What would Hitler think of memes ?.
What would Hitler think of memes ?
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He'd probably use them for propaganda n shiet.
He would shoot himself in the head a second time
He'd be proud of us, but also kind of disgusted
That made me giggle
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
If hitler had Jow Forums he would have won the war.
>baby reaction faces
Go back to facebook
>Muh faceberg
Got it from Jow Forums dipshit, get the fuck over yourself. Never had faceberg
The dude is literally a meme.
He had the most memeable reign in history.
We can see the sad condition of the Western Male manifest itself by his use of cartoon imagery to convey and communicate political and philosophical ideas. He is stuck in a perpetual child-like state, unable to escape. Big Government has programmed him through cartoon-comedy series such as The Simpsons, Rick and Morty, and South Park which he will consume well into his adult years. The success of these series and its programming is through easily obtainable, shallow, humorous stimuli. This results in a positive feedback loop which reinforces itself, such that the Western Male is continually dependent on Big Government to take care of him. This phenomenon further reveals itself in other facets of life as well, such as bubbly modern vehicular design and clothing styles of bright colors, loose fit clothing and sneakers. We can conclude from this that it is wholly unlikely to see Western Civilization return to a mature state, but rather a further regress into childish principles, with each passing generation comprising of children governing other children.
>Got it from Jow Forums dipshit
You probably got it from a another facebook tier cuck that posted on here and even if you got from someone else you yourself decided to repost it. It's cancer and so are you now go away and watch some cat videos on youtube or something this place is not for you.
Who cares he died like a coward hidden in a hole committing suicide instead of taking as many of them with him as he could.
I don't know about Hitler but Goebbels would be on Jow Forums, for sure
Jow Forums opened my eyes to the JQ.
I think He would approve.
Gaddafi was fucked in the ass with a knife. Can you blame him?
Yeah nah you can fuck off.
>Muh cat vids
>Muh faceberg
Solid "insults"
I blame the yids
His character and all the dank memes about him would make him approve.
I heard uncle-adolf was a quite memester himself back in the day.
Dropping some dank memes with his boyz 'n' reich.
Yeah check out this hip meme from uncle Adolph himself
The body was burned that photograph is fake.
Ether that or he truly escaped to Argentina but we would have found out by now.
His body was burned to ash just like his Reich
Just like Dresden
What are your political beliefs ?.
Just like Munich.
Just like Hull.
Just like hull
i mean.....the Reich had a quick death' our countries are having a slow and painful death for siding with the Jews.
gott strafe
Sooo, we're the SS?
> seething schlomo
God I hate that Richard Spencer fag
You see kids, how the retard swallows what shouldn't be bait, as if it were? We call this one the "Double Nigger" as this properly expresses both his condition of being and it's multiplicative severity.
He already did .
There's no difference between symbolism and memes both work the visual response
Nah pretty comfy desu the right gentiles won user
I guess you could counter with pictures of the holocaust but oh wait you all think thats a Jewish psyop anyway. Hey maybe they got the footage of all those dead bodies from German POWs starved in gulags then used as propaganda! Wouldn’t that be the BEST!
He'd probably think internet trolls were inferior and discussing memes would mean getting gassed