes.
It sounded like you took the "loose roasties" meme literally.
Then she would have found one already then.
She's not obliged to find a man, idiot.
Are you a virgin, too?
Usually the orphanage.
>tl;dr I don't get buttmad when my girl has sex with someone who is not me. I'm a huge cuck.
Not OP but I'm not a virgin and I'd still prefer a virgin gf, does that make me a bad person?
T. Not a dad.
Try having sex with your wife after a baby, gets looser for sure
I lost my virginity to someone I thought I would spend my life with. He broke up with me when I was 25. Guess I should just die now.
How old are you now and are you single?
Yes, sex is something sacred and I want to lose it with a partner.
Hey, similar story but I'm a guy. I guess we should have listened the "no sex before marriage" thing better. Just figured "heh we're gonna get married for sure anyway, might aswell just consume it while we're still young".
Ask them
28. Since then I had rebound sex once because everyone was telling me it would help me move on and I was getting really depressed, but it just grossed me out. I really don't want to touch anyone I'm not in love with and I've only been in love with 1 person.
Religion is not a big part of my country's culture so nobody says that. If someone would seriously try to stay a virgin before marriage here, they would probably be made fun of, and they would stay a virgin until they find another extremely religious person.
Once you have sex you will realize it's not "something sacred".
Northern Europe?
Yeah you fucking moron, nobody is saying she is, but if she isn't then she should not be approached.
Sex with a virgin pussy is sacred.
So you agree with me, you schizo bastard.
Your wife isn't doing her kegals.
T. Father of three who's wife is tiiiiiiight.
Sex with a virgin pussy is generally disappointing. All three times I've popped a cherry, it was the worst sex we had.
How would you know what sex is like with a virgin vs nonvirgin? Do you even realize that there is nothing magical about virginity and her pussy is the same regardless?
The thing is anyone can be a virgin, they don't just magically congregate in certain spaces or something like that.
This is the only substantial answer in this thread. The others are just morons who feel compelled to give their two cents about the why OP should/shouldn't want to search for a virgin girl.
You can read the Metaphysics of Sex by Roger Scruton.
>it was the worst sex we had
It's all your fault.
>a virgin vs nonvirgin
If you're the same lamer as , there's no difference.
In high school, normally.
If they're older, they could be anywhere doing anything.
You might have higher chances if you go to a very conservative church, or in a very conservative area in general. For example some rural areas still push people to be virgin till marriage.
Some really ugly girls stay virgins till late. I have friends who are just virgins "by chance".
So why do you want a "virgin pussy" when you know there is nothing special or different about it and you wouldn't even know if she was a virgin or not?
Probably principle based on being her first and only. Just a guess.
Look, wanting a virgin isn't inherently wrong and if we make it that way we're really only hurting ourselves in the end. It's not a noble or constructive pursuit to make someone feel bad for wanting a virgin. Is it what I'D consider wise or at all how I'd search for a woman? No, but that doesn't just invalidate it as a preference just because.
>her first
>and only
What makes you so certain of that?
Assuming she won't cheat, for the time they're together he's going to be her only.
There is still a market for low mileage vagina
Nobody cares in the real world.
I found a top tier bf (attractive, rich, successful, faithful) even if I wasn't virgin.
>low mileage vagina
It's not like a car that wears down with use, you know.
Come on user. Every woman goes through a fuck everything phase. It just depends when and how many times they go on the rampage. Sometimes they are teens, college age, or any decade and it doesn't matter if they are in a relationship of not. They go in heat, welcome any male advance and they fuck till exhaustion and the rest of the world can go to hell.
That's just false. I am a horny slut and want to fuck my boyfriend 4 times a day, but never fucked anyone who isn't my boyfriend.
People have dignity and know loyalty, even horny ones.
ok worn once from the consignment shop
it will happen one day maybe when you are still with him or another man or even a husband or when you are between relationships. but it will happen.
It doesn't mean he doesn't care. Men today just try to avoid thinking about it because they know that's how society is.
This. People always fail at realizing how pointless their generalisations are.
You can't go around and say "very woman goes through a fuck everything phase" like it's some kind of absolute truth that applies to every single woman at there, that's just ridiculous.
