Based advertisements triggering the retards. What makes it even better as that it's a fucking refugee loving scot that is posting this.
Tumblr proves British Army ads correct
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Will post full-size images next.
Funny how the zoomers are the ones commenting on the 50year old white guy that has nothing to do with this. This is liberal women faggots and nigger sheep fuckers.
ye bunch of sissy fags
as soon as nigs and sands start filling the ranks of the british military im GTFO'ing back to Australia sorry lads. That's commie end game shit
Your loss
>50 year old (((white))) guy
when you put it that way
The army needs more to die for a war that has no benefit to the British people!
LOL nope i dont want to die in the middle east for no reason!
'shop these to include To die for Banks/Oil/Israel/America/Germany
Nobody wants to join so they need people more than ever. They are trying to appeal to the people created by the social ills that have been allowed to fester.
Oy vey, it's so much better and relatable than this bigoted, sexist, and racist Russian trash.
At this point, no white male should be joining the armed forces anywhere. If you want those skills, learn them somewhere else.
Millennials are motherfuckers born in 1980-1995. On average they're like 30-year-olds. Wouldn't those insults make more sense for Gen Z (kids born after 1995)?
>It's OK if nigs and sands rape children BUT THE ARMY? THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!
depends in that gen you are either a nigger or somebody who has witnessed firsthand how multiculturalism doesn't work.
looks like they are super left because of all the nonwhites and dirt poor people.
if you look at white people who have cash(they actually worked for) and their shit together the look far right.
but that's a minority due to shirt economy and third world import
Nope since realisticaly millennials are as far as up to 1999. Blurred lines define the differences between generations.
depends how much programming they actually received it became less effective during the recession.
You need to convince as many britbongs as you can to generate a mass exodus to the united states and start a new british colony in the north... Or Alaska.
Then retake your islands in 100 years or so.
Remember that your nation is your people, not a geography.
senpai lmao