Why can't men handle larger women? Guys says they were feeling "disgusted" by me

Why can't men handle larger women? Guys says they were feeling "disgusted" by me.

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because most men simply dont find it attractive

btw pic related ?

You get fat for overeating and being lazy. Being fat excludes you from doing many fun outdoor activities as well. Is it any surprise that most people who aren't fat don't want to date fat people?

Because you clearly don't care about yourself, you smell worse, you breathe heavy, you're not aesthetically pleasing, changing positions with you is exhausting, and that's ignoring food cost.

The majority of the time is because the girls either don't take of themselves hygienically or put no effort into their appearance. No man wants to be with a girl with severe body odor or someone who can't even take care of their hair. This is coming from a guy who's into big girls, and I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this.

Even if you're fat, you still have to make yourself appealing.

It's not about them not being able to handle you, this has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. They can't control what they are sxually attracted to, they are biologically programed to seek out a healthy mate for reproduction. You CAN control your diet and exercise routine. You CAN control your weight. You choose not to. The consequence of that choice is being unhealthy. The consequence of being unhealthy is being less attractive to most men.

>Why can't men handle larger women? Guys says they were feeling "disgusted" by me.

You have to accept some men don't find big women attractive. Me, idc what size you are up to the point of being anorexic or morbidly obese. The idea is don't get hurt when or if someone says it. If the guys you like are more into a woman you arent. Change, but realize your size won't stop someone from loving or wanting to be intimate with you.

there's a point when you just gotta start dating black guys

I can handle large women. In fact, I love them. If I tell you that you're disgusting, it isn't because of your size.

Maybe thay are talking about other things that are not necessarely your size...

I once knew a guy who turned down a girl because she was a redhead. Eventually she dyed her hair blonde and the dude was suddenly interested. The takeaway is that dudes are weird.

Chubby girls are cute, OP. They're soft, sweet, and warm, like marshmallows in hot cocoa. My college sweetheart was a girl with your build. I regret not treating her better. Hopefully the dudes who said that shit about you are regretting what they said.

TL;DR Be happy, OP. You dodged some shallow, toxic assholes.

My feeling exactly.

You send the message, look at stupid me, I overeat and couldn’t be bothered to do anything about it for years... please settle for me.

>no thanks

Because handle all that is hard, search for a large guy, maybe he can handle you.



Women hold men to impossibly high standards but somehow we're fucked up for not wanting someone with an obvious lack of impulse control? I've dated plenty of thick women but if I guy tells you you're too fat it's because you're not thick you're actually fat

I'd take that slab of delicious white woman straight to pound town.

>Women hold men to impossibly high standards

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oh my god Jow Forums
why are so many women completely incapable of keeping a normal BMI
why do men put up with this?

Fleshy is good, but a big gross tub of fat is not. It’s physically hard to fuck a real pig, hard to get the penis in.

becuase disease

It’s an aesthetic thing, don’t act like it’s not. I lost over 100lbs, my blood presure is normal, blood work is good, I can go for a run, I work out, I eat well. But I have loose skin and it looks ugly so guys don’t want to date me even though I’m perfectly healthy. At least before chubby chasers were into me, now nobody is.

OP, you have the perfect body for me! And the ginger with glasses thing is very sexy!

>Why can't men handle larger women?
Weight extremes are just unattractive in general, fat or skinny.

>It’s an aesthetic thing
Which is why people get nose jobs or other cosmetic surgeries. Maybe you're just undesirable in general.. women can get men more easy than men can get women. Stacy isn't in your way, trust me.

Do you have any more pics?

how big do you think mens hands are? fuck

Develop an interest in corsetry. It’s sexy as hell, vaguely bdsm, and covers up a lot of gross.


If you would let me suck those titties then I would fuck you I'm not scared. I'm 6 foot 170lbs lean and in good shape. I look skinny but I'm way stronger than I look. The fattest bitch I ever lifted up weighed 280.

chick in the pic has a 5/10 face, not too bad not too good. Probably hotter with makeup on. But that weight. Jesus christ thats just unhealthy.
Any due thats at least at all worth having isnt gonna settle with a cow like that. Attractive men seek attractive companions.
TLDR: stay in your lane fatty

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Damn. If pic is related, I'm not disgusted at all. If pic is unrelated, still not digusted.
I'd do things to her that would make her mother blush and her father give me a high-five.

