Oy Vey!

The goyim know

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>im glad my mom is dead so that she doesn't see what happened to her favorite show

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Everyone who’s not Dr Who in that show is a paki.

>liked it

24% of which most are bots

jesus h christ

It's funny that the right is often accused of using bots yet the left is the one actually using them.

wait.. it's even more pozzed than season 10 starring Peter "History is a whitewash" Capaldi?

Outside of having a woman doctor is there anything else that suggests a degradation in the quality of the show or is this yet another case of manufactured outraged?


That's because the show was already soviet propaganda long before the final nail in the coffin by having a whoman as doctor.

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Boomers lives exist on TV, they work so that they can go home to I gigantic house with nobody in it and watch the Electric jew on 100in screen.

Two strong female leads with an insecure black boi and a clumsy "live in the past yet tryin' to be cool" whitey.
I hated the episode about the spiders in that hotel. It had absolutely nothing to do with scifi - "pollution made allegedly dead spideybro big, no don't kill it even though it would devour you in the same situation!"

Dem haters hating on muh homey Capaldi. Tbh, they killed off all the good villains & his first season sucked. At least he tried to fight race-mixing between Clara and the maths/PE teacher…

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Only women watch doctor who.

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Tf is a Rohingyanigger doing here

>three companions for MAXIMUM equality
>sjw plot
>new shitty music
>new shitty videography
>etc etc

i stopped watching it when they added niggersidekick

Millennials lives exist on phones, they work so that they can go home to rat shack apartments with four roommates in it and partake the Digital Hebrew on 6 inch screen.

>shit show
>get shit ratings
>critics love it (or more like they love money they for expressing love for it)
Meh, another media corruption episode.

Dr. Who was a garbage show even before he became a Woman and all Whovians should be gassed.

Only women watch TV.

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who do (((they))) think they're fooling?

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I wasn't closed off to the idea (after all, Dr Who is like your cool leftie teacher, difference being 1000 year old benevolent alien with a time machine earns you a certain amount of front).

New episodes just so overbearing. Killing sense of adventure. You feel for Gammon Graham but the other characters are a bit 2D. Dr esp.

Capaldi good Dr but shit series...

...Matt Smith grew on me

I block out entire Tennant period bc ur mom gay

Eccles was good Sweeney UR NICKED U GOT A LOICENSE FOR THAT WEAPON Dr, liked him.

Old school Dr is so much fucking better than this namby pamby the cybermen were taught to love and exploded ten episode story arc bullshit. Wobbly sets and Monsters add an abstract scariness if not charm, good Shakespearean actors and BBC camera techniques (and some hilariously shitty extras). All old Drs were motherfucken bosses.

God Tier:
Baker (need it be said)
Pertwee (James Bond Dr Who)
Hartnell (is he even a good guy?)

Honourable Mentions:
McGann (kind of Byronesque, cool HG Wells vibe)
Davison (The Timothy Dalton Human Can Take a Punch Doctor)
Troughton (just likeable, dream team w Jamie and Zoe, some great stories)

Baker II got fucked, good in alt. stories
McCoy similar, good Dr in a downswing period

t- Nerd

Boomers stay triggered you know he’s right

capaldi series was a lube and this is big fat strap-on dildo of first female doctor, glad people are seeing through it

That audience score is a relic of older times. No doubt it will be removed soon like Netflix did with the star system.

Then the goyim will be forced to believe, hehe...

It's sci fi harry potter. Watch Battlestar Galactica or Star Trek. Socialism, race mixing, brutality, suicide, religiosity, those shows have it all.

because they are always projecting their misdeeds on others

What went wrong? Someone give me the quick rundown

Remembering happier times


Pinching Scrumpet as Virtue Signalling

Comfy Scrumpet Age

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>Millennials lives exist on phones, they work so that they can go home to rat shack apartments with four roommates in it and partake the Digital Hebrew on 6 inch screen.

Milenials live to pay taxes , the welfare ponzi needs finance user.
No go to work and pay your income tax , gibretards , boomers need your money.
Also the police to break your face if you think otherwise.

