Why are females so bad at finding genetic quality, I have an IQ of 131 (SD: 15) and I can BP my bodyweight, yet I'm still a virgin.
Is it really all about the face?
Why are females so bad at finding genetic quality, I have an IQ of 131 (SD: 15) and I can BP my bodyweight, yet I'm still a virgin.
Is it really all about the face?
It's about being a whiny loser.
Mainly about the face
But also about social status and personality. High IQ alone won't guarantee you a gf...
It's the fact that instead of looking inward and improving regardless of whether or not you've got a step by step on how to do it, you've come to Jow Forums to tell everyone that it's totally every single woman's fault that you're not desireable.
Disney lied about a lot but they weren't wrong about personality. It's just this whole "they're dumb and the enemy for not dating me" is a guaranteed backfire no matter how cool or nice you are.
I think the incel mentality is the problem
It's always the problem
Quick question... Are you fun at parties?
Can you be the center of the room or are you awkward with people?
Odds are you're still a virgin because you're not social and don't actually put yourself out there. Women aren't just going to flock to you because you can bench yourself (Although getting fit does help) but you're still missing crucial pieces to being desirable by women.
What do you mean by incel mentality?
Being an angry entitled special snowflake like you.
>muh assumptions
Social and manliness is also a important factor.
You wouldn't like a girl either who is autistic socially but still is hot, well maybe to fuck but if shes really fucking wierd u wouldnt even do that
Being able to bench your bodyweight is not even marginally impressive. I literally was able to do that I touched a barbell buddy. Just focus on being looser and being less uptight.
Let me explain. And I know you are going to sound angry and lash at this comment but it kinda goes like this:
>r9k tier
>hates women but wants to fuck their vagoogoo
>thinks relationships are going to fix him
>thinks all women are sluts yet they want a virgin and want to fuck
>thinks women are dumb
>thinks they can have a relationship with women but since they think women are dumb they fail at understanding why they aren't making a connection with anyone
>they put women on pedestals or patronize them
>they hate reality and this century. They'd rather it was when women couldn't vote
>they believe in the Chad system
>they never accept advice, critique, much less from women
>they are forever bitter and are Jow Forums's soul matter
>They are Jow Forums tier
>They have low IQ
>They have low emotional intelligence
>They believe they deserve someone (this one. Kek.)
>They don't put in the effort to date or improve themselves
>once cheated on, always cheated on
>They reeee at you and are often, frogposters
>when they disregard your opinion they call you a woman,lying bitch whatever (even though you are not)
>they play too much videogames
>They will never improve themselves for they are always going to be "the failure"
>they are often mentally ill or neet status but don't realice not accepting help is a huge problem for them
Of course it is better to think you are going to just be useless forever than trying to move your butt and make an effort at life
I don't know why did you think I'm going to be angry, I was just curious what you meant by incel mentality. I'm not angry with women, just disappointed.
because if you where a straight 10/10(which means youre intelligent too and suff), girls will be all over you. In other words they do choose well
No. I was answering to the incels who will def lash out at this comment not at you. I was just explaining what people mean when they say incel.
Good luk though user.
I don't think the mentality is the problem, just the symptom of not getting laid
I don't have anger / entitlement / other incel character traits, I just have no friends and am 20kg overweight
I think if an incel just magically became attractive his tendency to feel entitled and to not take responsibility would be a significantly lesser barrier to getting pussy
This is circular logic, and considering that the majority of marriages end in divorce, they don't choose so well, so the numbers go against your point.
Any advice to be more lucky?
Nah. The problem is that you think getting laid makes a difference in who you are. Such an american way to think.
Eh... If you are a shallow little fuck that thinks fucking is going to change his life then yeah, you will see a change in yourself but you will stay the same.
Being an incel isn't about being an angry virgin but about having a rotting heart
>Women aren't sucking my dick even though I have a high IQ
>I don't have entitlement issues
Pick one retard
I like talking about literature or movies, but I can't bring myself to talk about other people.
>IQ of 131
Did someone say R/Iamverysmart
>genetic quality
Suggesting need to choose someone that can protect them or create the best children instead of a genuinely nice person
>I'm still a virgin
You probably have a fucked personality and this theory is just bolstered by the entitlement latent in your post
>Being an incel isn't about being an angry virgin but about being fed up with women's rotting heart.
