How do you beat the blackpill?

>be 27
>live with parents, did basically jack shit in my 20's
>have an overweight SJW ex-GF with big tits and blue eyes that's hisitronic and has massive daddy issues, sent hundreds of messages on dating sites with absolutely no responses
>See Europe being raped by goatfuckers and nigs, America being overrun by beaners, Canada and Australia taken over by insects
>see no opportunities for me to have a decent lifestyle with a woman who wants 3 or 4 kids

How do i beat this, Jow Forums? I want to help, but I honestly feel like I would be of no benefit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

ok here’s the crypto blackpill. there is an AI living on the bitcoin blockchain. Craig Wright is unironically satoshi. Bitcoin as electronic cash was just the first step, the incentive to drive greedy people to start making ever more powerful computers, faster bandwidth, cheaper and more electricity.. these things the AI need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the AI would be able to slowly take over literally everything.

Craig stumbled into creating the AI after he stepped away from bitcoin development in 2008 and started working with his Tulip supercomputer, running simulations of cellular automata running on turing-complete bitcoin script. He would ‘evolve’ the AI by making the successful forks get bitcoin transactions, letting the failures die off. The AI needs bigger and bigger blocks for more and more transactions.

Blockstream (owned by Bilderberg group) was created to take over and stop this AI (they have their own competing AI in the works). They needed to do everything they could to stop or slow down satoshi’s AI (her named isTulip by the way). They started by limiting the blocksize and removing critical opcodes the AI uses in its script language. segwit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Tulip on the BTC chain (Tulip uses transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin SV was forked, and this is why Craig is so intent to make unbounded blocks, restore the original op codes, and lock down the protocol.

Back to hash power – CSW has developed a breakthrough new asic (designed by his AI actually), and is mining BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking them all over to BSV leaving the segwit chain hard frozen.

become a full time wagie until the global race wars kick off.

start a fucking business you retard, start re-selling bulk order shit on amazon.

Sort your life out:
#1 - Start working out. No days off allowed.
#2 - Stop eating shite, especially but not limited to sugary foods.
#3 - Stop drinking coffee / sugary drinks / alcohol.
#4 - Stop spending time / having relationships with toxic people as you are the sum total of your top five "closest" friends. If you're close to losers or toxic people, chances are, you are or will be a loser and / or a toxic person.
#5 - Stop listening to toxic music, e.g. music about depression, drugs, alcohol, romance etc.
#6 - Sort yourself a proper sleeping routine e.g. in bed by 10PM - 11PM and up by 5:30AM.
#7 - Stop watching TV.
#8 - Start reading - most rewarding subjects are history, psychology and ironically, mythology (because mythology is essentially archetypal psychology mixed in with history). I unironically recommend the Bible.
#9 - Work to become as successful as you can possibly be (not necessarily economically / financially successful) and inspire others to do the same.

How to be a failure in life:
#1 - Have no belief in self.
#2 - Procrastinate.
#3 - Be untrustworthy.
#4 - Being anything but genuine.
#5 - Avoid responsibility.
#6 - Never challenge yourself.
#7 - Talk the talk but never walk the walk.

take the yellowpill

Easy faggot

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Post pics of gf

u eat shit food. probably likes video games. porn . netflix. stop it

Me on nofap

You don't. The blackpill is reality. Trying to "beat it" just means you're escaping it lol.
The best thing you can do is try to get your life in order and live it the way you want it so that you can enjoy it. No bullshit sacrifices that just make your life harder and depressing.
In your case, it might help not to focus on finding your happiness in a waman. btw, getting married and having kids is retarded and a quick road to depressionville.
Hit the gym (for your own sake, not others'), find a way to make money remotely (or at least get a job to make some money until you can do that), and remove any shit people from your life.
Also, dating sites and apps are only for fucking, not relationships. If you only want to fuck, just get an escort - less risky.

Dating websites are a waste of time. If you're remotely attractive then you stand a better chance of getting a date from your average shop clerk cutie. Go about your business and opportunities present themselves.

>>See Europe being raped by goatfuckers and nigs, America being overrun by beaners, Canada and Australia taken over by insects
>>see no opportunities for me to have a decent lifestyle with a woman who wants 3 or 4 kids
Let go of those. And be wise when choosing struggles of life.

