Ask a proud Melbournian anything

Ask a proud Melbournian anything

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Are you one of the invaders, one of the capitalist sociopaths, or one of the white progressives who deals with the cognitive dissonance of ethnic domination by internalizing rabid anti-ethnocentrism

He already said he's Australian

I guess I'm a capitalist sociopath because I work in the corporate sector.
Anyways, ethnocentrism is fucking stupid. The definition of "white" has changed dramatically over time. Regardless, we are still 90% white (if you include all Europeans) so your comment is nonsensical.

Fingers crossed that everyone else disavows ethnocentrism like exactly zero of them have so far, becuse if not we're fucked

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> No source
> Nonsensical axis
Nice Jow Forums stats lad

do you listen to the swap show on 3AW?

Nah, Triple J mostly m8

is it china yet?

Here you go corporate galaxy brain, simulation of group competition strategies

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I’ve heard the négro problem is bad in Melbourne. Is it true that there are négro gangs there? Is this a common problem or something you don’t really see?

Are you a poof?

low quality thread, reported

Dear god why is it so fucking hot today

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Going to the Blair Cottrell rally tomorrow?

> Using a prisoners dilemma game to somehow shoe that ethnocentrism = good
Fuck me lmao
voted yes though
Nope, not an inbred fucking retard

how much worse is feminism ,multiculturalism and diversity getting in that city in the past 5 years? I spent some time on a working holiday in Australia and thought id settle on Melbourne but I fucking hated it as It was almost identical to Toronto just with better weather.

> how much worse is feminism getting in that city in the past 5 years?
I don't pay attention to such autistic things
For what it's worth I went to the most left-wing university in one of the most left-wing cities in the world, and not once did I notice anything vaguely feminist. It's a giant meme
>how much worse is multiculturalism and diversity getting in that city in the past 5 years?
As I said, we're still over 90% white so even if you care about such things then we're still pretty good
Melbourne has amazing cuisine and cafe culture thanks to migrants

Why is Victoria full of smug commie shitheads?

How long have you been HIV+

>Muh food
It's hard to find more retarded pro migration argument.

Btw, do you know why minorities use so much spices? Because good quality meat is in short supply in their shithole countries. They had to come up with something to make rotten meat eatable. Meanwhile Europeans could produce high quality easily, thus no need for spices.

what does your city have in terms of fresh water supply?

Why do residents of such an irrelevant city have such a high level of self importance?

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Do you like Ne Obliviscaris?
Why did you last visit a Bunnings Warehouse?
How do you fix the English?


Europeans are multicultural you fucking tard
Go back 150 years and Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, French etc weren't considered white
If you're happy with boring anglo cuisine then good for you I guess
Success breeds jealousy
Literally one of the most liveable cities in the world lad
I few screengrabs from twitter aren't proof m8

Besides, Asians integrate much better and perform much better on average than the locals
I've yet to see a compelling argument against multiculturalism, because Melbourne is a giant success story

Are white mexi cans allowed

are you a latina qt

Your such full of shit. I also live in melbourne and study uni here. Chinks barely integrate and there is so many rapey indians here that it makes me sick they look like a sea of shit. The only things to eat in the city is bland asian food now, its all the same shit.

in the CBD now visting from N.S.W.
How come there are not many attractive people here?

Why does it look like a shit hole?

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do you say "my boyfriend" or "my partner" when you're talking about your significant other?

also, do you drink onions lattes?

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Because CBD is mini shanghai, its all chinks.


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ackshully, the traditional africans of melbourne refer to them as "piggy banks" in their click based dialect

Anyone keen to go to some wafl games?

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Are you talking about international students or Australian-born? If you're talking about international students of course they're not going to fucking integrate, they're here for 5 years max. Australian born Asians perform much better than local white people on average - just look at our selective high schools and top universities lmao
>The only things to eat in the city is bland asian food now, its all the same shit.
Holy shit way to out yourself as an uncultured peasant

In my area we dont have alot of africans but we are swamped by indians.

and poos n trans.
well where the fine ones at?

> 3.6% Indians in Melbourne
> Swamped
yikes dawg

The asians born here are all wired autistic cunts (not in a good way) especially viets and chinese. The international students are the biggest dogs ive ever seen in my life they are cold and souless. I have a feeling your gf is asian, i counted 52 based couples last week in the CBD its a disease

I think everywhere is, it reminds me of the cane toad and his slow migration everywhere. I can't remember when we voted for that but we must have.
i think there's at least 10 times that, especially if you factor in uber eats

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Melbourne literally needs to be nuked

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Go to the western side and youll see indians every where, every train i catch is swamped by poos.