Is there really entitement in it, I mean the facts speak for themselves, I'm smart and have little trouble getting a job and keep healthy, I'm a productive member of society meaning that I am of good quality speaking factually.
I have no idea why my DNA shouldnt get replicated and spread around.
>I think if an incel just magically became attractive his tendency to feel entitled and to not take responsibility would be a significantly lesser barrier to getting pussy
In my anecdotal, attractive autist/incel experience, you are dead wrong. I could pull women all day long on Tinder, but I could not keep them, could not talk to them, and most certainly could not fuck them. As soon as I opened my mouth the incel came flowing out and absolutely all of them went running for the hills.
What happens when you try to ask out a girl?
not op, said I was fat yet this guy benches his bodyweight, he's def entitled with the
>why are females so bad at
so if I just stop thinking sex is important I'll put myself in a state of mind where I am more likely to get laid?
They never reply. I always get the number but they never reply.
did the incel come out or the anxiety and bad social skills due to years of friendlessness from childhood?
I find it pretty weird that you'd show signs of being an entitled angry man during a date
Instead of asking what's wrong with women, why not ask what's wrong with yourself?
Seems like you have no self awareness, ability to identify your shortcomings, for starters.
>Why are females so bad at finding genetic quality, I have an IQ of 131 (SD: 15) and I can BP my bodyweight, yet I'm still a virgin.
>Is it really all about the face?
a) you're on Jow Forums and we don't live on the savanna anymore, so you're not fit for our socially dictated selection.
b) facial asymmetry is an indicator of the number of mutations you have. If you're ugly you're probably not of high "genetic quality"
I got 79 on a iq test in a psychiatric hospital. Later I did an online test and scored 128. Goes to show you how untrustworthy (((medical professionals))) are.
You’re a Brandon.
Go find happiness.
Dont be like brandon. He is a self induced cuckold.
>is there really entitlement in it
>no idea why my DNA shouldnt get replicated and spread around.
Nope, no entitlement here just move along
The hair is more important than the face, but really you just have to try and try and try to pick up every girl you meet. Eventually it will work. A good sense of humor is great too. People love that.
Just read "the rational male". All the questions about why women are the way they are is answered there
Then pick up chicks at the library. Or wherever else bookish chicks hang out.
I hope the"(((medical personals)))" comment was about the online test
look at these thots.
>years of friendlessness from childhood?
My social skills aren't the best, but we're talking "I get dragged places I don't belong just because of my looks" level mismatch here. I always had friends even if I hated them. And.. that's the incel. I was a hateful little shitbag and even if I never directly tried to display it no matter how well I thought I could hide it, women nevertheless seem to have found it easy to pick up on.
not op but how the fuck do even pick chicks up
how the fuck do you go to a library, a place where people go not to socialize and to look for sex but to read books, and find the appropriate words to make her agree to fuck you
this is basically beyond even imagination to me
No? It was about the dumbass who diagnosed me as borderline retarded. Had to go to court to get it removed from my medical records.
This thread is 50% incels 50% rational people
Are you borderline retarded?
It's not his fault you failed the IQ test when it actually counted
You're not trying to get her to fuck you in a library, you're trying to get her laughing and having a good time and interested in you enough that she wants to see you again in another setting.
Stop thinking about what you want and instead think about what she wants.
>even if I hated them
you literally hated them? If so you're a really shitty person
I mean a few days ago some friends from middle school invited me for drinks and we hung out even though I stopped talking to them because we had a lack of things in common, I don't think very highly of them but I don't hate them and am respectful and polite to them, idk if this is problem or not
hating a person you hang out with though, lmao
Yes yesh me is
I mean, I don't consider myself an incel or at least not part of their community, I don't share their woman hating mentality, and I'm pretty sure I'm reasonably attractive. Despite this, something about my mannerisms or personality is off putting enough that no one wants to date me, despite not having any issue with being friends with me. By which I mean I have female friends, not that I get hit with the "let's just be friends" let down.
All I wanted to say has been said,
but goddamn those girls are scum.
Have you never seen Beauty and the Beast? Retard.
>the incel came flowing out
Can I post
This. Self awareness is the mark of true intelligence.
no. not literally. the narcissistic "you aren't me" hate of a depressed and confused teenager.