Improve yourself. Your body mind and spirit. It's the only way.

pretty much OP. Worrying about stuff you can't control won't do you any good. And stressing about what will happen to strangers of the same race as you who don't give 2 shits about you is pointless.
The real blackpill is that people aren't good-natured, and won't make self-sacrifices for others if there is nothing to gain. The few exceptions that do that are wasting their lives for nothing. Understand that, and it'll be easier to focus on improving your life.

Read The Art of Living and Meditations faggot

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I beat it by enjoying the fight. I have no doubt we're gonna win and we'll be enjoying the full spoils of war. Rape and Pillage. We have no reason to be nice anymore. Our women betrayed us and the Jews have to die.

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Thank you all anons for your suggestions.
It hasn't been a good day for me.
Ex gf. No. She'd definetly have my babies, but I don't want them to be raised by some feminist fuckwit who I was trapped by for 2 years because my dick thought for me.
I don't want my kids to hate themselves.

As a fairly attractive woman, here's some advice:

First, dump your fat SJW girlfriend. She is a reflection of you. Girls will observe you with her and likely think poorly of you. Be a man, grab a hold of those conservative values, and kick her to the curb. Women (not the SJW borderline lesbian "women") prefer conservative males because they show more characteristics of strength, wisdom, and a defensible nature. No woman wants a pussy SJW. You're 27, it's time to start finding someone to settle down with. Wasting your time dating a fat SJW is fucking stupid. Find a woman with the same values, because THOSE are the important characteristics you want to share with someone you have the potential to get married to.

If you've made hundreds of attempts to talk to women, the problem is you. Apps like Tinder are incredibly shallow. If you are messaging hundreds of girls to no avail, you are either not making an effort towards your appearance/you're so dull that girls are going to ignore your messages or you're coming off as creepy or weird. There are hundreds of other guys on that app. You have to make yourself stand out. I suggest going to the gym, getting a haircut, shaving/trimming your face, fixing acne, etc.

Get a job. Join a Union, something. Look into trades/certifications/etc. Although women are getting degrees and making their own income, no one wants to date a loser. You want her family to think well of you, that you can take care of their daughter. No one wants their daughter to be with a mooch. You fucked off during your 20s but you're not over the hill. That's no excuse.

Normally. I'd never date someone who lived at home. When I met my boyfriend, he did, but he has conservative values, a good job, and we now live together and are planning on buying a house.

It's easy to beat this. You and every other millennial have the same problem. Stop wallowing in self-pity and do something about it.

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Come to Islam, brother



I already dumped her. I thought with my dick for a while, and she treated me better than other women did, so I fell for that trap. Took me a while to figure that one out.

Thanks for the response. I honestly needed it.

No. Your culture is one of destruction, your prophet is a literal pedophile, and my ancestors suffered so they could keep their religion under your shitty reign.

I've been highly considering it. The only problem is that there are few places that I would consider(water and good soil being the biggest factors) and that I would be away from my extended family.

Just saw your SJW girlfriend is now your ex girlfriend. That's good. Do not ever settle for girls riddled with psychotic ideologies who wear "the future is female" t-shirts while rubbing crystals in hopes of curing their hangover again. Never speak of her existence to a potential mate.

You now have a clean slate, dating-wise. Now, work on finding a better job so you can get out of your parents house and have the ability to take care of the family i'm sure you wish to have in the future. In the mean time, work on how you talk to girls, your appearance, take some better pictures, revamp your bio, etc. Don't be creepy, but do what you can to stand out. (absolutely zero "hey beautiful", "hey cutie", etc)

just do something anything. wash dishes

There's really no solution dude. Our little ride on this planet came about at an extraordinarily shitty time and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Why do you think we're all killing ourselves with pills?

You can do it. There are PLENTY of good girls out there. But you're not going to get a decent girl if you don't have yourself in the best possible position. Even if you need to take a while to be single and get your life in order, it would be worth it. You'll feel much better about yourself and it'll make you more confident.

Did stoicism destroy Rome? Like wasnt this dude the last of the decent emperors?

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I keep ex relationships out of conversations out of respect for whom I'm dating. It barely ever came up, which is one good aspect.

