If you believe in the JQ, why do you support Trump? Every (((right-wing))) candidate has been Israel's bitch...

If you believe in the JQ, why do you support Trump? Every (((right-wing))) candidate has been Israel's bitch. George Orwell coined a term for this: doublethink. It is symptomatic of brainwashing.

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pol doesnt support trump, thats just the americans. Be patient with them.

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>If you believe in the JQ, why do you support Trump?

because you keep posting these bullshit threads, trying to manipulate us.

and you know what they say about the weather-vane of truth, amirite?

>If you believe in the JQ, why do you support Trump?
Who said I do?

>Every (((right-wing))) candidate has been Israel's bitch.
Both sides suck Israel's cock.

You seem to think you are breaking ground. The reality is you are late to the party.

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israel ≠ the international jew

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>taking pills from random niggers
No thanks

why did he sign away 38bn+ annually?
why did he move the embassy to Jerusalem?
why are his family jews?
why is he good friends with Larry Silverstein?
why did Jared Kushner invest most of his resources into online propaganda?

you can't answer any of this because Trump is a neocon in a different costume.

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I'm brainwashing Jow Forums

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>why have Jared and Bibi known each other since jared was a kid?

>Trumps a Jewish plant
>All the jews in hollywood shill around the clock about how bad he is.
>Every media outlet (overwhelmingly staffed by jews) shilling against him around the clock.

So which is it faggot?

Trump was an outside candidate, being constantly shit on by media and institutions.

I support Trump because he wasn't a direct link to the pockets of internationalists, like Clinton or any other mainstream republican candidate. He's simply the best option, even if he's not the perfect person.

Accepting a lesser of the evils is not double think.

>If I post a nigger maybe it'll seem more intimidating then me, a Canadian.

Good idea. You need a meme flag tho, no ones going to take you seriously soon as they see the leaf.

My opinions have not changed at all since I started posting on Jow Forums. If anything, my opinions and thoughts are influencing you.

nice bait. your grammar sucks and you can't refute. fuck off

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>never heard of jews playing both sides
>never heard of jews lining up easy targets to knock them down
>never heard of diaspora jews vs zion jew false dichotomy
fucking kill yourself!!!!!

cute projection you fucking retarded noodle nigger

I dont, unless he'll do something noteworthy

He doesnt need to. No one is taking you seriously. The choice was Trump or Clinton. Trump beat out something like 13 others in the primary, Hillary couldnt get rid of one old Jew without underhandedness in hers.
Trump was hated by the news media and had a long record of actually being on tape loving America. Hillary was plastered in the media the entire time and endorsed by every newspaper in the united states and truly belived it was her turn.

To vote for HRC was the most bugmen, NPC, sheeple whatever thing you could do.

Now you want to put some fucking horse shit fallacies and expect people to change their mind to a political party that absolutely insane and controls the media, hollywood, social media, every damn site on the internet except a god damn japanese image board that YOU fucking kike niggers cant leave alone and have to shill here just because you are afraid of contrarian opinions. Well good luck changing minds here faggot.

nice one canabro. Another one bites the dust!

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>Jow Forumsack
pick one
you might one day understand what's the deal is

that wont work on me ive had drug ressssistance training....

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>why did he sign away 38bn+ annually?
He hasn't, you shill. congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/2497/text
>why did he move the embassy to Jerusalem?
It's preparation, a pokerchip for when Israel gets forced into the two-state solution.
>why are his family jews?
In laws? Trump is a protestant and denounces the pope.
>why is he good friends with Larry Silverstein?
He's a real estate mogul from NY, he has bought and sold to everyone. You don't get ahead without dealing with a jew somewhere along the line, it just doesn't happen.
>why did Jared Kushner invest most of his resources into online propaganda?
That I can't answer, could be he's going where the shekels are or running interference. Him being a Jew and being that close to Trump gives him a reasonable cover, he can't be labelled an antisemite by Israel or any media outlet without them looking retarded. Him being that close to Trump means he can't screw Americans over either. Honestly, if that's why he's doing it then he's more clever than his critics give him credit for.

