What exactly happened at Occupy Wall Street?

Why exactly do anons consider it such a landmark event in our current political ecosystem.

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You mean the anger valve operation? It served its purpose.

That's when Corporate America bought off the far left and we got the beginning of this progressive Orwellian era.

Occupy are all morons who serve the interests of thise they despise
Liberals are a fucking cancer

the left protested jews for a lil bit.

It was a pivotal event in forcing income inequality and anticapitalism as narratives back into the public discussion, as well as for generating new leftist activists

it was the defeat of class politics by identity politics, and is the main reason why anti-globalism has become a right-wing movement

also, it was ruined by a fucking drum circle

Occupy was so cutting edge when it was happening. In comparison to us "alt-righters" they were slightly more organized and way less infiltrated (at least at first).

it was derailed because anger was too closely directed to the (((right people)))


read that wiki page, that was implemented by (((infiltrators))) to the occupy movement to essentially destroy any chance of a working organizational structure emerging in the protests. everyone gets a chance to push their own gay pet agenda so nothing can get done and the original focus is lost

the jews hijacked it and David Icke tried his best

Occupy Wall Street was shut down for being an anti-semitic hate group.

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This. youtu.be/W81A1kTXPa4

It started off well, but attracted the homeless and the pink haired. By the end a list of demands could not even be produced. Occupy Wall Street quickly became Poor Black Tranny Lives Matters.

Nail on the head. There are a couple of greentext screenshots I don't have handy that tell the story from the perspective of a white guy that participated in OWS before it became a "faggot and nigger complaining is more important than organizing and succeeding" shitfest.

CIA niggers infiltrated all of the groups and destroyed them from within. No one is allowed to actually threaten the bank.

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It's interesting that all the BLM, fuck straight white males started right after Occupy Wall Street. Those at the top needed a new villian so people wouldn't start asking questions about the (((1%))).

Warner Bros made a ton of cash
Homeless camped in public parks
When everyone realized 47% of jews are in the 1% they played the trump card and sent the angry black ladys with bullhorns to start telling the white organizers to STFU and know their place. Within hours of mobilizing the angry black ladys the protests evaporated.

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>such a landmark event

One of the most significant things is it happened when Obama was in office. Which means it was not a creation of the Democratic party leadership. Of course, they worked to co-opt it once they saw it would stick around for a while.

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1. Everyone is mad at banks
2. Send SJWs to bank protest
3. SJWs take over bank protest to scream about whammen and gays and blacks and anything BUT banks
4. ?????
5. PROFIT!!!1!

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msm reporting on a sexual assault in the encampment was the death knell

> (OP)
>the left protested jews for a lil bit.
This. And taxation without representation for bit. Then forgot it all.

Also this
Retarded hippies should have been launching a sit in at the Fed
Instead they cried about whammen and beat drums


Suddenly a Canadian David Hogg and Emma what's-her-face of OWS© appeared and walked into a bank to negotiate. And then press moved on to something else.

>a landmark event

It wasn't a fucking landmark event. Nobody even remembers it.

Here's what happened. A bunch of lame stupid cuckservatives influenced by Libertarianism and Austrian economic books on central banking got excited.
Soon after, the movement was flooded by anarchists and gays and niggers who would have shouting matches over privilege and who had the right to speak.
This was followed by George Soros paid provocateurs and police and intelligence agency trouble makers.
Then it collapsed.
The end.

Thinking that Jow Forums caused the situation in your picture makes me sad

morphed into nigger lives matter.

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Am I banned

fbi informant sabu tricked anonymous to start ows

My first red pill. Media hyped it as a Revolution for the common folk. Get there & see dirty, smelly, ugly hippies in drum circles & Commie slogans. Fucking degenerate.

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They were co-opted. Demoralized. Destroyed.


antifa fucked it up

as if their situation would be any better if they were painting something other than those gay masks

>wahhhh whypipo make browns subject themselves to conditions i would find appalling :(((((( whypipo do something!!!!

They changed the target from (((da 1%))) to ebil wyppl men

Cointelpro killed it, the same way agitators and NGO's are behind color revolutions. I was underage B& at the time (14 or so) but my leftie mom took me, and surprisingly the first few days was a fairly civil discourse between left and right, but once it breached the normie sphere, as other anons have said it became a pity party/proto-Check your privilege and my mom lost interest.

The people that knew what they were talking about got shouted down by identity politics. it was an economic protest of massive wage gap, not gender, but the rich and poor, and a massively shrinking middle class. The first few days of it was mostly about how "too big to fail" corporations, lobbying(Citizens United), and fractional reserve banking were destroying working america and political integrity.

