Checkmate Round Earth Tards

Round earth is the psyop.

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Waaaaah waaaah mooooooommmmmm i m-m-made this threaaaaaaaaad agaiiiiiiinnnnn!!!!


If Earth was a globe air travel west-east around the equator would be markedly faster than the same route going east-west.

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Pilots do. They curve their flight path because the earth is spinning at the same time they are flying. So if a pilot were to fly straight from LA to New York, they'd end up somewhere like Florida. And no one wants to be in Florida. Not even Flordians.

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Wouldent gravity pull you down automatically or does that not exist now?

Earth is spinning at 1000 mph and planes fly at 180mph so a plane in the sky would never reach its destination if it travels the same way the earth is spinning. But if the plane flys the other way the earth is spinning then someone could get from NY to LA in about 10 minutes.

why does the moon have phases in a flat earth scenario

The atmosphere and all it contains also spins with the earth.

>flat weather using logic

Explain how day and night happen on earth at the same time if it’s flat

Explain how seasons work on flat earth

Explain why every other planet is round

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Pilot here, elevator is trimmed 90% of the time as to maintain level attitude. Which just means the plane just stays going straight.

plane is also affected by Earth's spin, which means we're spinning away from our destination while our destination is spinning towards us. Plus jet streams can increase or slow a plane by 80 to 100 mph. Jet streams are currents of air that flow either to the west in the northern hemisphere or to the east in the southern hemisphere. They are also a sign of a globe earth.

That is the biggest crock of pseudo science shit I have ever read.

Well I guess that debunks the faggot who said they curve here Round Earth fags just making shit up now to try and troll us. I bet the pilots are in on it.

Pilots above 18000 feet maintain a selected altitude (height above the datum) by setting the altimeter to standard atmospheric pressure. As the aircraft climbs air pressure falls and the indication on the altimeter, set to standard pressure, increases. The pilot controls the aircraft to maintain this pressure altitude. As such, the aircraft maintains the desired height above the datum.

Of course, logically, some forward yoke pressure would be required to maintain a given pressure altitude over a curved surface.

The earth curves 8 inches per mile.

Assuming a flight at 30000 ft, a radius of the Earth of 3959 miles, and a ground speed of 500 mph, to follow the curviture of the earth and maintain a constant pressure altitude (essentially a constant height above mean seal level) the aircraft would have to "nose over" about 330 feet per hour, or 5.5 feet per minute. This is an almost imperceptible control input.

Even if it were true that the aircraft had to nose over 1000 feet in an hour (which it isn't), that would be 16 ft per minute.

Pilots would not even notice this minute change over the course of a minute.

When hand flying, 10 to 20 foot deviations from the selected indicated altitude are common brackets in straight and level flight unless the air is undisturbed in which case the deviations are smaller and less frequent.

The pilot bugs a desired altitude and controls the aircraft to keep the actual aircraft altitude and the bugged altitude lined up. This takes constant control inputs, both up and down unless in smooth air. Even in smooth air occasionally re-trimming the aircraft is necessary.

This thread is a psyop you fucking fellow white male


Wind is traveling too. Plus air currents exist. You fell for the flaw that many autists fall for which is forgetting the details. You don't leave earth and immeditly fly in sterile vacuum. You are still effected by forces so no you can't get there in ten minutes. Just like all the kikes killed in the holocaust weren't burned to ash. Autists forget about starvations, diseases, bombings. So the constant burning infernos autists cling to as proof doesn't fit in reality either. Though it is fact in the argument for the holocaust a damn kike historian admited they fudged the numbers for more sympathy.

Obviously a giant mouse nibbles on the moon and the cheese the moon is made from grows back in cycles.

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This is actually why they launch rockets as close to the equator as possible and the rockets always go towards the east. They are taking advantage of the rotational velocity the earth naturally provides.

Oh my fucking sage...

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Not one flat earth tard has even attempted to answer these questions

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