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Oacasil, Yang, younger politicians coming that will tax those banker fucks and give the UBI to the working men and women.
Their is a reason Hillary, Pelosi, Biden hate UBI that taxes the corporations thats fucked our country. Thats why they hate Andrew and Ocasio.
UBI lowers divorce rates, brings higher birth rates among whites, lets white women be stay at home moms.
I wont ask ya to vote for that fucking hillary cunt or that fuckin sick disgusting fuck biden and I wouldnt have ya vote for trump.
We have had enough of these old fuckin boomers never helping america. it is time for the new wave of young Democrats that sound more like a mustached german man.
Andrew Yang pissed them off by saying "With basic income we can get back to stay at home moms being paid their worth. We get back to family values and community.
Boy did it rowl up the media, they hate even to report on him.

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lmao everything you posted is retarded and/or irrelevant
the hope was that Trump was something uncontrolled, what we got was more kike controlled neocon bullshit. your nose is crooked btw

thanks, schalom faggot.

so many jews want him dead that jews who like trump blessed him with a jew title which prevents him from being super jew'd. any jews caught doing so get called out by the rabbi who they HAVE to follow. if they don't it's against their own law. quite funny really.


actually, Im a scary nigger

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sorry, shalom nigger.



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wtf dude. grow some brains. ubi is an enslavement tool for the left. plus ubi is retarded because the value of money depends on the value everyone gets. if you give everyone 1000 for free you just fuck up the market. ubi brainlets just want free money while playing vydya. they are the lowest of scum that think they are entitlet to everything. kys now you worthless scum. you playinto the jews hand by promoting enslavement ubi

He's signed it and will continue to sign

more empty promises based on tweets (ie weightless pandering/breadcrumbs)
>Good friends with Silverstein
never calls out his 911 scam (4d chess right?)
>Jared online propaganda
appeal to younger voters with memes, make neocons cool and counterculture again..

Fake news. It was put on hold indefinitely by Rand Paul and no Trump has not signed it because the hold occurred during House proceedings. He called out 9/11 fuckery the day it happened too, he was even interviewed on CNN where even your dumbass could watch it.

>Patrick Little
GTFO, kike shill. He's a comp'd faggot.

>the choice was trump of clinton

how can you not see the jew baiting you into a false dialectic? this mental cage retardation is what got us into this game and youre like bragging that you voted for the obvious lesser of two evils within the frame of the system.

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You're giving Trump way too much fucking credit since he's shown us time and time again he's really fucking dumb. He would have gladly assisted in the creation of a bill that would give Israel 38 billion dollars (I know president's at the surface level don't have a role in writing bills but they can pretty much just fucking write the bill for congress and give it to them), you're absolutely delusional that the father-in-law of a man whose family has been funding settlements in the West Bank wants anything bad for Israel, in-laws is family dumbass (how many people in Jow Forums would let their daughter marry a fucking jew, a woman marrying anyone of a race other than her father is a slap in the father's face), his friendship with Silverstein is a farce but he loves jews, and Kushner is a devout Israel firster as I explained above.

>false dialectic
You mean False Dichotomy? It's not really false in this case.

your picture tells the entire story OP
there is no binary question or answer
people who shriek about us vs them are definitely 'them'

sure but you get what I mean. It's a real choice after the primaries and it's one or the other or the irrelevant third I suppose but once the election's over you dont have to fall into this false dichotomy/or dialectic, if you will, of 'well Trump would still be better than Hilary'. Okay, we get that Trump is better than Hilary wouldve been but why cant we criticize him on the job he's doing now that we elected him to do this job? I dont get the post election party loyalty why cant we just hold Trump up to what he said he'd do and evaluate his current performance?

Imagine actually believing this

Critisism is welcome until it no longer seems organic or honest

WTF i love hillary now