Guys with small dicks are afraid they won’t be able to reach your pussy and that’s the real truth of it.

Because your sweat smells 1000x worse than a healthy body because even the smell of your vagina is worse when you're fat also because you clearly show disregard for your appearance

Fat girls aren't as fun to massage. When I massage a fit girl, I can really feel the contours of her body and dig deep into those muscles, working out the stress. It's a beautiful thing done right. Fat girls just have too much padding.

Honestly though the biggest problem with fat people is the lack of hobbies. They sit around and watch netflix, usually. And they eat because they're bored. If you had something that truly kept you rapt, it would be a lot easier to put down the midday calories.

We’re hard wired to be attracted to women who look like they haven’t given birth before, slim, strong, young.

Drink more water, eat less, and exercise more. It’s good for your overall health.

>Why can't men handle larger women?
Because larger women can't handle themselves. I'm a fat girl, and I've been fat my all life. Many reasons why, and they all are more complicated than over-eating due to boredom. It took me 20 years to understand why I over-eat and try to fight it; and even now I often fail because throughout the years I taught my brain that only unhealthy food in copious amounts will alleviate stress, sadness, anxiety and all other negative feelings. My friend, who is also a fat girl, is fat due to her mental issues too. I don't know about the States but in my country fat girls are rare and when you see one you can be sure that she has some underlying psychological issues. So aesthetic aside, fat girls are difficult to date because they have some unresolved mental stuff going on resulting in poor self control and horribly unhealthy habits. They don't make a promising partner. It's like with daddy issues girls, most guys won't date them long term because they are crazy and unstable. If they are aesthetically attractive, they will get a guy for sex, but they will still struggle with getting an honest lasting relationship. The same applies to guys. Why so many incels are incels? Because they have some mental issues, sometimes on top of being ugly, and most women don't want to bf legit mental guys.
I think the best solution for a fat chick, or anyone troubled in any way, is to solve the issues they have with themselves rather than blame other people for not accommodating they mental issues.

yo this is too real and hope you resolve your shit, you sound like you have a good chance to do so

dated a Big Girl briefly and she hit all your marks and more:
> fat masking HUGE mental issues
> irresponsible (poor self control, overeating, bad with money, shortsightedness all funnels into mental issues probably)
> unconfident
> clingy to max
> rancid hygiene
> family is fat, all with similar mental issues like her. not putting those genes in my kids lol

i thought she was cute and would've been cool with her weight and all but she was crazy unstable and needed validation, constantly feared me talking to other women, socializing out of her sight, leaving... yeah guess what i left.

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I dont know how to give you an answer without being offensive.
First off its not about handling you is a problem, its the attitude you bring that makes you come off as someone who doesnt need a man.
Then there is the issue of weight itself. Many women were able to lose wieght through light excersize and dieting. If you want to be BBW, then expect a much smaller pool of men who are interested.
I am really sorry if that comes off offensive but this is my answer.

>Because they have some mental issues, sometimes on top of being ugly, and most women don't want to bf legit mental guys.
>I think the best solution for a fat chick, or anyone troubled in any way, is to solve the issues they have with themselves rather than blame other people for not accommodating they mental issues.
Well I am fucked.
I have mental issues though i am just over wieght and try my best to better my self and work out.
My mental issues however will never work out and go away, i just have to hide them and fight every urge.

mediocre bait

Just not attracted to it. There are men who are attracted to it too, find them.

Says a lot that I'm the first guy to call this, but howanever.

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I've been with 3 bbw over the last 5 years and i'm with one since two years. She's the best woman i ever had. There are other guys like me who love or don't care about how big you are. Don't lose faith.

Im curious though were all those girls bitter type of people? Because it seems crazy to me how i keep seeing a lot of BBWs still get laid when a male equivalent will be alone forever.

I know what it's like being overweight and I hate it. If there's nothing in your way to change your weight, it's kind of disgusting that you can be fine living like that.

One was bitter, another one was a milf and my current gf is a milf who was slightly jaded after a hard breakup. But breakups happen anyway all the time and it's rarely related to weight.
I don't know any fat guys so i can't say how they deal with it, but yeah my guess would be it's harder for them...

