Live in a country where they don't circumcise babies on mass

>Live in a country where they don't circumcise babies on mass
>still have natural uncut cock with full feeling and sensations

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dammit, wait outside of french canada isn't the circ rate similar to america?

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ok just rechecked, almost a half less, at least the rates are dropping globally and the future shall be safe, at least foregen is becoming a thing


tfw Canada is unironically less cucked than the states, despite Jihadi Justin

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>on mass

post the supermarket prices cacuck

A broken clock's still right twice a day.

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indeed I am with the leaf, circumcision is terrible, especially when done upon an infant

I had a boy a few years ago in my province(Alberta) and the doctor said that our provincial healthcare has stopped covering the procedure. He said we could pay for it if we wanted "but there is really no point or benefit so don't bother"

I was really confused when I first found out when I was 18 or so that Americans like to cut parts of their dick off. But I guess you have to appease your greatest ally.

if only American doctors were more like that when I was born, which despite me being a zoomer, went like, "hey parent do it, do it, c'mon do it, c'mon lemme snip your sons penis"

>live in francophone country
>malaprop "en masse" as "on mass"
trailer park boys' Ricky / 10

I was disturbed when I found out what it was, what prompted me to do research and redpill myself was a joke one of my friends made about circumcision, I was confused, and that started my journey to truth

Nope, in Alberta here, my brother and cousins are all uncut.

>I am though. :'(

I realised burger dicks were different when I watched American pie and they needed some cream to jerk off.

What a sad, dry-dicked life...

why? Are you a zoomer, because recent (1990s-forwards) pediatric statements in canada were against RIC

>mfw i had to scroll down past 6 posts to this one
nu/pol/ is fucked

Canadian foreskins CAD $89.99/0.5 kg

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intact dicks don't chaff nor do they need lube right?

nu/pol/ needs its own board

Albertan. Me 2

lol cripplecock

Nah the foreskin glides back and forth with your hand

>be me
>be mutt
>foreskin is just a flap of skin

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I'm happy for you.

I was born in the late 80s in the Southeast U.S. so my fate was pretty much sealed from that alone.

But I guess whoever cut me was feeling just a bit generous that day because I only had a bit of mine cut off. When I'm flaccid like 80-90% of my glans is covered.

Not all cut penises need it either. I have enough foreskin left that I can glide it up and down the same way intact guys can. Not once have I ever used any kind of lube.

ah seems more like the older jewish circumcision, where only a portion of the foreskin was cut off (still morally detestable), but at least your head is covered, but for many, it is a full circumcision where the entire foreskin is removed

Why did they partially circumcise you though, they might as well just have left you alone

Only buddy who's gotten cut had his dick trimmed because of a medical condition. Must have been pretty bad too because they took a nut too.
Poor fucker didn't know dudes had two balls until he was 14

was all that necessary, or was there another way around it, cause the only way I can see all that being necessary was if he was severely burned. A male in the us for example had to be circumcised due to a note 7 catching fire IN HIS PANTS

I don't know why they did. I guess because it was the norm. I'm pretty sure in this part of the U.S. during the time when I was born circumcision rates were among the highest on the planet. it was just something that was done.

But what's done is done. At least I have enough left to be of some benefit to me. I"m glad I wasn't cut a second time. I think that shows that my mother was probably pressured into getting me cut. If she just wanted me to be cut she could've easily had me taken back to "finish the job" since I'm sure I could've been mistaken as being intact as an infant with so much foreskin left but she didn't.

I am an early zoomer, and though rates dropped during the period when i was born (late 90s, early 2000s) the bullshit "medical" benefits were still circulating, a majority of males like me were fully circumcised (ie no skin over the head) Nevertheless, I know it wasn't my parents fault, but the doctors, and I have hope in, not sure if you need foregen, as you have a foreskin that also functions quite normally, so it would still be a hassle to remove it and replace it, foregen is mainly intended for those who have completely lost their foreskin, but if they hopefully succeed, they do plan on making a separate therapy for regenerating parts of the foreskin

Is the anti circumcision thing pretty universal now? I'm from Alberta, born in the mid 80s, and I and pretty much all the dudes I grew up with are cut, I figured it was the norm here (I grew up in a mormon area though, maybe that's the difference)

I've been of the opinion that my kid's dick should look like mine, but maybe I'm wrong (no kids yet)

I'm content with how I am. Sure I'm not the same as someone that is 100% intact but honestly I'm not worried about it.

Hopefully Foregen is successful for you and all other men that had most or all of their foreskin removed.

though it started in the 80s in America, it didn't get a lot of traction till 2010

and I highly reccomend not circumcising your kid's dick, bodily autonomy matters much more than conformity, if he wants to when he is older, preferably 18, let him choose for himself.

Don't have any of your children cut.

Think about it. Pretty much everyone agrees that it's wrong to have a newborn female circumcised. In fact it's illegal in the U.S. Why is cutting a baby boy different?

Also think about it like this. If you don't have your sons cut, when they grow up if for whatever reason they want to be cut they have an option. But if they are cut at birth and then grow up to not be ok with that they have no choice but to come to terms with it. They may even come to resent you and decide to end their relationship with you. Not saying they will but it's definitely a possibility.

And I just want to say that I'm not trying to make you feel bad about being cut. Just saying that your children should be able to make the choice about what is done to their bodies.

Thanks anons. Good points. I'll seriously consider not doing it

semitic genital mutilation on male newborn goy chattel has really fallen off the map in Canada. if you're worried about your son(s) being different from other boys you shouldn't be because chances are other males won't be cut either in this day and age. if you really want his dick to look like yours.. why?

kek it took me so long to realise that shit, i remember trying it once was so confused by how/why anyone would do that shit

I think we redpilled him on it

Ahh that's just cause Canadians are Lazy, get rid of the turtleneck, and you get poutine cheese under the hood.

or wash your dick if you aren't a dumb abbo

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i know, you and the other user did a fine job. his solely cosmetic reasoning still left me scratching my head.

the cutting culture is common (yet declining) in America and to a lesser extent Canada

en masse, faggot

uncut fag checking in
i got phimosis but at least i aint a kike puppet

did you treat it with other methods besides circumcision, or was it that severe kind

Same reason why I won't racemix, I want my kids to look like me. But now that I've taken the redpill on this one I can see that I've gotta break the cycle