She has no idea how any of this works! Hey Ocasio, what do you do for money when they get up and leave? Take a trip to Venezuela before you open your mouth.

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>what do you do for money when they get up and leave?
Confiscate and nationalize their businesses

pea brained latina socialist


Sure. Play by the rules or you lose your assets

Yeah thats the point. Destroying America

>>I am worthless and can not produce value so I will take what others have made
100% certified onions and redpilled

rip burgers

Who would run it after that ?

Play by the rules or lose your life, how bout dat you filthy freeloader

Kys faggot

see, we have a real gov here, not some fly by night bullshit that just takes shit
we're civilized. so fuck off, i hope you die

Why are you sticking up for the rich (Jews) user?

lmao yeah dude but communism isn’t based on thievery or anything

please, larping faggot, show us how you dont pay taxes
the only way that happens is if you dont have a job, which i'm guessing you probably work in some faggot coffee shop, making other larping faggots $15 coffees

She's so dumb I bet she commits a felony within four years.

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Who enforces the rules, pajeet bee?

We fucking lost

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I smell a VERY loooooooooong breadline comrade.

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hope she destroys any lingering legacy FDR and the Green Party ever had

start playing by a set of rules, they change, you are punished for not wanting to play anymore - but of course when your stupid shithead of a commie is being dragged behind a dumpster and get shot by your comrades, once you are no longer needed you can whisper - it was not a real communism-

who the fuck do you think was behind the idea and the initial implementation of communism, ya fucking twat ?


>follow rules

Lmao. The business would move else where friend, The only sort of thing you would confiscate is a fat bullet hole in that baby brain of yours. Try taking our guns first and that plan might just work, provided you don’t get hanged in the process of taking them

Is she fucking retarded? Holy shit!
How does she even expects it to work, will she also tell them to put the wealthy in chains and prevent them from fucking off the country?

Jews are international. Once Communism has destroyed us, they'll swoop in like buzzards and take the industries over. They don't have to live in the US.

Your flag sends him into such a rage that he would side with a jewish run, leftist degenerate agenda pushing, multicultural embracing company that would up and leave an American city to go to China to save a few bucks

Good. Tax the (((rich)))

>green new deal

Attached: com.MarshallClaytonDixon.ScreamingWojak.png (300x300, 60K)

>will she also tell them to put the wealthy in chains and prevent them from fucking off the country?
Call their bluff. What difference do you think it would make? You think these people aren't already using off-shore accounts and loopholes?

Off shore tax havens LOVE HER

The tax rate was higher than that in the 50s and 60s

>Forcing the economy into a 3 year recession cycle while investors wait for their cheaper capital gains tax at a capped percentage

JFK literally dropped the tax from 90% to 65% because there wasn't a single wealthy person or business paying those expensive taxes and were willing to wait out the 3 years to get taxed at 20% for capital gains which forced the US into cyclical recession until the taxes were paid and consumer spending would jump back up. The whole reason we were able to pay for Vietnam, affirmative action, and the welfare system of LBJ was because of the increased tax revenues and increased buying from the Kennedy tax cuts that were implemented post-motem

The government, of course. As the representatives of the people.

>taxed up to 70%

In the UK from the 1950s to the 1970s anyone earning over £10,000 per year was taxed over 90%.

It didn't really work.

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>Confiscate and nationalize their businesses

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Reminder that USA used to tax the wealthy at 95%.

Based AOC is pretty moderate compared to the USofA during it's golden age.

I can't wait to live in an economy that runs as smoothly and effectively as my local DMV.

Wasn't she just bitching at Elon Musk for taking government gibs to fund his car company? What does she think a new New Deal would entail other than giving people government money with flimsy promises to do stuff like build electric cars?

>Muh 91% tax bracket
>How could it be that the tax code of the 1950s had a top marginal tax rate of 91 percent, but resulted in an effective tax rate of only 42 percent on the wealthiest taxpayers? In fact, the situation is even stranger. The 42.0 percent tax rate on the top 1 percent takes into account all taxes levied by federal, state, and local governments, including: income, payroll, corporate, excise, property, and estate taxes. When we look at income taxes specifically, the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid an average effective rate of only 16.9 percent in income taxes during the 1950s
It was a meme

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Even unemployment income is subject to tax. You'd have to be such a piece of shit to not pay taxes.

