Little bit of a sensitive issue here. I had a young girl in my campaign and one of my players has fallen for them...

Little bit of a sensitive issue here. I had a young girl in my campaign and one of my players has fallen for them, in an out of character way. I'm the only person in the group that really knows him. 99% sure he's an actual pedo, and it's only through diplomatic language he evades others. He had loli paraphenilia among more healthy otaku shit in his apartment. I didn't pay much mind then. He's currently babysitting one of the other player's 9 year old daughters. Any ideas what to do?

Attached: oh i hate this.jpg (225x224, 8K)

Call the police.

Get a baseball bat and set some money aside for someone to bail you out.

What they said, sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things to prevent disaster. Take a level in paladin user.

I'd recommend the police thing over the baseball bat thing unless you've got absolute proof he's a pedo.
Once you got proof tho, you should follow this user's advice

Friend of mine once took a young boy under his wing, who was the only survivor of a village we wanted to protect from wolves. He later had to sell the boy into slavery.

Absolutely 100% watch him like a hawk. Could we have some more details on how you know he's a pedo? Loli stuff is disgusting and should be a crime but you did say he had more healthy otaku stuff. What sort of diplomatic language do you mean?

Did they fuck?

seems like your average anime sexual deviant really

as for diplomatic language it's just uhhh, you read any stories about people getting a bit too much into npcs here you get the gist. He's got a sharp mind though and reels it back just enough

Have a kid-toucher get lawful-Gygaxed in front of the party.

Torch his fucking house. Make sure his animu dolls and pets are inside when you do it. Drive that fucking otaku freak to suicide.

Lolifags still shouldn't babysit actual little girls, though.

Also, gather proof, report suspicion to police, save the unaware parent from an assault sentence once they find out.

Wow. This thread is incredibly fucked up.

fucking THIS, send him to the bowels of despair and hell

annihilate his g*ddamn soul and make those leftist freaks see what happens when you be a degenerate

>recurring little girl NPC
>99% sure someone else is a pedo

theres something fishy going on

No, but they exchanged spears.

Quick story time
>we search the houses for survivors
>young boy jumps out of a cupboard attacking me with a spear in panic
>friend notices the spear is made of a curious metal, possibly magic?
>young boy says it is his father's
>friend, who used a regular spear, tells the boy that his father is dead
>"But with his dying wish he told me that I should take care of his son, and his spear."
>boy is a bit reluctant, but agrees to become his student in spear training
>doesn't want to part ways with his father's spear
>friend tells the boy that his father's spear was too heavy for a trainee, offers him his regular spear "for the time being"
>takes over the boy's spear, which does extra damage against demons, I think
>never get to trade back because he is forced to sell the boy into military slavery in the next town

And that's how my friend got a sweet new spear!

First of all, warn the parent of the kid he's babysitting.
Then this, let the cops deal with it.
Don't do this unless you want to meet Big Bubba.
Loli should not be a crime, that's retarded.
>kill his pets
Why kind of heartless asshole are you? The animals didn't do shit.
>brings politics into the discussion for no discernable reason
Kill yourself.

There's no way that's going to bite him in the ass later down the line.

Speak up. Tell both him and the parents "Hey, I think a loli obsession and babysitting a nine-year-old are a questionable-as-fuck combination. Think it over and make any necessary changes."

Don't listen to these people:
While it might get you street cred, in the eyes of the law those are some form of assault and arson which could land you in jail.

Honestly, the best idea would be to notify the police of your concerns and let them take it from there. You could also try informing the other player that their choice in baysitter may not be very good but actively trying to go after this person is most likely going to land you in more trouble than he unless he actually does something illegal.

Found the kiddy diddler.

Actually, the correct thing to do is to simply and diplomatically tell the father of the girl that you are unsure if he is really the right person for the babysitting, suggest he might want to make double sure if the girl is fine with him.

That is all you can or should do. Otherwise, you are very likely going to ruin someone's life nearly completely over a completely baseless accusation.

Coincidentally, what exactly is it about pedophilia that makes people go completely mental? Most of the people in this thread makes pedophilia seem like the smaller issue compared to their psychotic nature?

Most police forces won't do shit. Sometimes you have to take justice in to your own hands. Don't listen to this guy, OP. Everyone hates pedos and will be on your side.

This. Stop being edgy shits, being a vigilante isn't smart when there's a perceived 1% chance he isn't a pedo, which may actually be a lot higher of a chance.

