What are your thoughts on Genghis Khan ?

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I think that he loved bbc. Can white and asian bois even compete?

He was based

Apparently everyone is related to Genghis Khan.


One of the greatest leaders of all time. A man like gengis khan only comes once every 600 years.

based and rapepilled

Based, also his mom was based too.

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My ancestor :)

Based and redpilled

I heard he was a horsefucker.

Didnt he killed millions of europeans?

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He killed millions of everyone

He was kind of a jerk.


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Greatest human being who ever lived.

Interesting guy, didn't care what god you believed in or what color your skin was as long as you bent the knee and god shit done. Couldn't handle samurai or some waves and wind though.

Wait or was that Kublai.

That's not true tho, it's such a missunderstod statement.

Didn't kill enough muslims

Mostly ayyrabs and semites alike

And that's a good thing

Everything in that one 5 episode podcast is truth. He was a crazy ass conqueror whose soldiers were the most brutal in history

He was the exception.

Except he couldn't conquer Japan or India...

My ancestor

the guy raped everything that moved.

"1 in 200 men direct descendants of Genghis Khan"

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Based. He crushed the urbanite.


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he's in hades suffering something bad.


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god damnit you beat me to it

Murdering cunt who just wanted more and more power. One of the most disgusting figures in history.

raped a lot of slavs, he's okay in my book.

An idiot yurt-nigger who "conquered" 99% barren wasteland and whose empire lasted maybe 17 seconds because it was not organized or grounded in any actual system to guarantee longevity. His descendents ruled steadily less and less land and their titles became steadily more and more grandiose.

Hahaha he's the reason Finns look like you do, I would hate him to.

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He was a troublemaker.


He poured molten gold in the eyes of a greedy Sultan he tried to befriend. Pretty based