>Doctor Who became cucked with an SJW Agenda
The very first Doctor Who director was?
The very first Doctor Who director was?
The very first Doctor Who director was?

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> you will like this propaganda based on this lesser propaganda you watcher before

Their suggestion system is a rabbit hole of degeneracy

Lots of cool things are made by people who lick balls. I would just prefer that their ball licking be private.

Or maybe it's because you dumbshits have been abusing it so much. I'm sure netflix and rotten tomatoes staffers are looking at you in bewilderment and shocked to find out you do it all for free. But you are genuinely shills and you've done damage to actual consumers to push your shitty agenda. So now they all have to suffer for it on your lifeless behalf.

>Muh consumers

Nice projection.

Fags create a bunch of great shit.

But once you give them too much leniency they have to infect everything with their faggotry. It's never enough for them.


I'm happy for an old school Tory, Putinist, keep it to schoolboy buggery but don't actually fucking teach it as a subject position, really.

I've known some insanely rightwing fags which is hilarious.

> a communist mad that a group of literal proletariats without a leader guiding them got together on their own to protest against things they dont like.

Wait, is it really what is said in the show?

Frenchies might have a lot of blacks but I have a feeling you don't indulge in this mental-gymnastic-cuckery.

But does the show really said that??

millenials are just boomer lite with more liberal, zoomers are the future
they're either fascists or communists, they promise conflict, regardless of the outcome

>a communist mad that a suicide bomber took out a school yard in protest lmao

it's almost like there's more nuance to it than just lmao protesting good and alt righters are the menace of the internet. nothing good ever comes out of it, much like isis, they just wanna bring attention and cause a shitstorm.

Y-yes :(

Millennial here. We need the gas so bad. We're just pissed off Boomers with a watered down Gen X culture. No one will listen to us in 20 years, thank Christ.

At ~2.50.

My sister lives with a liberal faggot who thinks it is great.

you don't have to refer to yourself in the third person

just stop having sex with your sister and bring her to an abortion clinic you inbred dumbfuck. your parents should have told you but incest almost always leads to genetic degradation



(((critic))) scores are always shillscores, entirely meaningless compared to what the audience thinks. I guess the people who still take (((critics))) at face value haven't been served a garbage service / product enough in their lives.

lol nice try. I only watch anime.

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>oy vey we need to protect big business, corporations and liberal propaganda!
Show your flag Shlomo.

yeah, 21 year old zoomer here, millenials are just cringed at, they're not taken seriously at all
like I said though, zoomers aren't faggot centrists like boomers and millenials, I don't care who wins, but we will most definitely start some kind of civil war, der juden can't stop us at all; our employment rate is insanely low, everyone has an extremely grim outlook of the future since we live in a post 9/11 world, our culture is non-existent except memes and nigger rap, and we don't have families to care about dying. people kill themselves and each other all the time, I personally know of 7 people I knew since elementary school that have killed themselves, nobody fucking cares anymore, the zog demoralization has done the exact opposite of what they wanted it to; by depriving people of morality, family, tradition and god, they've created a wholly uncontrollable population hellbent on destroying everything because they value nothing and think it's funny
imagine an entire population of 14-21 year olds that just listen to nigger rap, smoke weed, take anti-depressants, jerk off, and drop out of high school due to extreme apathy, and you understand zoomers
we're just here to have fun

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lots of problems honestly, where do I start?
Very often there are jarring transitions between scenes, hardly any setup/explanation to how they got where they currently are. (example episode 1: suddenly they're on a roof and say a throw away line about "lucky we tracked some signals")
The ancient old basic mistake of telling instead of showing (probably to lower the age rating or something)
They have no villains anymore, the entire season i kept wondering how they were gonna end this clusterfuck, and they brought back the villain of the first episode. I had forgotten about him at that point
And how could I not mention the biggest baddest villain they ever created? Le evil future white man that wants to ensure Rosa Parks never became a symbol for civil rights. He had some throwaway line of what year/century he's from (can't remember right now), but I do know that's retconning a bunch of stuff that was stated in earlier seasons (humans get along in the future, utopia 'n shit)
I didn't mind the female doctor though, as an actress she did a decent job. The writing, direction and sound design is all around mediocre at best and amateuristic at its worst

>I oppose you degrading the very fabric of society and what holds us together in favor of the most pedantic crusade ever fought
>I must be a big corporation shill

get a grip you dunce. you are too far down the rabbit hole.

