
what are your honest to god thoughts on this man?

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Buy my CD

His personal politics are pretty lame libertardianism but he is a good researcher and compelling at providing real sources for things normies would generally dismiss as tinfoil. 8/10

He does great documentary work.

literally who

Doesnt shill his products too much, also his content is freely available. Guy has done massive amounts of work revealing central banks, 9/11, many wars, climate change and big oil. He stays away from naming (((them))), but hes not afraid to talk about zionism. Also hes an anarchocuck. Hes a good asset for all of his research tho.

Good guy, weak branding.

Literally as good as it gets IMO.
One of FEW, of maybe 3 or so, "media" that I can actually trust.

Probably the best "conspiracy" guy, for normies included. James is very fucking sharp.

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Best conspiracy research guy out there.

and his WWI video was TOP NOTCH. Fucking pleasure to watch the documentary.

link for those interested

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His beef with Sybil Edmonds was really weird though and it's kind of sad how alternate media people will be effective collaborators one day and trying to destroy each other the next but as far as i can tell it was her who was trying to fuck shit up and go around threatening James. Crazy cunt was always crazy but her accent is still qt

Edmonds is a egotistical lunatic. Everyone describes her as vindictive and weird.

This. However I'm still wondering why he had no interest in Vegas.

We don't have a lot of information about Vegas

become a Corbett subscriber for as little as $1 a month, or your mother will die in her sleep

big fan. he's not a fan of alt-right, 'Nazis', et al, however (doesn't 'name the Jew' as much as one might prefer, too) Check out his regular New World Next Week contemt with Media Monarchy's James Evan Pilatto for some good, condensed, informative banter.

No shit

she went off the rails, I recall. I think there has been a permanent rift with her and Corbett as a result. She was CIA, so who knows what her real agendas or motivations might be, ultimately.

I see, before i started following James regularly around 2015 or so i hadn't heard from her since infowars during peak 9/11 truth era but yeah something's definitely off in her noggin

That media monarchy guy creeps me out

he's bretty good. he's no james though.
I think they both mix well honestly.

Very good stuff and research with sources. Would never touch the really dark things though. Good to start with to redpill normies.

Yeah solutions and positive vibes, scary stuff


Good at gathering info and presenting it, but the guys a jew.

Neither James dig Q. That should be a plus for Jow Forums in any event.

Pilato is all right. I feel like he does the yeoman's work for NWNW, and deserves some credit for playing the hippy, Gen-X psychedelic punk nerd to Corbett's Canadian, yellow-fever bookish nerdism

Open source investigation into political pedophilia not dark enough? Not sure where it went but pretty dark subject if you ask me.


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Despite being a Jew anarchist a lot of his research is on point. I have to admit his praise for MLK and talking about him in heroic terms was so bluepilled it put me right off him. I struggle to take him seriously any more.
>His beef with Sybil Edmonds
What happened between them? Can I get a rundown?
Edmonds is a Turk nationalist. While at the same time as promoting multiculturalism and anti-racism for American and the rest of the west. Nationalism for me but open society for the seems to be what her ideology comes down to. I liked her content before I figured that out.

There is nothing wrong with liking Japanese chicks

>praise for MLK
why was MLK supported by both the communists and the KKK?



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Because all of those were infiltrated by or products of the alphabets? idk tell me

there is no "was CIA". some of them use fake substance abuse or alcoholism to mask their counter intel mission.

Ed Opperman is a boomer-aged private investigator and conspiracy podcaster who lives in Las Vegas. He said "nothing to see here" before the broken glass was even cleaned up. All he does is beg for money.

Wrong, she worked as an interpreter for the FBI.

that makes sense.

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Don't know who he is or why I should give a shit but he looks like a peado

stand corrected. I didn't fact check, but I thought she was intelligence services. Working on memory from a handful or less of Boiling Frogs roundtable discussions. She's not U.S.-born...not sure where in the ME she's originally from. Don't really care. Not a trustworthy individual, it would seem (at least before her 'meltdown', she may have been allowed some 'whistleblower' benefit-of-doubt).


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so many factions at play

She's a turkroach isn't she? What was her meltdown?

google.com/search?q=sibel edmonds gladio&oq=sibel edmonds gladio&aqs=chrome..69i57.6598j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

She's got an attractive, Persian milf look going for her, fwiw

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i like his stuff