1000+ UPVOTES!!!

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I’d jerk off to videos of jewish women getting raped by arabs.

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why do conservatives who are concerned about demographic replacement and genocide jump for joy about how Israel treats Palestinians?

I say let Jews burn in their imported oven that shouldn't even exist.

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I don't get it. It should say Israel because through out the history of the land it was 100 years or less that Israel was a thing. The Turks alone had control of the region for over 600 years, just a little more than the romans with Byzantium.

Israel is the make believe land and the jews are the S.O.S.

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T_D is populated by nothing but JIDF and boomers. Anyone with critical thinking skills was banned long ago.

>palestine: exists

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Imagine being offered Madagascar and choosing Turkfuckistan instead, Jews are retarded as fuck.

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More Jews would have died being transferred to Madagascar in the middle of a war than are claimed to have died in the Holohoax. It's such a fucking logistical nightmare that Goebbels said something like "only the strongest of the Jews will survive and better their race as a result."

>I don't get it.
It's worse than that it comes from here someone made it with israel they just changed it with palestine instead. Its archived on 4plebs.

Maybe Jews should not have started a fucking world war then.

Yeah, you see these really weird and inflammatory pro-Israel threads pop up on r/T_D every other day or so. You can go in the threads and see a lot of people rightfully calling the Jews shills out, but then they get either downvoted or deleted.

Aye, the 6 Gorillion fared well then eh? I'd have taken my chances on a transport to Madagascar and seen how long it was before I was kicked off of there or shoa 2 lack of electric boogalooed. Assuming the 6 Gorillion is real...

the comments are even bigger cancer

it was always going to be the holy land, how else could they rebuild their satanic temple and fulfil their messianic fantasy

It's known that at least 200K people died in the concentration camps and that they died from disease and lack of supply (due to Allied bombing), this is backed up with the Red Cross report. Just imagine the death toll if, instead of staying in place, these people were being shipped en masse across two continents and then a sea zone.

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You mean 6 million.

I imagine it has something to do with the majority of Palestinians living in Jordan, of which makes that a majority Palestinian state. It might also be linked to the idea that an ethnic group 'Palestinian' did not exist prior to the creation of Israel. That before that they were just 'Arabs'.

Sort of makes the whole thing look artificial to some people I imagine.

never an unimpressive shitpost from you cunts

They lived in Palestine you fucking burger retard. That's why they're called Palestinians.

Neither of these words are the slightest bit sexy.