We still have the senate and the presidential veto. This type of shit will get nowhere. But it’s waking up normies

Based and REDpilled

>muh Venezuela

what an absolute fucking retard

what a pointless post

Yeah I'm sure the rich won't just move or dump all their cash in some offshore account, dumb cunt.

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its about fucking time to limit running for any political office, as well as voting, to those paying taxes

They do that already

my point exactly

What in the fuck is a "green new deal"? What exactly would you need that money for?

Giving this post a bump.

Sounds good to me


wtf ? is this real ? american politics have gone downhill really fast, RIP.

Here’s the basics.
In other words, gibs.

Venzuela has always been a shithole. There were food riots before too, hence why the Chavez had so much support, but you don't care about that only cherrypicking.

this meme needs an update

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One more thing, after reading about this “new” deal, I’m convinced the “browning of America” also refers to rolling brownouts.

I would be okay with taxing the "super wealthy" and corporations if it was building a great white society instead of going to niggers, illegals, and (((climate change)))

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>what do you do for money when they get up and leave?
>Leave America
>Millions of Jews
Dude take her offer

come on now Carl

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Bump for more AOC coverage

the key is to not drive out the anglos as well my dude

Well, there is 300 million of us vs a couple million 1%ers. Not looking good for the (((money hoarders))).

Ah yes a reddit meme. I have been truly proven wrong

Start new businesses

just trying to make sure you understand it

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she's got serious money backing her up
no one does this shit for free.

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Name a successful communist state.

>I have been proven wrong
So what’s new?

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I'm in the middle class, my income tax is 33% plus other mandatory payments =40%. When I go to a store, I pay 24% VAT. Don't do it!

Lmao at butthurt amerifags who get their education from Shapiro and Crowder.
Africa is a capitalist continent and its getting destroyed every day.
EU with socialist policies and China are rising....
BuT SoCiaLism DoeSNt wOrK.

I only hope in my lifetime i can watch this commy swing from a rope or beheaded. She is everything that is anti american.


>not getting destroyed
But you're a stubborn little troll, aren't you.

>The Jews are Capitalist warmongers
>Jow Forums is against Jews (supposedly not sure these days)
>none of them think that the ultimate enemy of the Jew is a healthy communist man
whew the brainwashing is deep.

Holy crap, this is some of the most inane buzzword-riddled bullshit I've come across in a long while.
Does the average democrat seriously buy this bullshit?

So you totally don't do drugs, right?

This is coming to the US to prevent societal structure from completely collapsing within about 10 years. Do you not think the people who run this country know this has to happen? They are just picking a hip milk chocolate woman to get the kids into it.

Except for "the rules" since the beginning of the 1940s have been against capital controls. Instituting capital controls is the surest and quickest way to wreck your economy.

You mean 1M%.

No I am pointing out the reality faggot. Every country is taxing more and more people and sharing the wealth because there is a need to do it.
You american retards are living under the dilussion that you are a month away from becoming rich, while Jews in (((Wall Street)))) and (((Silicon Valley)))) are laughing their ass off all the way to the bank with free slaves like yourselves.

Actually this. National socialism is the way forward. We have to kill commies and marxists and of course the racially and genetically unfit

>alexandria ocasio-cortez retracts her statement as all super wealthy migrate to a less shit country and she becomes a member of the new "super wealthy" class

>we have to kill marxists
>which is why we must become socialist ourselves

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White IQ: 100
Chinese IQ: 105
Nigger IQ: 70
Communist IQ: 0

>course the racially and genetically unfit
> Anonymous (ID: Aoruymvs) 01/04/19(Fri)17:41:30 No.198699595▶
You never learn

Attached: The Soviet flag over the Reichstag, 1945 (1).jpg (1600x1154, 494K)

They donor class is going to primary captain wacky so fucking hard when her term is up

Where? Business flight is bullshit fed by politicians who do not want to lose fat paycheck from their masters. They deliberately leave loopholes so big guys can abuse them and pay nothing.

Is it not what people do to tax evaders?

Good blog. But could you stop spamming this?

Why are you? Communism is an ideology which has historically never benefited the poor, and created or maintained oligarchy in every single country it inhabits.

What if America was a corporation? instead of welfare grants and benefits we get shares and work credits.

chinese iq is gamed. they leave out farmers and poor people.

This is step two in that Jow Forums what happens after the revolution pasta

70% ha good luck w that
Shes so fucking stupid