Btw most women (and most men) have a sub 10 partner count by the end of their life.
If he cared so much, he could have found a virgin girlfriend. He's everything all women want.
The fact that he's dating me while having basically any option available shows that he doesn't care all that much.
It won't. I am a loyal person, I'd never cheat. And even when I was single and horny as fuck, and had a chance to fuck randoms, I never did.
>that's how society is
Sounds like the typical whore's excuse: that's not me, that's society.
just wait till you creep up on 30 and realize you didn't get it all and guys are still wanting to fuck you. you'll roll that pussy out on a red carpet. so many men and not enough time
>I have no self control, all people must be like me
I'm not like you, get over it. I'd never cheat, I'd never fuck random people. I've never wanted to fuck a man I wasn't in love with. Trying different cocks has no appeal at all to me. I don't even have to control myself, I just don't want it.
>If he cared so much, he could have found a virgin girlfriend.
>The fact that he's dating me while having basically any option available shows that he doesn't care all that much.
My point was that in the current context of our society, men are led to try and shut down the instinct that make them care about female virginity. So he doesn't consciously thinks he cares about it which doesn't mean if he were to actually reflect upon the fact you've been fucked by other guys he wouldn't be bothered. Doesn't mean on a conscious level he'd rather be with anyone but you.
>He's everything all women want.
That's cute but you're just infatuated with the guy. There is not a single type of guy all women want. Different people want different things.
you'll see and be surprised by this. like opening a bottle of champagne that you have to finish quickly before it becomes flat
Can you even read what I said?
Fucking lmao. How do you guys even date? I'm seriously asking. Do you go for muslim girls? Do you pretend you are religious and look for those dumbed girls at church? Mormons who were raised with half a brain?
Smart women aren't usually religious but If you want a simple pleb. Go for those. You WILL get bored long term
The only virgin girls who are virgins are
>used to be fat girls
>autismo girls (diagnosed of course)
>extremely young girls (but I bet you aren't a pedo. Right?)
Now you guys want the best of both worlds. You guys want a non-plain female (which means smart-which means not really religious). Good looking (which means she couldn't had been that fat) and mentally stable (so no autismo) and mature, able to hold a relationship and accept your human side (so, no child)
And besides, how do you even know if girls are lying to you or not? You can't.
Girls will probably just lie to you.
Why is it that you are so mentally damaged and have so much penis insecurity you are afraid of a woman enjoying her sexuality? We are in 2020 now geez. Grow the fuck up or accept you are going to be bitter forever. Or you know, go to a fucking church. You are just going to be living a lie forever and I assure you you WILL divorce.
Women aren't the source of your problems you little whiny incels.
You are.
lmfao get a load of this faggot thinking he can baselessly predict the attitude a person will have 10 years from now.
People change in 10 years though.
Love lasts 5 years at most.
Marriages die sooner or later.
Friendship remains
>if he were to actually reflect upon the fact you've been fucked by other guys he wouldn't be bothered.
I mean, no one likes sitting there and thinking of their partners being fucked by other people. If I sit there and think "oh god, my boyfriend fucked x and y girl before me" I get annoyed. It's not a big deal, tho, and it doesn't impact my life at all. Jealousy is normal, thinking that unless you're a virgin you're an undesirable scumbag isn't.
And he's quite the standard attractive guy. Like, I'm sure there's variation and everything, but he's really a very attractive guy by most people's standards.
Don't you get how ridiculous you sound? Your affirmations are baseless. You can't act like you hold the truth and you know everything about anyone.
It's like you just make random claims and expect them to be the absolute truth that's 100% verifiable for some reason.
if I had a dollar for every silly woman that knocks on my door to fuck telling me they don't know why they are there because they NEVER did anything like this before I'd be a millionaire. Seriously they could appear the most chase but you crack that sexual beast in them and they absolutely loose their shit
Not much is hotter than a look of shameful wantonness
>If I sit there and think "oh god, my boyfriend fucked x and y girl before me" I get annoyed. It's not a big deal, tho
For some it is. Some people conceive love as something that has to be absolutely pure and free of this type of compromise. I'm noone to say wether they're right or wrong but that's just how it is.
