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We are going to get so many images of poor whites in the media over the next weeks, they're gonna make it seem like 90% of welfare recipients are cute white children and white women and not parasitic shitskins

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>$59 million
>grass roots

Fuck them
build the wall

>needing a tax refund to make ends meet
The poor are poor for a reason.

Refuse to pay taxes

The cunts who "need" it the most won't file until April 15, and they'll give up 30% to get it the next day when they'll immediately spend it on pot and lotto tickets.

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Trump is dialing up a media storm. And he hasn't even begun to release the dirt he has on the Democrats.

My god 2020 is going to be a slaughter.

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checked 'n kekked


This is getting to the point where it impacts me, personally, now. The Wall can fuck off for another month until I get my refund.

"That's really sad, but no wall, no deall"

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But I'm sure they'll fucking obliterate anyone who doesn't file regardless of the shutdown.

I dated a single mother, she spent her 5k refund on beer and video poker in 30 days.

I always end up owing so I guess this works out great for me

Shoulda thought of that before you let the IRS steel your money

They have to april 15th to file.

Oh boo hoo. Illegals cost us $135 billion per year. I guess you'll just have to wait on getting your Bluetooth-enabled public dildo.

that’s the attitude that literally killed this country. Congrats, you’re the problem

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Single moms BTFO once again, just wait until food stamp money runs out

I'm pretty sure he's going to die before all of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren die. Just from doing the math.

I'm pretty sure death will stop him.

Fuck White People
Fuck White Nationalists
Fuck White Supremacists
Fuck White Apologists
Fuck White Men
Fuck Racists
Fuck Sexists
Fuck Bigots
Fuck Nazis
Fuck Fascists
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Libertarians
Fuck Conservatives
Fuck Right-Wingers
Fuck Christians
Fuck Jow Forums
Fuck T_D
Fuck Incels
Fuck Alt-Right
Fuck Alex Jones
Fuck Ben Shapiro
Fuck Milo Yannapolis
Fuck Steven Crowder
Fuck Trump Loyalists
Fuck Donald Trump

lmao but that means the IRS is gonna stop stealing money from my paycheck right

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Why do tax refunds even exist? I don't get it.

No, you are.

They didn’t get this mad when Obama care started to steal money from them for not buying insurance

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poors dont pay taxes. therefore they do not receive returns. therefore nobody is going to literally starve. inconvenience is no reason to submit.

If you're actually paying income tax, you are sub-human. I haven't paid any income taxes for decades and I've never been audited or even contacted by the IRS.

How fucking poor are you?

>no u
You must be at least 18 to post here

truly a faggot, you know your "refund" is an interest free loan to the deep state?

I’ll give mine up for a wall, senpai.

die kike

lmao they need more time to fight over who gets to claim which kids. My family does this every year. They get nigger rich, get mad at each other, dissapear until mid summer when all the money went to new games,tvs, and phones. They dont NEED is. Why the fuck people with 5 kids that dont work gets paid 8k is fucking beyond me but it needs fixing. Im paying for Dakwonisha to leave her shitheads at grandmas, not taking care of them so in febuary, her and her ne mans can go in his shitty impala to H&R Block because they dont even know how to do taxes. Walk in, get that 8k advanced down to 5k for cash same day, then spend it on drugs, shows, phones, rims, other garbage.

My job doesn't usually give out W-2's till the very end of January and i usually don't file till March or April.

Because the government enjoys borrowing and spending your money without paying interest.

That's money the government has to right to. It's mine. I earned it.
>how poor are you?
Eh, not too bad off. I wanted to use my refund to buy a new Mesa Boogie head and cabinet.

Gonna spend that 800 bucks on a QP?

They do get returns. The blacks associate tax day with getting paid, as it turns out.

>Fuck Racists
>Fuck Sexists
>Fuck Bigots
>Fuck Fascists
Why did you wrote "Fuck myself" four times?

maybe we can pay off the federal debt with all these late tax refunds. At least reduce the interest paid on it.

Lol you're absolutely and totally fucked if they ever do, assuming you even have an income

>spending money to influence people
Sure is doublespeak around here ;^)

If we got rid of taxes, then it wouldn't even be a problem. Prove me wrong *sips tea* checkmate atheists *dunks on u*

It gets to the point where white males will just assume that these are the words of every woman's inner dialogue.

Then no questions will be asked, fucker. just actions. No words.


Thanks for sharing.

Because the government cant predict if their social experiment worked and refunds are the correction for those that followed

Checked and based

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If you get a refund, you didn’t apply properly this year. You lose money by a loss of interest.

There's a three that needs watering.

False. I can afford great lawyers (all of which are jews lol). Show me where the federal government derives the power to tax my personal income. Anyway, all my money is made in art dealing so basically untraceable.

