Flooding Jow Forums with this fucking commie

Shills think you will sell out your country and a future for your people for the simple fact that she had nice tits in college.
How do we put an end to this?

Attached: ForceFedCommunism.png (2371x1188, 1.7M)

>pic related

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Those threads are taking up valuable real estate. Mods, my thread about an e-celeb getting married was slid by the Cortez spam.

2 of those OPs are ad-hom
She causes much buthurt because she said "occupied Palistine"
Cry more Moshe

>thread about an e-celeb
e celebs are not a threat to our future and the existence of white children
try again schlomo

>She causes much buthurt because she said "occupied Palistine"
Ah I see the game now. They do the same thing with Ilhan Omar, always forgetting to mention her anti-semitic tweets, of course.

>sell out your country and a future for your people

The only future for working class people in the USA is what they have in Europe - a free or cheap, good college education.

Of course the Republicans are against this, and the Democrats are too weak to fight for this.

The WASP elite would rather hang with Oprah in Martha's Vineyard than the white trash that live in rural Kentucky.

Shills gonna shill

Acknowledging Israel's behavior isn't "anti-semitic".
Even Jews are getting tired of genocidal ethnostate's behavior

It's just people shilling. It won't have an effect if people don't respond, but people are retarded enough to fall for the Trump effect

You don't, cunt.

Dems and libs finally learned a couple of lessons from the Russian internet troll farms and bits that flooded this board and FB two years ago, so youll be seeing a lot more shit like this.

DNC is paying for those posts. It's the old shariablue crew.

countries are just dirt beneath your shoes, only niggers believe in them, literally nothing connects you with your compatriots, besides language

I'm using current year legal definitions.

Maybe user.
Still pales in comparison to the Adelson funded shills screeching "shareblue!" at any post that goes outside the Adelson/Kushner/Bannon narratives

Just ignore it.
It’s like giving a Jew money just because he asked you for it

That thing looks so gross, why are you fuckers posting this?

She's perfect bros

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FFS you can t have that in America way to many illegal alians you got 20 million. plus you want open borders to boot WTF dont you understand.
Way to costly you cannot afford this dream of free healtcare and free education. FFS wake the f up look ad the countrys it works in and tell me what they got in commen. FFS, jes smal and white.

Attached: communism.jpg (640x554, 91K)

No, see, there's this thing called upward mobility. If you are anything but a straight white male, there are gorillions of dollars in grants and scholarships to pay for your school, and quotas everywhere for you to get into almost any school you like, even Ivy League if your GPA and resume is good enough.

Even if they can't, they have the option to take out loans to go to their local community college for an associate's, then transfer to their state university for the rest. Saves a couple $10k in debt.

If your suggestion is for everyone to have mandatory and free public university, then it's only a matter of time before a bachelor's becomes as useless as a high school diploma. Means you'll be in the exact same place you are now.

And of course the elites would rather not hang out with the white trash. Who would? Especially if you're cultured and have money. You'd have nothing to discuss with these people. No common interests or shared ground. And oh man, the first thing they like to do is ask you for money. Not a loan, just gibs. Then get mad when you say no, like they're entitled to it. There are many reasons classes don't mingle too much, that's one of em.

>steals your money to give to niggers and bums
it's should be illegal to be this retarded

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>How do we put an end to this?
By hiding and reporting rule breaking threads (including this one).

Honestly Op, by fucking with them on their platforms and makin their lives miserable.

You're right user.
The reason they are branching out to our platforms is because nobody goes to their platforms anymore. There's no more right wing opinions posted on their boards/subs/pages/groups.
They've won their safe spaces so there's no need for them to stay and defend.
If you faggots don't get on reddit/fb/twitter and oppose these lunatics, we are going to lose.
Your message is only being heard by fellow right wingers if all you do is post on Jow Forums.

Was Marx a NEET?

Just report the threads for spamming. There isn't much more you can do.

AOC lives in your minds rent free. you already lost.

It’s not going to stop while stupid people keep posting in every thread with her face on it.

How fucking new are you at this, you stupid reddit dipshit


get the fuck out of here

based poland as always

It's on all platforms.
You think you''re doing something productive by making memes about her and spreading her face all over the internet?
You're not doing yoursellf any favors.
It's free advertisement.
The people that oppose her were not going to vote for her anyways.
It's free advertisement.

>reddit spacing

the report system exists for a reason