It is 22yo too late or creepy to make romantic love to a gorgeous 16-17yo girl?

It is 22yo too late or creepy to make romantic love to a gorgeous 16-17yo girl?

Attached: Philosophy.jpg (1000x667, 90K)

i say yes

What if I am handsome and easily look 18?

You’re 6 years older than her OP, what do you think?

Depends on the statutory laws in your area.

Do what you want.
The question you should be asking is; will I go to prison for romantically loving a 16-17 year old girl? My answer to that is do what you want.

It shouldn't matter if I make her feel so good even better than most immature teens her age

Meh, it doesn't matter, there are 18yo+ girls that look younger even so far as 12yo

in the uk its legal so why the fuck not.

yay :D