>can't pay out tax refunds
literally 0 people are even capable of filing their taxes, and refunds won't come until fucking february
fuck these out of touch retards

Whi pee po getting mad at not getting change back from their robber

> Building a business that people rely on you to run responsibly so lights are on, their paychecks don't bounce, affordable healthcare (not governmental option), family growth, quality of life improvement, etc. is "subhuman"

Spotted the millennial.

Fuck off you worthless, know-nothing subtard buttfucking communist faggot.

I work with a few guys that have claimed exempt for 20 years they ant got anything and will be on disability before the IRS catches up with them. Crazy like a fox.

Cool story bro, enjoy getting fucked sideways by the IRS

Like you fucking pay any taxes. lol

The Only thing that any government understands is violence life in prison is rewarding.

Give us what we want and we'll give you what you want. How hard is that? Obama gave $155 billion to Iran, but $5-25 billion for our own wall is too much? Grow up. The Democrats are crooks and work with the Neocons to subvert American interests. Stop giving them your support. If you want Trump to do something, then ask as a supporter. His first obligation is to those who elected him, not their opposition. The rest of America's needs is also an obligation, but the needs of his voter base SHOULD come first.

PS. The shutdown hasn't effected me adversely in any sense. Still get my free insurance. Pretty good shut down imo, eh saves money and doesn't afraid of not paying excessive nigger employees for bloated unnecessary programs.

Checked, and that is probably EIC money that she didn’t even pay into. Nigger tier gibs

Gonna hide posts by your id mate.

LIE's only non essential things have been shut down like national parks

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Schumer should probably agree to the 5 billion then. The blame is directly on him by putting putting politics before country.

>people actually give the government a tax free loan to pay for the boomers who destroyed this country and the minorities who will end it completely

No shit, Leaf.

Trump gave them the chance to NOT be blamed almost 3 weeks ago. Instead, Pelosi claimed he didn't have the House votes (he proved he did - first vote....just like he fucking said), and here we are.

That's how taxes work. You are not enlightening ANYONE pussy.

Now go get your shinebox.

She made 5 dollars an hour less than me but her take home pay was about the same as mine, kinda pissed me off I have to pay every year and she got a 5k check that she pissed away in a month.

Fuck Liberals who are the richest people in the nation and do nothing for the poor in the US but profit off of them, support wars and bankers


Trump's just gotta keep it up now

fucking kiked

Jews find a way

I had a worker that I used to pay cash under the table, one day he snapped on me about it and said I was fucking him out of his tax return. Half these people aren't even paying in their just getting EIC returns, the other half think they're getting magical government money or some shit it's fucking sad. What's even sadder is the fact that most of these morons lack the self control to save money and this is the only time they'll ever have four figures in their bank account - not they it matters they're just going to spend it in booze and lotto tickets anyway...

You faggot, I'm looking forward to my refund too, but to MAGA you got to make some sacrifices, it's not like you'll never get it, you just have to wait longer. Learn some self control

The real question no on has asked is if the IRS cannot pay out refunds during the shutdown then how are they able to collect taxdollars during the shutdown?

Wait are you saying all these years when I've been jobless I could have claimed a return and put the money away in savings? That sounds fucking retarded so I choose not to believe it.

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>Not getting your tax refund when you need it most
Hahahaha that serves you right for being a stooge and not fixing your withholding with your employer. Fix your shit and quit loaning the federal government your money at 0% interest rate.

You fucking goobers.

I’m not a complete poorfag so I actually try to invest money. Unlike W-2s those tax docs don’t have to be out until the end of February so I won’t be doing my taxes for at least 2 months. For all I care I say keep the government shutdown and fuck the poor.

Jokes on them, I owe about 6 grand

Funny how accurate this is. I thought maybe repeat numbers lie sometimes but not this time. This is actually true

Anne frank certainly didn't,

Democrats are the ones keeping the government shut down.


shaniqua gunna be waiting on dat refund check ahahahahaha

The pelosi/Schumer shutdown is producing so much salt it is delicious.

Obama nigger stole $1800 from me for 3 years cause i didnt buy health insurance. Fuck all these guberment fags that dont get money, i hope people dont get thier diabetes medication and i hope everyone on food stamps starves

>I dated a single mother

Why dude?


Nah senpai they only give a fuck about missed years AFTER you file

Im waiting my turn. Just polishing this gun


Don't budge a fucking inch

Are you fucking retarded, you aren't paying for shit, do you even know what a tax refund is?

"I love my tax refund!"

>the government can’t pay out text refunds
>guess I can’t pay the government my taxes
Eat my ass you thieves

Hopefully it doesn't last another....... four months.
Absolute state of journalism

>>needing your own money back to make ends meet

>there's people so stupid that they overpaid taxes all year because they they don't know how to update a w4 every few months

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fucking nigger you're what's wrong with this country make like hendrix and kys

>Government can't give out money
>Worried white roastie.png


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