If you think you can get anything out of it, a frank talk with the possible pedo in question might be good too. Making him realize he needs help and having him voluntarily stop babysitting the daughter would be the cleanest way to settle this.
Of course if he's already done something or is a good liar this won't work, but it's an option

>Otherwise, you are very likely going to ruin someone's life nearly completely over a completely baseless accusation.
If he has nothing to hide, he has nothing to fear, dumb leftist.

Tell the police user, incriminate him and ruin his life before anything bad happens.

This literally the only sensible post in this thread.
Tell the guy first, telling him that you know he has this kind of an issue and that he should really fucking thing twice before taking such a job, and perhaps tell the father that you have some misgiving about him being the right person to babysit - without actually straight up accusing him of being a pedo, of course.

That is literally the only right thing you can do.

That won't stop you from being tried and possibly convicted for assault, arson or possibly even murder.

So, what's your deal? Are you afraid to confront him or are you simply ok with your acquaintance being human trash?

Would you be able to forgive yourself if he hurt a kid although you could prevent it? Being 99% sure i would warn the parent of the kid he's babysitting and contact the police. Being 50% sure i would crack a joke about his attraction to little kids when in a group. Seemingly innocent joke that would make everyone wary around him.

Attached: Pnmeogy.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

>Any ideas what to do?
Nothing? faggots may have some strange fetishes, but they don't mix them with reality.
No idea why the fags in the thread are sperging out so much.

There have been cases where charges have been quashed. All OP has to do is find out if he posts on /a/ and that's incriminating enough.

Oh god I fucking hope someone accusses you of grave sexual misconduct in your life - even falsely. I think you'd quickly change your mind about that.

>forced to

Mincing words and skirting the issue won't do anybody any favours. Speak openly. bluntly and clearly, for the sake of everyone involved.

Dude's simultaneously getting off on artwork featuring fictional little girls and babysitting a little girl. I'm not saying anything definitely has happened or will happen, but everyone needs to be on the same page about the facts at hand. The facts are that this is questionable as shit.

In an ideal world, reputation damage would be instantly repaired as soon as you're proven innocent. In the real world, it sure as shit isn't.

>All OP has to do is find out if he posts on /a/ and that's incriminating enough.
So you're not taking this seriously

>No idea why the fags in the thread are sperging out so much.
I think this might be largely an american thing: Pedophilia is a sort of an outlet valve there: the one thing that you can do to justify any psychosis you have, and the one thing you can make yourself feel better about. It's the ultimate evil which makes you feel good about everything that is wrong with you, because no matter how fucking awful human being you are: all is forgiven and even welcomed as long as pedophilia is a concern. It has been this way for a very long time in the US - I think it's just a transformation of the same puritanists spasm that lead to their obsession with which hunts in the past.

>reputation damage
It's not like he's being accused without evidence. Loli shit is creepy as fuck. He's being judged and shamed because of his actions.

Imagine what life would be like if the justice system worked on the basis of being innocent until proven guilty.

You sound more like one of those Tumblrites who gets off to making false sexual assault claims

Reputation damage and the justice system are two different things.

/a/ has a history of actual pedos. That McWhatever the fuck, being a prominent example.

>completely baseless accusation
I was operating under the assumption that he had good proof that the guy was an actual pedo. If that's not true, then yeah, you're right.

It does tho. Unfortunately social media doesn't

oh look, achmed is trying to justify his rape gangs in vikingland/bongland

The only proof he has so far divulged is that he has loli paraphernalia and has expressed a presumably salacious interest in a fictional character made by OP who happens to be a child, neither of which currently constitute a crime

>implying OP has any proofs
>inb4 mu anime and hentai
How can this even qualify as pedophilia?
It feels like it's some sort of a fucking reedit post, where a faggot tries to get some upvotes from bleeding vaginas.

ITT: internet tough guys

First port of call is telling the parent, they can take the matter into their own hands. Informing them of what you know is sufficient action, you'd only need to get involved further if the parents didn't seem to care about it.

They may not be a crime, but they're totally relevant factors in deciding whether or not it's smart to have this dude babysit a little girl. If his interests aren't known to the parents in question, they should be.

Funnily, a lot of the pedo hunting groups that we have in the UK end up getting white guys in their 20s, 30s and 40s. The MO of different ethnicities is funny. White dudes operate solo and try to groom individual targets. South Asians/Arabs tend to set up rape gangs and prostitution rings. Asians and weebs fap to 2D CP.

It normalises CP and is not normal or justifiable in any context.

Forced recruitment. A high ranked military officer came into town, saying he needed men for his army, which by the rules of the land, he was allowed to take by force in an emergency. He got his figurative hands on my friend, who really didn't want to join an army (again), so he asked if his boy was okay - he did have some lessons in spear fighting, after all! The officer said a man is a man, so he took the crying boy with him.