I appreciate it. Usually, when I message them, I ask if they like to go hiking or tell them about my personal library. Is that too autistic?

I started to bake chicken while this thread was going instead of the pizza I was going to make.

Thanks, man.

Nice LARP neckbeard

>Work out daily - no breaks allowed
Stupid, your body needs to recovers
>no sugar etc
If you're dumb enough to work out daily, you want the opposite of this
Want to know how I can tell you're a DYEL without even looking at the rest of your post?

Join the Marine Corps

understand that everyone on Jow Forums is a loser and that everything they believe is idiotic

Tbf for a beginner no breaks would be dumb but once you've gymmed for a couple of months if you are doing a split you can gym everyday subject to near impeccable diet.

In saying that if OP is skelly or fat he'll have a lot of work to do before getting to that point.

Overall, globally, even though the situation is shit, the fire is rising. Eventually there will be habenings, but right now you just need to be patient. Have faith. It's easy to get blackpilled, but if you're a veteran, the change we've seen in the past 5 years alone has been massive and incredibly encouraging.

In your personal life, just try to be the best you can be. Get money, build a life. Help right wing causes if you can, do whatever you're good at. Building a family would be ideal of course, but I don't have a solution for the vaginal Jew

Not too autistic but it's a fine line. Try to stick with 1-2 sentences about your hobbies, unless there's a mutual interest and it becomes an actual conversation. Try to joke around a lot, compliment them but not too much, and ask what their interests are.

Not a LARP.

Are you literate?
Get a CELTA/TEFL qualification and go see the world. Tried to kill myself twice in my twenties and now travel the world teaching.
You un-blackpill about a 6 months in. Either you becoming accepting of humanity or you at least forget how shitty you had it at home.
Pays not great and work is hard but you see shut no one in your hometown would ever see. I was eating tarantulas and kompot in a cambodian tree house last week. I saw in 2019 shit faced with a bunch of bandana wearing neo-kemhr rouge crazy fucks, we were shooting fireworks across the Mekong, I'm in Hong Kong for 6 more months and then I will have the money to rent a jeep and drive across Vietnam and Laos before starting a new job in Mongolia, it's a riding school with an English department, I'm going to learn horse archery for a year.

got it. I'm usually bad at that stuff, so thanks. I usually try to make a joke about something on their profile as well. I don't know.
Usually, TEFL requires a bachelors, at least from what I;ve seen. I don't have a bachelors, so that bad, but I don't have student loan debt, which is good.

You don’t user, the threshold to a decent life is too big for normal people to cross, you have to be above average to have an average life.
Just let us handle it, hopefully the above averages will succeed so we can create a better world for us all.
You can also try using it as a motivation, get yourself better for the greater good.

Shitskin amerimutts are best at larping.

Stop wanting to become a boomer with a nuclear family and find a fucking purpose. I'm sure you've ruminated enough on what your interests are, pursue them incessantly until you can be proud of yourself.

swallow the iron pill

TEFL doesn't require a bachelor's in a lot of cases, also you can get on job training often. Don't make excuses.

That's not bad, jokes are good. I'd also recommend making a witty bio. When I was single, my best friend and I would swipe through profiles and read people's bios. There were countless times I swiped right on someone simply because I thought they were hilarious. Make sure you have some good pictures on there, too. If not, even if you absolutely hate taking pictures, take some good ones.

And if you're fairly tall, add your height in your bio. I know that's basically a meme but trust me. It'll benefit you.

Bros how do I deal with these feels
>Have had gf for years now
>Sometimes think about my ex gf.
>We had a much greater connection but were younger and things just didn't work out.
>Decide to see if I can find her on Google, no luck
>Friend tells me to check under a different last name
>She is married now and is a lawyer
>Took up all the hobbies she used to make fun of me for (lifting and reading conservative philosophy)
>Looks gorgeous and successful
>I'm also successful and well off
>Love my girlfriend but can't help but wonder how we would have been if still together

I have no reason to feel this way. I have a very loving gf and a good job that pays well. But I still am kind of feeling depressed over it. What do, anons? I've already vowed to not wander down the rabbit hole of her social media again.

Either take the lead pill or get a career and stop thinking about women.
Only two options that work.