The levels of pos in the newest series I had to watch it just for bants here are the Jewish tropes they included:
>White grandad cares for non white son
>Muslim police woman as supporting cast
>All white men in the series are evil
>Dr who helps Rosa Parks in episode 2
>One episode is about England drawing the borders between India and Pakistan
>One character admits Indians and Pakistanis killed each other after border was drawn
>Still white people are blamed
>There is also an episode about the witch trials and the only based character is the king but he is made out to be a massive faggot

I’m honestly getting tired of the generational meme.

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We're a kind of lost generation
You guys are food for powder

Yep. Bunch of lying pedo Jews.

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I just hope they don't break in to my old folks home and drag me into the streets.

Is this honesty how things are these days? I worked myself up and am going to a good college, and am looking to wife my current gf. No depression or anxiety. But my old friend group from hs is doing pitifully nowadays, with all of them still living at home and only a few are even passing community college. 19 years old atm. And they all fell to liquor or worse, yet I stayed away.

What do you expect from the BBC? They don't call themselves the BBC for nothing.

The SJW commies have come on way too fast since Trump got elected imo. Just one man's perspective but they've rushed the agenda forward and people are able to easily notice what's being pushed upon them.

The left is always guilty of what they accuse you of.

>You guys are food for powder
i know, it's great
all I see in the world is a pile of garbage covering up what could be great; it sucks that we're going to have to be the ones to get rid of the trash, many will die in the process, but it's worth it in the end; if we don't, we'll just leave it to our own children, which boomers should have been doing for us, but they're too selfish
It's like a conversation I had with my boomer father about social security. The system is obviously failing, it WILL collapse no matter what, no matter how much we raise the tax or cut benefits, it will eventually implode (did a length paper and speech/presentation on it for an economics class, I'm well researched). My argument was that one generation is just going to have to bite the bullet and lose their benefits altogether, and we just shut the program down. It's the only way, the more people that pay into it, the more money individual citizens lose, because I will not see any money for SS, I will just be taxed on it my whole life. He essentially just said 'why should I be the one that has to, I've paid into it MY whole life, I want MY money back'. I said that it's either his kids or my kids, and he just didn't seem to care.
My dad isn't a bad guy, not selfish usually, but I think it's just a trait of his generation that he can't overcome. They're selfish as fuck, and millenials picked up their bad habits. Zoomers aren't, zoomers are only ironically materialistic, memeing about gucci and drugs, but don't actually give a fuck and revel in being poor and downtrodden. They love it. Zoomers absolutely fucking hate mcmansions and yachts and giant TVs and shit, regardless of their political affiliation. Gives me hope.

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Yeah, that's what's scariest about you guys
The idealism is distilled
But the nihilism is real

Boomers had ample opportunity to stop this before it became too late. It is we who generationally fucked things up.

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Hope not, that sounds like Gen X. We didn't have the internet but we we're the generation of apathy. We couldn't stand the Boomers.

>I oppose you degrading the very fabric of society and what holds us together

>liberal critics were always going to say it was great
>salty neckbeards were always going to say it sucked

Either way, Doctor Who has always been cancer and these ratings results were predictable even if it had been the best or worst season objectively.

