>only one of my friends who has never had a gf
>only one of my friends who is a virgin
fucking why?
>only one of my friends who has never had a gf
>only one of my friends who is a virgin
fucking why?
Because you have never asked a girl out or tried dating sites?
why bother asking out girls when it’s obvious from their body language that they will say no?
>Why bother doing things that could get me a gf
>A gf has to magically appear in front of me
girls need to actually be attracted to you in order for asking them out to be worth it
i speak to girls all the time. i have female friends. none of them show any interest in me as anything more than a friend. it’s as if i am friendzoned within 5 seconds of meeting a girl. what’s the point in asking out people who i already know will reject me?
when i go to parties and clubs with friends, my guy friends naturally gravitate towards girls and have chemistry. this doesn’t happen for me. it’s as if girls don’t even see me as a viable option
Your friends are probably lying about those things, like "oh I have a GF at another school" or "dude I lost my virginity to twin cheeleaders while I was on vacation"
no. i literally physically see my friends either with their gfs, or making out with girls at parties/clubs
i don’t know who you think i am but i do not think that post is referring to me
It does.
The difference between you and your friends is they have dared to fail in the past, and learned from it. You're still at square zero because rejection scares you shitless.
The road to success is paved with failures.
every girl i meet friendzones me within seconds. i am not viewed as a sexual option. girls do not flirt with me, do not compliment me, do not even hug me as a greeting. every signal they give me screams “i do not view you as a potential partner”
you want me to sacrifice myself like some kind of martyr by asking out girls who show zero interest in me. how does that make sense?
Or maybe that's just all in your head and you should just give it a shot anyway?
>every girl i meet friendzones me within seconds.
How do you know?
>i am not viewed as a sexual option.
Do you present yourself as a sexual option? And I don't mean in the creepy way. Do you present as a
>girls do not flirt with me
Do you flirt with them?
>do not compliment me
Do you compliment them?
>do not even hug me as a greeting
That's actually good. Hugging as a greeting is friendzone-tier.
maybe. but all evidence points to the conclusion that women simply do not find me attractive
girls just treat me as a friend. no flirting, none of that chemistry that i always see when a guy friend of mine talks with a girl at a party.
i don’t flirt with girls because i have no confidence. i don’t believe that they would take it well, in fact i strongly believe they would be repulsed if i tried to present as a sexual option. if a girl flirted with me first, it would solve this issue because i would know she wanted me too
Women don't find you attractive because you don't find you attractive. This is your problem and nothing else.
>all evidence points to the conclusion that women simply do not find me attractive
What evidence? You're a youngster with literally 0 experience in the matter, how would you know how to pick up cues?
i do find myself attractive. i just don’t think i’m sexually appealing.
im decent looking, I’m well dressed. i just think I have the appearance of a “cute looking young guy” rather than “someone who is fuckable”
look, if girls were attracted to me, why would they treat me like they do? why would they act so nonchalant and uninterested around me?
OP, did you make this thread to receive advice or are you just trying to reinforce your own beliefs about not being good enough?
Obviously we can't judge your looks because we have no picture of you. But it seems to me like your confidence is so low, you don't even bother trying to flirt with women and get the ball rolling. So no shit you aren't getting any.
Start working on improving yourself. Start lifting, start practicing talking to girls and flirting with them, ask girls out, improve your style/haircut, take risks and embrace rejection.
Do whatever you need to do to become a more attractive and more confident version of yourself and you will see results sooner or later. Whining about not being attractive enough won't fix it.
I give up. Just refer to and let me know when you want some actual advice instead of a pat on the back.
the problem is already did all the usual self improvement hoohah. i dress stylishly. im in shape. i have a nice haircut. i did all of that and still don’t get attention from women
the only way i see my confidence improving is if a girl shows clear and obvious sexual interest in me. that’s the only way. i can’t view myself as a man capable of having sex or dating, so i need a woman to allow me to view myself in that way
you’re not even giving proper advice, all you’re saying is
>ask out girls who aren’t interested (forced rejection basically)
>be confident
you haven’t told me how to improve my sense of self worth. you haven’t disproved my claims that i am a uniquely undesirable male. you haven’t told me what i can do to feel like someone who is worthy of sex
Because you are your only friend
>I am a uniquely undesirable male
This is literally the kind of bullshit attitude that points out.
You want to believe that you are uniquely and inherently undesirable, because then you wouldn't have to change anything.
And you know what, that attitude right there makes you undesirable as fuck. Not uniquely so, but yeah.
i need help. my lack of success with women has ruined my life. I NEED validation from women. I NEED a girl to tell me I’m attractive
i know it’s bad. but i NEED it. i need compliments. i need sexual attention. but i get none of it
Because you actively avoid them.
what would you suggest i do then?
and please do not say “ask out girls who aren’t interested”. because i really do not see how that helps
guess no one has any advice for me
genuinely don’t know what to do. it’s hopeless
You want to be an expert guitar player but refuse to touch a guitar.
no, its more like i want to be an expert guitar player but every time i see a guitar it snarls at me and runs away
Then chase it you goddamn coward.