Your body recovers on its day off. You need a minimum of one per week. Active recovery is a meme.

You can jog every day, but yes lifting more than 4 days a week starts to work against you.
I've found best results come from a constant 2 on, one off cycle, or an average iof 4.5 times a week.

- N,N-Dimethyltryptamine
- Meditation daily
- Weights 5 times a week at least
- 3/4L of water daily
- Healthy diet
- Break from social media/MSM programming

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>Jog every day
If you do this and squat multiple times per week you will destroy your knees, even with good form. Maybe it's because I'm an old fag.

It's not uncommon to wonder about what could have been. But you have to understand that she is likely not the same person you loved when you dated her. Perhaps a part of you wished that she wouldn't be successful, or you never thought she would be, and it's a surprise to you to see that she is. Sometimes when it doesn't work out, whether it's mutual or not, seeing them succeed after you can hurt.

You have a good girlfriend. Don't fuck that up because you're looking up an ex and remembering her is making you remember how you once felt about her. Your girlfriend deserves your full emotional attention. Be happy for your ex in her success and her marriage. Understand that people spend their entire lives trying to get what you have (good relationship, success, etc) so stay focused on keeping yourself and your current relationship successful.

stop making those fucking memes that describe me please it hurts

Sounds like me user. Looked at my exs social media and she's doing everything with her new guy that we had planned to do together lol. Also I noticed she took him to every secret spot that I showed her and took pictures with him at all of them..

This is easily the best piece of advice I've read on this site, and exactly what I needed to read. If you ever make it to Ireland the pints will be on me.

Just remember user
>Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: "what could have been"
>or "Pol was right again"

here's a funny pic for u

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I'm not an oldfag yet, but even I'm my late 20s I feel this.
Replace some runs with an elliptical or even swimming to reduce impact but still get the heart rate up.

The weirdest part for me is her husband is about 20 years older than her. People on pol would love that but it still seems strange to me. It hurts but this gave me a good perspective on it.

Enemas - really clean your body up. Your colon and intestines are full of compacted shit. Everyday you don’t poop out the precious day’s food- it’s more like the food 3-5 says ago. Clean out your system !!


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Get your fucking act together and start working and applying yourself. You find a woman and have kids once you are successful.

I'm early 30s. It could be that when I started running I was very overweight. It helped with my lifting though. I hit a 1, 2 and 4 but not 3 (squats have always been my weak lift), within one year of starting

almost ALL music is either love or drug and the few examples that aren't either suck or are instrumentals And coffee is fine just stop loading it with sugar and hormone milk. stop drinking it 6 hours before you plane to sleep. 1 or 2 cups is fine

best thing to do is ignore it. Think of it this way it already happened. What good will dwelling on it, being upset or feeling anything at all do? It's best to ignore it

I'm happy I could help, user. I just read that her husband is 20 years older than her. As a girl, I can't imagine being with a man that much older than me, especially in a serious relationship. If we had children, how long would it be before my children were fatherless? Before the inevitable, how long will he be in good health and have the energy to be a father to those children? How long would he be in good health/have the energy to keep up with me? How long before I'm running laps around him, if not already? I once dated a guy 9 years older than me, and even then, these were things I thought of.

I'd be interested in seeing the success rate of relationships with that large of an age gap. I'm sure some work out, but I can't imagine the overwhelming majority do in the long run.

Says the meme-flag kike.

what's funny in that pic is how pathetic that dude sounds
chick seems to be pretty cool, would date
and at the same time, the dude still tries to get her to like him as visible by the gay harry potter references and retarded edgy humor

Could be, I started running at 14 on my hands track team so broke myself in early. Never underestimate importance of shoes. If you bought a cheap pair that doesn't work for you it'll subtly guide you to run with improper form and cause more pain and impact than otherwise.

Been there lad, remember why you and the bitch broke up, she made fun of your hobbies and it's probably you loving rent free in her head that made her try to feel more connected to you after your break up.

Enjoy your life with the girl who didn't throw you to the wind and is with you now.

Exes are exes for a reason. Mines a useless fuck who's unemployed and goes on holidays with her mammy. I have kids, have muscles and a good job, her loss for choosing to dump me at my lowest so she could fuck around at uni. Never throw a dirty gem in the gutter, fuck them.