Truth be told, it was a bit of a shitty move by the GM whom I suspect to not want to play a child NPC the entire time, but I think it can be rectified if the kid actually returns later on with some battle experience, either for revenge, to prove himself against his former "teacher", or to take back his father's spear.

>Mincing words and skirting the issue won't do anybody any favours.
Actually, unless you are 100% sure that both of them are really level-headed guys, no. Just look around how the cretins react in this thread. If the father has any similarly skewed views on the matter, he might freak out, and gain: ruining firendships, possibly reputations for good without any actual evidence that the poor sod has ever done anything wrong in his life.

>Dude's simultaneously getting off on artwork featuring fictional little girls and babysitting a little girl.
If you found a furry porn picture on someone's computer, would you assume he is going to rape a dog he has been entrusted to watch over? Loli porn does not mean you are pedo. Being a pedo does not mean you fondle kids. Jumping to conclusion that when somebody has a loli pic in his possession, he will rape a little girl is an insane stretch and not something you are justified to potentially ruin someones life over.

>similarly skewed views on the matter
Yes how dare he be repulsed by pedophilia.

>but they're totally relevant factors in deciding whether or not it's smart to have this dude babysit a little girl
well obviously he ought to inform the parents but it certainly doesn't justify going and beating him up or burning his house down

>It normalises CP
It doesn't. How many actual pedos were into that shit? Not a fucking lot.

OP is not even getting repulsed by pedophilia, he's sperging out because of anime and manga trash.

[Anonymous claimed this post was a joke.]

I'm not saying he has raped or will rape. I'm just saying the combination of his interests and babysitting are questionable, so the facts need to be laid out. Honesty is the best policy.

If the assumption that this dude MIGHT be a pedo rapist shouldn't factor into the decision, neither should the assumption that the dad MIGHT turn violent.

That's a pity. Would have been better if the kid could have been adopted by someone in the next town. Maybe raised by the town guard or something. The party could come back later and he would be able to give them all the inside gossip!

Did the slave boy come back and kill your friend?

>I'm just saying the combination of his interests and babysitting are questionable
The only thing that is wrong is abusing a child. Everything else is is a private matter of no concern to you. And while I do agree honesty is a good thing and if you want to feel like you did not run away from the whole thing, talking to both of them is a good idea: just fucking common sense, caution and respect have to be still upheld. And this is a situation where damage of a false accussation is actually MORE certain than the odds of child abuse, so you really should fucking chose your words carefully. And it's not about violence, just if the dad spreads the suspicion... that is already going to go very badly very soon.

>I'm just saying the combination of his interests and babysitting are questionable
I like how you completely ignored anons point about furry and dogs.
Why did you even make this thread? You already know what you're going to do and this doesn't belong on /tg/ in the first place.

Why does it seem like I've seen this thread before?

What concrete accusation is being made, then?

I'm suggesting that you get everyone involved together, and put out there that the babysitter has a keen interest in drawn porn featuring lolis. That's not accusing him of any crime. It's not even accusing him of being an actual pedo. It's just a relevant interest that deserves to be discussed and factored into the decision of whether this guy should babysit.

it's not really the same thing as with a furry, but to be honest, I also still wouldn't be comfortable with leaving a furry to babysit my pet
I most certainly would not be comfortable at all with letting a man who was into loli porn babysit my daughter

if OP doesn't want to do anything that serious, he should at least let the dad know that his babysitter is into loli, let the father make his decision from that at least, and the only reason anyone would be defensive about this is that they know that the father will have the appropriate reaction one would have to hearing that their daughter is being babysat by someone into loli porn

also not that user

>This dude I know googles "How to set fire to a house" and watches YT videos of burning houses every other day
>Should I let this guy housesit while I go on vacation?

Furries are usually more like adults wearing horse masks than anything else. They're not even close to looking like animals. And as far as evils go, they barely register on Slaanesh's list of degeneracy compared to pedos.

You've probably spend more than an hour on /a/. /a/ pedos often make threads like this pretending to be someone else.

>he should at least let the dad know that his babysitter is into loli
This makes it sounds sneaky as shit. Don't talk about the guy behind his back. Lay out what you know with him present, so he gets a fair shake at a response.


Yeah, that would have been sweet, but i doubt we are ever going to set a foot in that town anyway.

Not yet. And it was technically not slavery. But we'll see what the future holds.

I'm not saying do it behind his back, have a group meeting ffs with the father and the lolicon, just fucking make sure the dad knows

Check your local state law. Lolicon could be illegal anyway and he should be in prison for it already