Thanks user

Some mental issues are more severe, other are less and not all of them can be completely resolved. But I think the most important thing is to keep working on them. With fat girls, they usually have this mindset that they don't have to work on themselves because a guy should love them as they are. And it's not a healthy approach.

Well we guys keep rewarding such behavior. I think we as men need to tell them its not ok.

>Why can't men handle larger women?
Hint: The word "handle" implies it's work. What's the payoff?

Maybe some guys do, but I think the blame is mostly on contemporary feminism. You have all these SEXY AT EVERY SIZE and BODY POSITIVE campaigns and over time people start to think that it's true and obesity is not a legit issue that should be solved for the best of everyone but a conscious healthy lifestyle. I would know because when I was younger I bought into all this Tumblr nonsense and wasted time on trying to get into "yass qween you big bold and beautiful and let no man tell you otherwise!" instead of approaching my real problems. It's also sad because in most cases obese people don't get the help they need. They get either shamed or bullied and told to just stop eating less, which is hard when your very brain is fucked up, or they are told that they are perfect and shouldn't change a thing about their lifestyle and that puts then in a state of deluded complacent and makes the issues even worse.

Because I just don't like fat girls.

The thing is obvious fat girls won't see the upside of getting slimmer unless they find a man that makes them want to.
My gf is fat but she works with kids and walks a lot because she has to and we both travel so this summer she lost a lot of weight. It's because we do those things together, not because she's like "oh shit I gotta lose weight otherwise he won't love me as much"

It just seems people not getting what they want and its someones elses fault scenario.

Why is this even a thread? Plenty of fat girls get slim guys and there are even BBW lovers. Can't say the same for fat guys or short guys though.

Do women at all generally believe that men have just as many relationships as women? Just asking, its not to insult, i just know men think women have more relationships than they do on average but i was curious at what Women really think.

>Do women at all generally believe that men have just as many relationships as women?
Not a woman, but they probably do think that way which is why they are disgusted by virgins because they can't fathom that no girl has ever paid attention to a guy. This is why being shy as a guy or having social anxiety as a guy means you're pretty much fucked unless you're really attractive.

I guess we need a better ratio of for every guy in a relationship there is triple that arent.

mathematically impossible

>social anxiety
Well we can blame ourselves for that, i mean playing too many video games will fuck up your social life.

I prefer fat girls with good self esteem. Their femeninity is delicious. Is it because i am naturally ectomorph? Fat girls also seem to engage more in retention behaviors like giving good blowjobs and other benefits but since they are lazy as fuck the benefits stop as soon as the honeymoon period ends

i know this is probably bait but I also know there are some women on Jow Forums that actually do think this way.
Nobody is intimidated by you, nobody "can't handle" you. You're fat and they feel disgusted because fat people are disgusting.
> This is coming from a fat fetishist, and I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this.
you don't. You can only speak for the tiny minority of men who are also fat fetishists like you. The vast majority of men aren't rejecting fat girls because they don't do their hair and makeup, it's because they're fat.
Stop telling delusional fat chicks that they can be appealing if they just put on makeup and doll themselves up. They can't. The only way to make herself appealing is if she decides to stop being fat.
men put up with this because dating is so heavily slanted in women's favor that many men develop low self-esteem and their only choice is to settle for a fat girl or stay single.

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Lost my V-Card to a chubby girl, not that pleasant of a feeling.

Had sex with a BDSM crazy pig, when she was trying to get me. Was rather bad sex.

Had sex with a sweet and intelligent but overweight girl. I dated her, thought well she probably is chubby, hugged her the first time and could barely get around her, but didnt want to judge a book by its cover. So we had sex and my body just said to me: Please not any more of this and I fought myself to not end the sex right there but pulled through for her. After that I felt disgusted and promised to myself never to do something like that again.

To be quite honest: They are not dumb, they are not unhygienic, they are not necessarily lazy. And they can be sweet and intelligent.

But their skin can be far from soft as it is stretched from the high preasure the fat creates. Their weight prohibits any position, where she is on top, because it feels like my pelvis would bend and break. and the look is missing anything youthfull and elegant. I don't think I could get in the mood of having sex with a fat woman even once more in my life. it's just not a pleasing view, touch and sexual experience.

Not once did I have such a feeling with any slim woman I have been with, and they can be smart and intelligent just aswell.