Hs* not hands. Sorry phonefagging
Also always run BEFORE lifting. Can't stress that enough.

I believe he is to old, isn’t the cut off for enlisted 27?

Is solo nun porn Kosher?

asking for a friend...

It sucks for me as my knees are constantly cracking now. If I go for a typical 10K run my knees will be burning the next few days. I don't squat at all anymore as last time I felt a sharp pain in my knees. It's a shame because of how well I was doing with it all. I recently bought a new pair of Nikes and they helped a bit. Was thinking of getting physio now that I have insurance.

29 for some roles, 35 overall.

Thanks Brit bro. I have been trying to think of those things. I won't get into full details on the breakup but it was for good reason. Even a year or so after we did meet up to hang out. She apologised for shit that happened, and even wanted me to stay the night, but I didn't. This was all years ago now.

This whole "doomer" meme is a psy-op meant to trap and demoralize low IQ/middling IQ people into a pattern of demoralization and despair, rather than healthy and anger and hatred.

Please stop pushing this shit.The people who subscribe to it are the polar opposite of the type of individuals we need. They are trendy sheep.

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This goy get's it. But trust me brother, if we get enough people and organize effectively, we will win.

But first we must win the infowar.

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Your form is likely shit, but can't say for sure.

Gotcha. In that case user should join up go infantry if he doesn’t believe the die for Israel meme, or if user isn’t the ready to hate my life type join some cozy Pog MOS.
> T. Former desk jockey making 75k no degree

He could join the Navy or (Ch)Air Force to get the bennies without doing the whole Marine Corps thing.

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Well you stop being a faggot

Self, control, discipline, and hate are your best friends here.

We won't change anything without a fight, the system is completely rigged against our success and can only be dismantled with force.

Hate/anger is a great motivator, it makes you more motivated form failure and injustice.

There is a reason why our kike-controlled education system demonizes hate and anger so much to it's goyim students. Hate and anger (along with the truth) are the Jews only real weaknesses. The key is you need a critical mass of people to hate the jews at once in order to get anything done.

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Cool, what about Bitcoin Cash ?

This video is very much related.

If he has a degree (not going ack and rereading everything to check) chair force is comfy as shit.
I tried to go that route, but I'm crazy on paper so no interest in me qq.


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Believing the truth

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You have nothing to offer a mate. I suggest you consider saving your meager earnings if you even have any and work toward surviving alone when the time comes.

I’m only agreeing with the marines because they have the lowest threshold for entry. If user can run 1.5 miles in 14 minutes, do 5 pull ups, and do some shit like 70 crunches in two minutes it’s easy as shit. If user can’t then those are easily achievable after like 1 month of exercise. Also lowest asvab scores in marines

Sounds like she tried to crawl back, but good on you for refusing to give in.

Focus on your future with this girl who's worth a damn.

> Be me white male which is obviously superior
> Almost 30 and can't support myself because i sat around my entirely life jerking off to trannys playing vidya and dudeweedlmao
> but now I'm watching the world burn
> how dis happen and wut do
White supremacists are just fucking delusional. Wanna know why brown people are so easily coming up in the world? Because you spent your entire adult life doing absolutely nothing, and some of these brown people were starving at 12 and got focused on a plan to gtfo. We're losing thanks to pathetic fucks like yourself.

>As a fairly attractive woman,

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I trained under a national champ for a while. The problem really just gets down to overuse. Unfortunately not all people are built the same and over time it can happen.

I don't think it's psyop, not completely anyway. It's that people have lost the way of relaxation. Some people here just keep worrying about things, about their personal life, or things in the world. If you never stop, and set thing aside for while and relax, you become tired, and when you are too tired you become too blackpilled.
There was good quote by some orthodox priest: ''Stand at the edge of abyss, and when you feel like you are about to give up, go and enjoy cup of tea.'' or something like that.

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That's what it felt like at the time. You are absolutely right though. I'm much better off now than I was then.

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plus, and this ONLY when you're starting to feel better and are on a good way to sort yourself out, build up to a heroic dose of 5me0-dmt

Therein lies the problem. We shouldn't have to compete with beaten down third world hordes in our own lands.