How do I lose weight in a few weeks?

Hi, guys. I was wondering if any of you knew how to lose a very big amount of weight in a few weeks.

>113 kg
>1.83 cm

Pic unrelated.

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stop eating, literally. just fast for a few days and have something to eat. repeat.

Energy in vs energy out
It's really simple.
Fasting works, tards just always start overeating afterwards.

Is really that simple?

I‘d not.

This is the only thing that will ever help you to stop overeating:

If you‘re hard set on losing weight fast, follow those tipps from a pro anorexia site:

pic related.

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Yes, how could it work in any other way? Where would the energy come from?
Every heavy/fat person works hard every day to keep being fat, no matter what they say or think themselves.

But I don't want to be fat, it's just that I can't control myself...

>I can't control myself
I know it's hard bro. You need to eat much less daily. And the things you eat need to have much less sugar and fat. Dieting does not work, you'll have to keep new eating habits up for the rest of your life.
Small portions, no snacking inbetween meals, oats for breakfast.
You should be hungry after every meal. Learn to be hungry.

If you are really desperate liposuction is a thing, but I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.

Other than that there aren't really many shortcuts. Work out as much as humanly possible without injuring yourself, both weight lifting and cardio. Count calories and plan your diet. Low carbs (no sugar, some fiber preferably), low fats, lots of protein while making sure you hit your micronutrients needs (you can take multivitamins to help with that). Eggs, green vegetables, fish, chicken, beans, whole grain, maybe nuts and cheese if you have some more calories to add. Depending on how much you exercise you should be eating 1k-1.5k calories a day for maximum weight loss. Eating less than that might lead to problems. You can also look into diets like keto, heard it made wonders for some people, I never tried it though. Also you should eat at the same hours every day.

You can also try fasting (either not eating at all for some time or eating only between certain hours). If you do the "don't eat at all" thingy only do it for a couple of days or so. I'm assuming you never did it before and it's not a good idea to try to go for a long period of time the first time you try it. And be sure to drink a lot of water and get enough sleep. You know, the usual.

Anyways, significant weight loss takes longer than a few weeks. If you're actually committed to it you should plan for longer term. The things I recommended here are pretty extreme and it takes a good deal of self control to pull them off, at least for someone who's not used to it. But the simple gist of it really is energy in/energy out. If you eat less calories than you burn every day you WILL lose weight. Of course, the issue here is that figuring out exactly how many calories you burn every day and how many you consume is not very easy. Even the labels on the food you buy are just approximations.

Why do you want to lose a lot of weight in the next few weeks, specifically, anyways?

My boyfriend was heavily overweight, he fasted for 60 days.

Eating disorders are where you‘re heading towards anyways, so why unnecessarily prolong your journey?

But seriously, don‘t go that route. It works. It works very well. But it is NOT worth it. Take this advice from someone battling eating disorders for 20 years.

Read up on that first link i posted. It‘s really the only sane way to go. I promise you‘ll be fine and you‘ll also lose the weight that‘s too much. Maybe not in 3 weeks but it will last.

I will try that, user. Thank you.

I guess I could try fasting, but I don't know... there's an actual risk of dying if I fast?

I want to lose weight in the next few weeks because I hate my body and I want to change as soon as possible, or impossible. I'll try anything now, really.
I don't know, I just can't look at myself in the mirror anymore... I'm fucking disgusting.

It's tough user. You will fuck up and eat to much shit at some point. Don't let that deter you. Just keep at it.

You won‘t die.
That takes a LOT.
What will happen is that your body goes into starvation mode (your body doesn‘t know that you‘re just trying to lose some weight for a special occasion. It thinks there‘s a famine, so it slows down your metabolism to preserve energy. It will also do EVERYTHING to get you to seek out food. And it will definitely make you overeat in the future to prepare you for the next „famine“.)

I will.
So, it's not going to work out?

Fasting can be hard. Just start eating less.

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Sure it will work. You will drop weight like crazy. But it won‘t just be fat. It will also be muscle mass (which will lead to a decreased energy need after the fast) and water. The water will be back as soon as you start eating again. The fat will also be there again pretty fast. Chances are huge that it will be even more than what you‘ve lost due to your body preparing for deprivation.

I guess that's the only way...

conversely, does anyone know how to gain weight?

i'm also a dude, but i weigh 55kgs at 1.78m

i don't starve myself or anything, i eat but nothing sticks to me

Do you ever feel hungry?
How have you been esting as a kid?