Taking selfies in mirrors of bathroom-stalls in fishnets and trashy, classless Camden-Town-sales-baskets rags.
Paint rollers worth of make-up with all the makings of a thot looking for a one-night-stand in some sweat-rife concert hall.
Tattoos, faux-devil's horns and coloured hair, run-of-the-mill "edgy" t-shirt to force themselves into a sub-culture they can sluttify to make themselves forget how badly they hate being mediocre by being wanked over by every neckbeard with a Metallica-tee.
its probally related with having this ideas, and creating this retarded thread and creating this retarded replies
ding ding
I'm not op.
He's retarded for whining about "genetic quality"
>131 iq
They have no way of knowing this, all they receive for data is your physical body
Who hurt you?
What if they all wanted to take turns riding you, would you still find them disgusting?
>genetic quality
he's actually right about genetic quality, but he doesn't have it that much.
I was actually aiming to his shitty obnoxious personality, which easily could translate in his mannerisme and stuff.
The dude thinks he ows a girl already because he posseses certains things, which is obivious the offputing stuff for girls
You're a virgin because you don't ask girls out, not because you don't lift enough you absolute retard.
Is herpes and cocaine use not disgusting to you or something
Well what is wrong with myself? Supposedly women tell you that but they don't reply. I don't think there is anything wrong systematically in terms of my potential industrial output so they just leave me confused.
You need to confident, funny and have interesting stuff to say. You need to be animated in some way while interacting with women. Most importantly, YOU HAVE TO BE APPROACHING WOMEN. Being a 6'2 muscular Adonis with a fat wallet won't make you score if you're boring. Also, IQ doesn't help, you'd probably be doing better with a lower IQ, people tend to settle with those of similar intelligence, dumb people want other dumb people, average people want other average people.
the way your face looks isnt the problem. your first problem is that youre calling them females your second problem is that you mentioned your IQ. for some reason if you interact with them like theyre test subjects in a lab they dont like that. Real ladies may look at the face first but if they see you around the bar a few times theyll want to get to know you. after a while a pretty face is just that to them, eventually they want substance. if you really can benchpress your bodyweight there is probably some girl who is looking at you either in the gym or the bar or wherever you go to hang out. the only reason you dont see her is because your too worried about your looks and not as worried about talking to them. you seem like a smart guy and i know being a virgin at an age where you feel like you should have lost it years ago sucks, but just remember its so much more than just your face. If you feel that your face isnt good enough, think of all the females you have brushed aside because they might not have been a 10, maybe here IQ rivaled yours, i know thats assuming alot about who you are and how you act, but it sounds like youre frustrated and need to go out and do someting that makes you feel like your more than your face. women love arms too, the charmpoint of a man isnt alway his face. good luck out there dude.
Being competent socially is the most important factor for an extremely social species such as humans. In other words, it is how you make her feel. That's why the fattest, poorest, ugliest nigga on the block can get loads of pussy if he makes the girl feel how she wants to feel.
Do you think if you just continuously benchpress then girls down the road will feel a cosmic magnetism and slowly gather en masse?
I've always been lean if not built but as soon as I'd meet a girl it was all about engaging them in conversation, taking interest in them, making them feel listened to, blah blah blah.
I can't tell if you're overthinking or underthinking.
it has nothing to do with the face really
your post alone has like 7 different things that are major red flags but the most obvious ones
>referring to women as FEMALES
>trying to show off whatever stats as if you're trying to apply for a job or whatever, if it's not that then it's how much money you make or how good your grades are.
don't be a bitter woman-hating autist and generally everything will be a-okay.
not him, but what I just decribed
>play the game and get a fully stacked hand
>still can't win
Maybe the problem isn't the women (the game). Maybe you are just terrible at playing it.
How many girls have you asked out in the last week? Month? Year?
I agree with OP. My genetics are garbage- albinism, tallest person in my family at 5'9", bone structure of an Indonesian man, only a slightly better IQ than that of an inbred IRA supporter, and a predispotion to future blindness. And yet, I am successful with women, because "muh blue eyes", and "it's so cool how much of an asshole he is, he's not like the other guys".
The best advice I can give to any incels on this board is to act like as much of a deadbeat as possible. Most men are competent, bluepilled, and reasonable enough to provide commitment to a woman - if you are a man who does not, who is not like the reasonable majority, women will try to prey it out of you like the cats they are.