Fired like a DOG

Is fired like a dog even a saying? I'm beginning to worry he's stupid

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I laugh at your attempt at 'resist', like a dog.

Quit posting like a dog, when we all know you're a faggot.

Dogs don't laugh do they?

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It is now.

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You're mad as a cactus right now

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"working like a dog" and failing, "fired like a dog"

Creating new idioms that can co exist within the universe of established idioms is indeed a high IQ activity.

What's the problem?

>tfw you thought it was all 4D chess but turns out Trump is just a retard

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>trump is 6'3"
dam jesus is a big guy

yes it is, i used to cremate dogs when i was a kid.
you know what frozen dead dogs and cremtoriums, and soups and icecubes have in common?

they both pop when u throw them in!

and you wonder why there are no pets in the white house.

U. Penn. Professor William T. Kelley said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”

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you can appreciate an impressionist painting hanging up a wall but you fag out over impressionist tweets or speech? whats your problem?

fired like a dog in a Chinese wok.

>firing a dog
aussie aussie aussie

oi oi oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

He meant dog as in mutt

He literally thinks you can fire a dog.

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You left leaning faggots sure is hysterical right now, aren't you?

>Yeah, you got spirit, kid. I'll give you that. More than your old man, anyway.
>In the joint, Chill told me, uh, told me about the night he fired your parents.
>He said Glenn Beck begged for mercy. Begged. Like a dog.

For you

>I'm beginning to worry he's stupid
Let's be honest here. You've been trying to convince people he's stupid for the better part of 3 years now.

Nice contemporary and topically relevant picture OP you walrus wang.

>You left leaning faggots sure are hysterical right now, aren't you?

Ftfy Bing bong, replace is with are when referring to groups of people, numbering more than one as indicated by the s you included at the end of faggot.


The rights attempt to meme is getting weak....

Damn. That's a hot meme you got cookin there. Mind if I take a *sip*

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