Once it became popular and trendy to "Go be an activist" and shit, every nigger and their dog tried to hop on the bandwagon and put their issue in the spot light, it lost cohesion, it lost its message, and became a disjointed screaming match between every little group.


Same thing with the french protests.
Literally no coverage, and memory holed.

Basically what happened. It wasn't left as some people are saying, it was a lot of hippies, truthers, anarchists, leftists, and poor/homeless people who were trying to create an opposition to the finance swindle. Quite a bit more left than right, but the fact that truthers or any right-wing element could get along with the left and have anti-establishment principles was an important factor making it a popular people's rebellion.
A lot of it went to hell in the meetings, while the core remained focused on demands that opposed the ponzi of the 1% there were loud voices from the SJW-types demanding queer/feminist/black identity to have a greater say and hold a special place within the demands. Ironically, it was a bit of a 1% group within the movement which destroyed it.
I think it's also important that the liberal/marxist alliance had already destroyed traditional anarchist movements. They would have been a loud non-partisan voice focusing on the economic system, but had basically experienced a long MeToo racket accusing anyone with insurrectionist tendencies of being fascists, rapists, white supremacists, etc.
Happened to me, I never participated because I had become completely disillusioned with all groups after being MeTood for something I said. I just had one friend who participated and went to observe a few times.

Which only happened because all the white men left because they weren't interested in being berated by niggers, women, and gays.

The conservatives should also be blamed for just treating it as a joke. All of those shows and con youtubers went looking to cherrypick any dumb people they could find because MUH BILLIONAIRES ARE PEOPLE TOO.
People should look into these conservative connections and how they may have contributed to the end of the alt-right as well.

based and redpilled

>been there and seen it myself

Yes, it would be interesting to see how far back the FBI/CIA infiltration of these movements goes, and how much they pushed identity politics in the universities.
Remember that the police had provocateurs at all of these protests. Video of police who were caught because they wore standard issue boots with their antifa getup:

The paradigm was successfully shifted away from "The Proletariat vs The Bourgousie" to "The Oppressor vs The Oppressed". Identity politics was weaponised and used to seed discord amongst groups so they'd focus on anything other than the financial elite and ruling classes as the source of societies problems. Atheism+ marked the starting point.

The government (((shut it down))), like they are doing with Jow Forums right now

just gonna leave this redpill here, it will help you understand Jow Forums so much better and how they attack anything Jow Forums kino. that commie Obama put this into law. it enables them to slide, misinform, manipulate and outright censor online communities that deviate from the kosher approved narrative. so much for your freedom of speech.









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subversion & infiltration by globalists and bankers who literally pozzed the shit out of that crowd with memes and disinformation until they became what you know today as cultural marxists, sjws, post modernists, new left, etc.

The media wasn't conservative tho. They picked out the tri-colored trans-whales with Women's Studies degrees and their demands as the 99% and made themselves look like a joke.
This may also be true tho.

It would have only worked if it was Yellow Vested. Also, there was a Banker there, BTFO all the occupy Wall streeters:


Who the fuck considers it a landmark? Begone, shill

This. OWS was the real kickstart of the identity politics movement. Notice how everything we now view as "sjw" began right after it happened.

The Progressive Stack effectively removed all the leaders of OWS (nearly all white males) and killed it off. Thus began the era of Identity Politics as a divide and conquer strategy of the elite.

Crowder and plenty of other neocon youtubers went there and mocked people for not being capitalists.
The mainstream media may have been dominant liberal, but the conservative response made it clear they are just two sides of the same coin.

It was important because it was the first mass movement after the failure of anti-war protests and anti-globalisation.
And one might ask, if nationalists are opposed to globalism where were they in these protests?

Well, you're not wrong.

I shot video back then. Got picked up by a small time production crew shot a stupid doc that some rich girls dad paid for. If you have a big camera the cops generally won’t fuck with you.

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It was a CIA psyop from the get-go. America's colored revolution, and I don't mean niggers. Look where the call to action came from: Adbusters and the (((Tide Foundation))). There's pics of known spooks hanging around in first days of protest. It was also the birth of mainstream Cultural Marxism and kicked identity politics into high-gear as others have said. There needed to be an outlet for the collective rage the public felt towards the bailouts and to deflect away from the obvious: the 1% are mostly Jews.

>and one might ask, if nationalists are opposed to globalism where were they in these protests?

Getting chased away for being not-sees

Helen had a really good segment in one of her vids that explained exactly how OWS was sabotaged from within by the SJW movement.
She does a good job of breaking down the SJW movement in general, can't find exact video so will just link her channel.