>three companions for MAXIMUM equality
I agree with every other point, but the reason for three companions was probably some sort of nod to the old black 'n white series

These guys have the studied detachment of Gen X. But they aren't slackers. They're ready to die because lol amirite

It varies. I'm in my third year of college, going for a history degree to become a teacher and later a professor (easy as fuck job, tons of time off, and I like history), but my friends seem a little directionless. Two are doing mapping, one knows where he's going and what he's doing, the other doesn't really seem to know. A third is getting a history degree as well, but doesn't really know what he's doing with it, probably not teaching. Fourth is a firefighter, been doing it since high school, fuck college. Fifth is totally directionless, took last semester off to get some therapy for the death of his dad (ALS, years ago, but never really seemed phased by it, dealing with it now) and I have no idea where he's going or what he's doing.
These are the good examples, people who I think have a good head on their shoulders and understand what they can and can't do in the world, and have general ideas about where they wanna go and who they wanna be. Most people I see from high school are doing shit like working at gas stations with tattoos and/or are pregnant/got someone pregnant, or took LSD and jumped out a fucking window (true story).


>The idealism is distilled
>But the nihilism is real
that's pretty accurate
we see what was and wish it was still ours, but know it's not so we're depressed
boomers got what we were supposed to have and shit on it, taking it for granted, now we get to clean up that shit while they steal from us through social security and tell us to get a better job and a house so we can pay more taxes for israel and their retirement

It's gone full on white man hate with a really bad feminist as The Doctor. No complaints on female roles or Time Lord gender changes, Missy as The Master was a fucking beast in the role. Also, season 9 Capaldi was best Capaldi. Season 10 was where the SJW shit became apparent. Capaldi does intensity like no other Doctor. He is not my favorite, but damn did they do him wrong in season 10.

yeah it's always been a bit of a propaganda machine but the writing was good enough we could ignore the small shots for the bigger picture and they gave it to both sides somewhat but this last season they didn't try to hide it at all this woman's take on the doctor (i don't even care to know her name because she's garbage) was a bad matt smith david tennant mix with an awful nagging mother undertone. the companions are complete garbage too the nigger can't act, the white old dude with an ape fetish helps demonize his own race the muzzie cop may have some knowledge of acting in comparison to her compatriots but the writing is still so awful it doesn't help much. 12th doctor had so much symbolism about the NWO but all with a spin in their favor. they literally had an episode where capitalism was the primary villain 12th doctor's propaganda was only tolerable because the acting was top notch and the writing helped make it more palatable.

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>spamming the same shit on /tv/

>History degree

thank you for making my meme degree look like a viable choice

t. Engrish Major

can't speak for History departments, but if you're on pol, chances are you won't enjoy the leftist circlejerk that is modern academia.
Good luck to you, but you'd better be in the top 10% of your major to make that thing work for you

Underrated post. Good run down imo. Cheers.

>"it's so bad that I'm glad my mom died"
This has to be a new low for a TV show.

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DESU, I kinda like the Missy incarnation more than The Master incarnation. The episode where Missy traps Clara in a Dalek body and insidiously keeps trying to get The Doctor to kill her after kinda making you like Missy for the last two episodes was so fucking evil.

they manage to find a writer even worse than the the one who wrote The episodes barely have a plot
the episode rated the best (demons of punjab) had a different writer who essentially stole a bollywood historical drama script and shoe horned it in doctor who.

>the show was already soviet propaganda

I ran through a number of different things (CS, law, art) but ultimately decided on a balance between things I can do, things I want to do, and things that pay well enough. As evidenced by my constant 1000+ word posts, I write a lot, which is often enough to get by in classes, as well as some academia. I'll be starting my third year this fall, and with it real history classes, so I'll probably start getting some ideas about what I want to write. I should have my PhD by 30 and I hope to have some publications, I just have to avoid the no-no subjects like holocaust denial and I can write passionately and at extreme length. My issue in high school was always keeping papers below the maximum page limit. What I might lack in content, I will make up for in volume.

They fucking raped the Master.

This guy is a fucken MADCUNT

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Reminded me of this

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>>One character admits Indians and Pakistanis killed each other after border was drawn
>>Still white people are blamed
Well you can not expect brown people to control their urges to murder and rape, user, that's racist.