Who /eaglemont/ here

I think that most of them come as international students but end up staying here, some of them end doing there single degree for like 10 years. They are such shit students as well, they always cheat and copy other people.

There are none. Perth expat confirming the women here are 6/10 at absolute best.

You are going to be one of the left wing counter protest pofters that will need to get smacked around after you lot attack the protest against nigger gangs?

What the fuck is that graph even supposed to represent?

yeah they're interesting in that regard, I can't quite figure out what their deal is - the strangest part for me is that victoria was apparently multi culti as fuck in the 1800s and then they all left.

how/what the fuck happened there?

>cuisine and cafe culture thanks to migrants
You wanna know how I know you are a sheltered left wing cuck that hasn't had to deal with the negative after affects of diversity?

That 3.6% figure is literally from the census you fucking retards
your experiences don't trumps stats
Such as what?
The vast majority of my friends are non-white, thanks to the high school and university I go to
But the thing is I don't autistically judge people on the basis of their race but as individuals

Yer ok.

>I went to the most left-wing university in one of the most left-wing cities in the world, and not once did I notice anything vaguely feminist.
Shill or

but no one did the census, that was the whole thing about it don't you remember?
bay 13?

> he thinks le left wing college campus is actually a thing in Australia

You don't need everyone to take part in a survey to get an understanding of the population. That's literally statistical inference 101.

>i'm a capitalist sociopath because i work in the corporate sector

Whenever I dealt with pozzbourne's 'corporate' sector it was a bunch of ex-public servants in former government monopolies (Telstra, etc) who did nothing but back office paper shuffling with a panjeet workforce doing everything else.

>ethnocentrism is stupid
If you do actually work, which I highly doubt. Look at what the situation is within IT or Accounting/Finance or any other department that is full of a single culture of non-white people.

Aside from the crusty boomer who is probably holding onto his senior job he got in the early 2000s, you CANNOT get in as a white person because the entry positions are all given out through networking within these groups and the choice of people to go to project management or higher positions is dependent on getting a job jumping over someone who is already there from from outside- which doesn't happen hence the job ads which ask for 10+ years of experience for a mid-level guy with no feedback after the first or second interview even if you get an interview.

>90% white
Those are citizens reported in the census, you idiot. When you factor in students, permanent residents and remove the boomers, the numbers are VERY different.

Im a wog and I have friends from many races but the amount of Indians and chinks i see is crazy and the amount of based couples i see is even more crazy. The worst people generally in Melbourne are Africans, Lebs, Chinks and Indians.
The census is bullshit, i can easily put on the census that im anglo saxon when im not. Most Indians are self hating, they always try to identity themselfs as Australians and not as Indians.

well.. if you don't believe in accuracy, you don't guess the dimensions of a building, you measure it out first.

Otherwise you're just bullshitting everyone, bullshitter haha I bet you like cocks

Melbourne was always multicultural but before you had way more Italians, greeks and other wogs now Chinks and Indians have replaced them.

What part of China are you from?

> libertarian flag
post disregarded
> The census is bullshit because everyone lies on it but I have no proof just believe me bro
here you go mate, you might learn something today

Hes probably one of those based couples you see in the cbd all the time, basedgoy guy with insectoid women

that video is stupid, again.. if you make up the numbers (guess, statistical inference, stab in the dark) then your argument is invalid. How do you not know this already?

are you indian? show a pic of your hand with a time stamp

haha nah, he's an indian bachelor for sure

What a faggot capital Melbourne has become. You should be hosting the mardi gras. You know it used to be home to hard working people, now its home to shitskins and faggots.

Have you ever done the census, thats enough proof already, you can literally put anything on it. Go talk to the chinks and Indians born here or that speak the language slightly, most of them will say that they indentify as only australians or as australians first and chink/Indian second.

All the people in Melbourne who live in the Eastern suburbs who never go 3 km away from their residence acting like they know what is going on in Melbourne.

Go catch a VLine train out through the western suburbs at 5pm.

There are neighborhoods of sandniggers and niggers? If yes, it's a dangerous places?

Gook detected.

you are literally so fucking stupid that you don't understand how stupid you are - a living example of Dunning Kruger.
You are honestly arguing that the foundation of all statistical analysis - statistical inference - is "wrong".