>uses the word handle like its a positive one

get your head out of your fat ass, its just not attractive. Guys can handle fat, they simply dont want it

Find a fetishist or loose weight, pick one.

Honestly, my personality disorder has made me more attractive to some women (mostly Borderlines). If you know your market, you can be pretty successful in relationships.

Fat OP wanted to stroke her ego and knows that Jow Forums has a lot of men with low self esteem who compensate by going after fat chicks

>Why can't men handle larger women?
because we can't get our arms around you

Why can't large women handle a treadmill?

Why can't large women handle eating less?

Or large men for that matter.

As for OP. It's a visual sign that your lifestyle is unhealthy and not a suitable long term partner...also exactly the same reason why skinny, short or poor men are generally the unappealing.

>short men are short because they have an unhealthy lifestyle
Imagine trying so hard to convince yourself that women aren't just shallow cunts that you actually type something this retarded

>Why can't women handle larger men? Gals says they were feeling "disgusted" by me.

She how easy this can be turned around? Western civilization and not culling women that lack self-awareness was mistake

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Being fat is unhealthy therefore it is unattractive. We weren't evolved for this shit. It doesn't look the part either.

some dudes like fat girls
some do not
some tolerate them for various reasons
its just a personal preference thing

If that's you, you'd do good working them fats.
You are not ugly by any means, just bigger than most are comfortable with.

Hi, I'm skinny as AIDS and have had a gf for the past 2 and a half years.
98% of women I dated said I'm very handsome and one even scored me 8/10, sometimes 8,5/10.

Not that anyone would believe a random user at face value, but this guy is full of bull.

To be fair the woman in OP looks so much better than that guy. The woman in OP is unappealing, the guy in that pic is disgusting.

Except the entire problem is that we are evollved for this shit. Fat is energy storage. We evolved to store all the excess energy in order to survive when food was not guaranteed. Women especially are designed to hold onto more body fat (they need 10% more total body fat than men to be healthy) because of how pregnancy and childbirth and nursing taxes the body. We crave sugary, fatty, salty foods because those are necessary for survival and hard to find in the wild.

Our bodies are made to store energy, minimize expenditures, and survive. It's just that now we live in a time period where food is readily available to most people. We can find fats, sugars, and salts anywhere and everywhere. We have our survival taken care of and our bodies haven't adapted to that yet.

Though it's also important to consider that a lot of people also have health issues that contribute to being overweight or obese. This isn't everyone, but my most overweight friend has genetic diabetes and repeated kidney failure. Another overweight friend had undiagnosed intestinal problems as well as an injury that prevents heavy exercise. Another has mental health issues that were untreated that caused compulsive eating, and getting mental health treatment allowed them to develop a healthier relationship with food.

Being obese isn't healthy, but neither is being underweight. Fat evolved as a survival mechanism and is natural. And I guess I just want to say that you can't tell what's going on from the outside. Yeah some people are fat because they don't control their eating or are lazy. But oftentimes there is something else contributing to it that you would struggle to deal with, too. You can't tell who is which just by looking.


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you overestimate fatties: its just as hard for a woman to stay thin as it is for a short dude to magically gain 20 centimerers.

It's true that women are more inclined to maintain body fat than men, but that statement is complete bs. Just don't stuff yourself.


She has an ugly man face. And that's something that won't be alleviated even by losing weight...


beta bitch you're retarded

one requires a dangerous surgery. the other requires you to stop bending the fork.

My gf is fat and I handle it just fine.

Same, but I think OP was just baiting, friend.

Probably, but I'm drunk and don't care.

But some guys are attracted to you though.

It's still unappealing.

You're right. No one believes you.

The girl in that photo is gorgeous!

>Why can't men handle larger women?
>can't handle

I love how it's phrased as if it's about other people somehow being deficient and not having what it takes to be with you.

Protecting your ego much?

>Larger women
Don't use a pretty word for something that is not pretty. Call it what it is, fat.

>Why can't men handle 'larger women'?
1) A woman, or any person in general who is fat, tells me that person lacks discipline and self-control to maintain a healthy body weight. For me that's a red flag in terms of personality.

2) I find fat women not sexually attractive, so i won't date them.

3) I want to date a healthy woman. Being fat is not healthy so i won't date her.

There are a considerable amount of guys who are open to dating a fat girl. But not coincidentally, these are usually guys who are fat themselves.