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Is this what 400AD Rome felt like

Just about to post a thread about this.

Attached: fuckkikes.png (568x522, 47K)

It seems like I can't go a single day without my firefox news feed showcasing some leftist propaganda piece, or Chinese-sponsored public opinion peace. What the fuck happened to Firefox?

how is a drop in population of any concern other than economic?

yeah, i saw some article the other day on the homepage about abe wanting to allow in more foreign labor. seems like they're going after japan more recently

even based nobita has been getting more shit lately

Jow Forums says demographic replacement is about race and the Jews getting rid of whites. It's not. It's purely economics. If you don't have babies, there won't be another generation to take on debt and keep the economy chugging along indefinitely. White Americans aren't having babies. Black Americans abort their babies. Asian Americans aren't having babies. It's necessary to import people to replace the lost debt income.

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Mozilla is based in downtown San Francisco. Their offices are literally on the water front, hipster yuppie central.

>white american aren't having babies
I wonder (((why)))

You're half right. Black people and other low iq people are easier to sell to, susceptible to marketing and advertising that focusing on images of buying status. They are better consumers. Also whites are already tapped out when it comes to debt. Immigrants have not debt. Etc.

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Don't give a shit about the USD or the debt. Our people are resourceful and will figure it out.

>It's not. It's purely economics
I used to be in that school of thought. But it's really just a fallback when people start questioning the diversity bullshit.
The biggest immigration groups the west gets today are massive economic sinkholes. If it was all economics, we'd be getting more Pajeets and less Pacos.
Europe would get more Chang and less Sambo.
Sweden had replacement rates and still got swamped. Poland had lower birth rates than Sweden with very little immigration, and a better economic growth.
The evidence isn't there, it's just an excuse.

Jewish malevolence does seem absurd when you're educated with the idea that it's absurd.
But the evidence is overwhelming.

Attached: US race and economics2.png (1233x1809, 1.23M)

>It's necessary to import people to replace the lost debt income.
Nobody expects to ever pay that back.
Certainly not with Mexican migrants.

But needing fresh blood for the Ponzi scheme does give a good excuse for opening the gates.

Attached: Welfare by immigrants.jpg (1240x1142, 183K)

Gee, Shlomo. What could possibly be suppressing births in the West? Oh, I know:

Attached: Stop Having Children Goy.jpg (728x545, 105K)

>the lost debt income.
I love how in situations like these, if it comes between the banksters taking a financial hit or the common people, it's the common people that are threatened with a finacial hit


that is incredibly unstable as a system and will inevitable collapse



Attached: oy gevalt.jpg (900x881, 156K)

Without people dept is gone at the same time.
No people no liabilities.

Where did your pic come from? Spooky.

Bullshit. Aging population only is a problem because of the Ponzi scheme that social security is. Privatize it and the problem is 100% solved.

Mozilla brags about donating to progressives on their Firefox page.

>We NEED the Germans to do the work Romans won't do!

Wrong. They deliberately try to get whites to not have children. There's also the countless other attacks on whites in every aspect of society. It's entirely about race.

>underlining half the fucking picture

>hand wringing

Yes, probably exactly.

>doesnt actually read the fucking article

The article and others like it are about how America wont be able to keep up with replacement levels of fertility, nothing about race demographics. Also ifstudies.org/blog/baby-bust-fertility-is-declining-the-most-among-minority-women