I wouldn't have thought it was either.
I weighed 105 at the end of june, and now I am at 93.
I didn't stop eating all together because I am a pussy, so I eat a normal lunch every day as my only meal.
It gives me enough energy to function at work, but also allows me to loose a lot of weight.
If the urge to eat comes in the evening, just go for a walk, do some cardio or whatever you need to do to either distract yourself or to exhaust yourself so you can't find the energy to even make dinner.
I have been trying to "eat healthy" for years and nothing have worked like this.
But it is important you also cut out any calories from what you drink as a single beer can negate a whole days "work".

>I hate my body and I want to change as soon as possible
That may be so, but you have to keep in mind that this thing takes time. You won't see immediate results. Don't get discouraged when you're a few months in and don't look like a model yet.

So, how long have you beenable to keep tjat weight off without having to be l a diet for the rest of your life?

>having to be l a diet for the rest of your life?
The way you overweight people are eating is not normal. You can never return to that diet, og stay non-fat.

I understand, I'll try it out (?)
I don't want to look like a model, I want to just look normal.

of course i feel hungry but whenever i do, i eat. simple as that
used to be a little pickier with my food when i was a kid but i didn't ever skip meals

There goes your hailed „calories in vs calories out“ concept

Why do you want to gain weight?
Do you restrict your eating in any way (because you think some stuff is unhealthy gor example)?

I was skinny when I was young too.
I had a physical job, so I was constantly moving + a good metabolism.
I could eat two cakes by myself without gaining weight.
Then I switched career to where I sat down at work + I worked 10-14 hours per day so I didn't have time for moving much.
I ate healthy most of the time, but that just maintained my weight and everything unhealthy stuck to my belly.
I looked like a pregnant lady.

I don't know yet.
My goal right now is to get to a normal weight and then maintain that.
A weekend where I go out and drink with my friends I will usually put on 2-3kg, so it is a long battle to get down to where 3 kg does not make me fat.
The exact formula for when I get there should be easy to figure out.
Right now, I would expect that I would end with OMAD on a number of days and then eat the meals I want the other days.
I really love to cook, so giving up dinner is not an easy thing for me.
Everything social involves food or drinks too, so I don't want to cut myself out of that.

You won't lose a very big amount of weight in a few weeks. And you don't want to because it would cause hardly fixable skin problems.

Fastest ways to lose weight would be :

-Doing High-intensity interval training (and NEVER any type of long cardio thing like footing)
-Eating less, but more importantly eating healthier food and eating it at the right time. Try some low carb no sugar diet.
-Taking cold showers/cold baths
-Sleeping correctly

Eat more. You might feel like you eat enough but you don't. Download the smartphone app myfitnesspal and try to set a goal of 3500/4000 calories per day (eating healthy food).

because i'm a skinny prick. and i don't really like it, i don't want to be a fat fuck either, but i want to be able to take my shirt off at the beach or outside without looking like that eugenia cooney bitch.
and no, i don't restrict anything. i eat whatever i like, whenever i like

i've been told this before, but for me a serving isn't usually very big, i get full easily and it's hard for me to eat forcefully.

Eating 200kcal spread out over the day is pretty normal, but it will just maintain your weight.
Fat people get more exhausted doing the same tasks, so they naturally sit more and it just spirals out of control for some people.
When I visit my parents, my father and I eat similar portions of every meal, but he is skinny and I am obese.

Work out more.
Eat pasta with pesto after a workout.
You will get there.

One of the tricks with calories in/out, is that you cannot really turn up the calories out that much. Training and such will give you much greater hunger, and your calorie use will never become super high. It's easy (for fat people) to eat +6000 kcal. But training so much that your body use that amount, is very hard, and not something a lardass can do.

I‘m talking about maintainance. That means they have successfully lost weight and are now at a normal weight level.

>i get full easily and it's hard for me to eat forcefully.

Yeah, it's difficult for everyone. You don't get stuff done without any effort.

Adjust the calories in this calculator until you get the timeframe of weightloss that you need

Yes, losing weight is "as easy" as just eating less. But it's hard because your body really really wants you to eat and will scream at you for avoiding it. I personally recommend keto (high fat, low carb) if you're planning on doing anything drastic because, personally, it destroyed my hunger cravings and made it all that easier to restrict.
Though I was using keto originally to stop my binge eating, so I wasn't restricting a whole lot. But once that anorexic voice started drawing me in, I fell back into restricting and lost enough weight to hit my lowest weight again.

I'd suppose I'd recommend the opposite for you: lots of carbs. I also recommend that you actually track your calorie intake. I'd bet you anything that you're eating less than you think you are.