I'm done here lads, all of you are inbred autistic retards who don't even have the most rudimentary statistical knowledge, which is why you faggots honestly believe that 10% non-white population means we're being swamped.

Makes me happy that the country is moving even further left.

cya poofs xoxo


remember to poo in the loo

Your city is shit.
>socialist shithole
>Multiculti hellscape
>Yarra looks/smells like shit
>Faggots and degenerates everywhere
>Drugged and dero af
>No iconic, defining landmarks to stick in the mind, unlike faggotville Sydney which at least as the Harbour Bridge and Opera House.

This what i hate most about people in Melbourne, they are such snobs and always full of themselfs. Every one here has some sort of complex even the aussie anglos that live here.

This is the truth

>Melbourne has amazing cuisine and cafe culture thanks to migrants
Cusine is shit apart from 2 or 3 resturants, cafe culture is almost non existent compared to other countries especially Europe

you're an imbecile,
>still not understanding how africans, muslims and competing foreigners ruin nations

Melbournian Anglos try to act cultured which leads to them being extremely left wing which they believe is hip and cool, is stems from lack of traditonal culture, they try to be something they are not.

The 3.6% is only the immigrant indians. Doesn't take into account the ones that were born here. I'd say its closer to 8% statewide and something like 15% of the CBD/Inner subburbs

>So proud to be melbourne! First capital to have concrete bollards of peace!
Way to fuck up a once great city.

what type of migrant food do you like to eat?

kek this thread was the epitome of leftist/marxist argumentation.
This guy just strawmanned, pilpuled or straight up ignored every single argument that was thrown at him.

>mfw living near merri creek in good ol' brunswick
Truly the best suburb in all of australia. Thank fuck the local council isn't overrun by kikes, so there are new building permits that limit apartments to 6 storeys. Lotta poos, arabs, and stoners, but I rest easy knowing they're wasting thousands of dollars in rent. There's also a lot of liberal degenerates but 'communities' died decades ago so it's not too big of a problem.

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>got nothing
>talk about the flag
You cosmopolitan 'citizen of the world' types should understand living abroad.

I am using this stupid flag because I can't put on a strayan one without a VPN.

Question for Australians:

are you OK with non Anglo European immigrants like Slavs, spics from Spain and Greeks and Italians

or would you rather only allow white immigrants from the UK?

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whats canberra like? anything to do there?

Don't forget your Cricket bat tomorrow user. You wouldn't want to miss out on a lovely day of beach cricket.

They don't even know what Slavs are

Do you mean Lebanese with Lebs? I always thought that Lebanese people were ok, known for being highly educated and stuff? Mind you, I've never seen one myself, but that's what i have heard about them. Care to enlighten me on why you dislike them?

For the most part they are okay if they integrate.
Hate the Italians and Greeks that still don't speak English that live here and hold their gay little festivals (I would ban any foreign celebrations).
But we have tonnes of people from the Balkans that moved here and integrated perfect. Many Italians and Greeks however do not integrate. Wogs piss me off.

>most livable city
God I hate you Melshits so goddamn much it hurts. What's so fucking good about your cancerous tumour of a city that it was deemed "most livable". By what metric? Survivability of the HIV virus? Do you know why Crackbourne is so liveable? Because its mindnumbingly boring. ITS BORING. There is nothing even remotely fascinating or worthwhile about Shitbourne. You guys had the tallest structure in the Southern Hemisphere for a while, until you got cucked out of that by Queensland
>b-but the needle
Should've built a needle of your own then, shouldn't ya cunt? Typical pozzed Melscum, never thinks in advance. Typical third worlder logic. Here's the demographics of AIDSbourne:
>chinks who fuck over the housing market
>latte sipping hipster trash
>African rape gangs
>poos in IT and tech support
Plus as another user said in the thread, the Yarra looks like literal shit. Probably because all the poos who moved to Cuckbourne started using it as their Ganges.

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well said mate

lebs are Lebanese, the muslims lebs are very shifty and backstabbing here, they always brag about how muslim they are but in reality they are the worst muslims here, they drink, smoke weed etc. Maronites are very educated and smart but very full of themselfs and very snobish. Orthodox Lebs are very rare but the ones ive met have been very good.

I'd like to ask where those delusions came from

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Mmm Sudanese food, I bet you gobble it up by the maggot load