No, it's more like you don't ever try approaching a guitar because you think it will grow legs and run away from you.
Well m8 keep on trying keep on improvement. If you don't stand again you will fail at life.
If you want to stay inferior just don't try anymore. But don't whine.
I wish men like you would just get a disease and cut your penises out. You don't deserve to be human if you don't always keep trying. You weren't tortured or have PTSD or depression you are simply a whiny little bitch who comes to Jow Forums when bored.
What a waste of a human being.
>i don’t flirt with girls because i have no confidence. i don’t believe that they would take it well, in fact i strongly believe they would be repulsed if i tried to present as a sexual option.
>i just think I have the appearance of a “cute looking young guy” rather than “someone who is fuckable”
You're the cause of the lack of sexuality user.
It's your job as the man to escalate and make it sexual. Don't be afraid of your balls, and make sure she knows you have them.
If YOU set the standard that you're the platonic friend-guy, that's how woman will treat you.
If you set the standard that you're the sexual-man, woman will treat you as such.
The ball is in your court user, you choose what the interaction will be about.
You'll never get it because of this.
It's like a desperate salesman who needs sales. No one wants to buy from that desperate loser.
how do i present myself sexually? can’t exactly start talking about vaginas in mid conversation
yeah well if you were a salesman who advertised his wares for years and no one bought them you’d wanna quit too
i will always keep trying. I just am sad i never see success
why chase something that doesn’t want me? i want girls to actively desire me
Bullshit I know plenty of guys who have the dumbest, ugliest face but can pickup girls no problem. It's literally only about how you act. How you hold yourself.
I never got laid until I started taking chances. Got rejected a few times but guess what, you learn from failure. Just don't get fucking pissy if they say no. Just accept it, act like a decent human being and move on.
>i will always keep trying
Throughout this thread you have done nothing but say how you will never try.
>have a friend who's less attractive, more boring, and about way shorter than me
>he's had girlfriends before and I haven't
>know full well it's my fault
>instead of trying to fix it I just sit around and hate myself like OP
Why am I such a FUCKING WASTE
Worst part was back in high school a girl asked me out but I was too scared to answer and walked away
i never said it was my looks. it’s obviously my personality. my aura repulses women sexually. what can i do about that?
i will TRY but i am not keen on humiliating myself by making unwanted advances on women who aren’t interested? why is that hard to understand? why is your advice to me just “make yourself get rejected”
Everyone gets rejected. If you can't take what other men all do, you don't deserve to call yourself a man.
You're one of those black hole types who always shows how something won't work, finds excuses to not do things, and constantly says "can't be done" "impossible" "doesn't work," aren't ya?
Those kinds are a pain in the ass to give advice to, and a drain to be around in general.
Find your internal motivation, get a grateful and positive outlook on life, and build up your self-esteem.
Look up youtube videos of PUAs teaching how to sexually escalate.
By "always keep trying" he means he will always stay the same.
OP you didn't try enough but you have deeper issues.
>You are patronizing vagina and females.
This isn't good for the people around you. You will only grow into a bitter incel this way. And the path of the incel is a dark ugly path.
>Do you lift? Work hard? Have good grades? Put in effort? Eat well? Sleep well? Read books? Enrich your hobbies?
If you don't then you are doing it wrong.
>are you constantly and actively trying to go out with women? If you put value in relationships first your relationships will never be wholesome just shallow. You are the one that matters first (this doesn't mean women are whores or sluts, it just mwans you don't have to put others on pedestals)
The most important thing before a relationship is that you have to come to terms with yourself first
>I don't flirt with girls because I have no confidence.
There, you found your problem. Now fix it. Get more confidence. How, you ask? Get a therapist. Get help. You can actual do things to improve instead of just complaining on the internet.
ive had therapy since the age of 12 and am now 22. where’s my confidence?
the problem is i am generally speaking confident (like socially) but have zero sexual confidence. you can’t get therapy for a lack of sexual confidence
don’t belittle me. of course i take care of myself in all the ways you mention. just cause im a virgin doesn’t mean im incompetent
i just want someone to tell me HOW to make women attracted to me. no one will tell me
how is that my fault? i can’t control my feelings. no one can
All the other men can control their feelings just fine. Why can't you?
they can control how they display their feelings. no one can control the raw way that they feel inside
They manage rejections just fine. Why can't you?
because ive had no success. a rejection isn’t inconsequential. it’s yet another failure in a lifetime of failures
also rejection is literally someone saying “i don’t find you attractive”. that hurts
you're placing emphasis on the "you" instead of the "I"
stop thinking about it as
>I don't find YOU attractive
start thinking about it as
>/I/ don't find you attractive
Dodging the question. Why are you such a special snowflake that you can't handle rejections when everyone else can?
there is no real difference. it’s still someone saying that, in their eyes, i am unattractive. how am i supposed to be okay with that?
because i am needy and require validation from women. i need women to love me
How else do you greet a girl? I've been hugging all my dates so far. A handshake is for men and just saying hi seems autistic.