And most men, if they could chose wether or not their gf was a virgin when they met, would rather she was. Of course if they come across this awesome girl and she happens not to be a virgin they won't mind too much, but they'd still rather she was. That's just how it is.
I fuck daily, have an amazing sex life - we're both physically satisfied and we have a lot of fun and try different things.
What can a random cock give me that my boyfriend can't? When he is ideal to me physically, he makes me come every time, we have exactly the kind of sex I want to have, and we have it often - why would I even consider risking this to get fucked by a dude I don't even care about? Why would I even want you at all?
Lmfao nice larping.
By the way, if you actually had this type of super power you WOULD actually be a millionaire.
I'd rather my boyfriend never touched a girl before me too, but that's not how it is.
It doesn't stop me from loving him, it doesn't make him any worse of a person, it doesn't mean I am not into him or he loses his value as a person. I'm not "settling" for a non-virgin.
It's the same for him.
It is normal to be jealous of a person you love, and prefer they were just yours and always yours. But if you're not capable of understanding that people have history and you have to accept that too if you accept them, then you're going to be very unhappy.
Then, of course, it's respectable to only want to date virgins as it is respectable to only want to date taiwanese lesbian trans girls. But not to rage autistically or tell people they're unlovable if they aren't virgins, it isn't a big deal for most people.
k user. Go on dates and HOPE you are going to get a virgin gf.
You will never be sure though so good luck on that
its not a superpower but the ability to spot the women in heat and prepared to ride the crazy. because they do get crazy
Yeah so we basically agree.
I'm not OP. I happen to be a catholic so to me the issue is kinda different. I don't mind being with a girl who's had one or two previous partners if she's repented since. Basically as long as she's living acording to God's laws and she didn't used to be a slut I'm good. But most girls around here who are my age and practicing catholics are virgins anyway.
Yeah that would make you a millionaire too. I mean since you have very absolute statements about how ALL marriage fail and how love ALWAYS goes away after 5 years and stuff like that, I assume you've never experienced rejection from one of these women. If you have a guaranteed method to get any girl that works everytime, yeah you should be a millionaire dude.
I have experienced rejection but not from a woman in heat, they are the aggressors. I never said this behavior ends all relationships. some women are careful and some of their partners suspect but don't want to admit their wife or gf would do anything this reckless.
>One or two previous partners
user, that isn't being a virgin.
And a lot of women are just not interested in cheating ever and actually stay in love with the same man for their entire life. Deal with it.
Yeah, and?
Stop leading a life of slut ;)
I don't?
I've been with a few virgin girls and I don't get Jow Forums's obsession with them. It's awful and at best awkward.
I mean also sure sluts are fun but they are likely to cheat on you, you just gotta find the Goldilocks of girls who's had maybe like 3 or 4 sexual partners. That's a good balance.
How is it awful? Physically maybe but emotionally you should be at a height unattainable by any other method because you are now the most significant person in her entire life by an insurmountable margin.
quick reminder that this is the guy who wrote the "the fault in our stars" and his opinion should be disregarded immediatly.
>you are now the most significant person in her entire life by an insurmountable margin.
Are you kidding me?
The guy I lost my virginity to isn't the most significant man in my life.
>emotionally you should be at a height unattainable by any other method because you are now the most significant person in her entire life by an insurmountable margin.
No they still emotionally they still care more about their parents or sisters or whatever. Especially when they're just having sex for the sake of having sex and just got tired of waiting for a Prince Charming that doesn't exist and you just happened to be the guy at the right time.
I would kill myself if I ended up in that position. I don't want to be her shortcut I want to be her forever.
Yep. Only a whore spreads her legs for random pricks.
I had two boyfriends, stayed with the first one for 8 years, with my current for 4.
The first guy isn't the most important person in my life. I barely think of him if I ever do. I have family, friends, and of course my boyfriend who matter a ton more than him.
The fact that he popped my cherry when I was 17 doesn't make him the most relevant human being in the world forever.
>I want to be her forever.
so you don't want a girlfriend, or a normal wife, you want an arranged marriage.