Is it bad to make money unethically or am I pretty much forced to?

is it bad to make money unethically or am I pretty much forced to?

I live in this really shitty town and the only option I have for a job is to go to other shitty small towns around me where there's no job opportunity or anything. there's just gas station jobs, making pizza, and fast food nothing else. my friend is from a suburb where all his friends are handed awesome jobs, free ride through college, cars as soon as they turned 16 and all that shit. I have a bus that comes to my town twice a day and that's it so my options would be limited to only working during those hours so i'd make like 30-40 bucks a day so like close to nothing.

I live in the coldest climate in the world its like -30 during the winter and winter lasts like all year long and there's -70 degree strong ass howling winds all day long on top of snow storms, blizzards, ice, everything is wet and covered in snow and its dark literally all day long so i'd just be sitting by a freezing bus stop first thing in the morning every day in the pitch black. i'd go to work it'd be black out, i'd come home it'd be black again

i'd just be forced to sit at home after work because there's nothing to do so i'd literally just work, come home and be sad, then wake up and do it all again. I also have trouble working because I always feel tired as fuck, have really bad anxiety, and im so tired I legit feel like I might faint sometimes and im really unhealthy.

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I can make way way way more money doing my skeezy shit like make a full days pay times two almost every day or at least a full days pay in just a couple hours or something without having to put in a shit ton of effort. I have tons of freedom can sleep whenever I want. im just saving the money for my future and to leave my shitty town but as soon as I started making money I got arrested and got trapped even deeper in my town so I can't tell if thats karma or not its also pretty much a scam and I feel like an ass hole.

I feel like its the only way I have as much opportunity as everyone else. my parents were poor they could never even help me go half on a beater car. everyone around me was handed way more shit and this is still in piss poor poverty land so im literally the poorest of the poor. is my skeezy job a blessing or is it bad to do or is it just fair because i've had the shittiest life ever. I just see it as stealing from the rich and giving to the poor (myself). I mean I have no fucking opportunity at all and my life is hell like literally fucking hell.

I have insomnia and severe anxiety, nausea all this other shit so its impossible to work almost and on top of this other shit I have to do like take that bus in the freezing cold depressing dark hell hole. im finally making more money than my friends and I have the same amount of opportunity as the rest of the world who were all given better opprotunties.

>my friend is from a suburb where all his friends are handed awesome jobs, free ride through college, cars as soon as they turned 16 and all that shit
What, you think that the local council hands them these things or something? It's their parents giving them these things.

Also what does any of this have to do with your initial question?

yes, it's bad

Who do I have to blow to get DUI user banned from Jow Forums?

every person in an average suburb or suburban town or in a city has an easier life than me. 80% of the population has it easier than me,

my life isn't fair so im not playing fair.

I won't tell you what to do, just don't get butthurt if you have to face any consequences regarding your actions.

get a gym pass bike? mopad. buy the chepest car u can find. exercise is good.

the problem isn't being arrested I know tons of people doing it and ive never once heard of anyone being arrested its more spiritual karma

now I have no license and that wouldn't work. I told you how bad the weather is here you can't bike in it and all the towns are like 10-30 miles away a pure stretch of highway. just not worth it for 30 dollars or whatever wageslaves earn. that bus I was considering because I got super fucking high one day of drugs and was convinced that doing evil shit was the reason why my life is garbage and then I thought of the idea of taking that bus to some shit job every day but I just don't know if I could do that. if the weather was better or something I would try but fuck man. also the bus schedule is so bad because it only circles the county twice i don't even think i would be able to take it both there and back because my town isnt really even a hub its just on the way i think they park the busses at the end of the route in another town

If some sort of spiritual karma exists/a higher power is judging us, then there will be consequences entailed by your actions.

what if this is my blessing from god to adverse over my situation and have a similar opportunity to everyone else in my country?

It's not, God never approves of crimes. You know this yourself because God already punished you twice for doing illegal and life threatening things.

yeah but my life is so god damn hard dude. I cant be a some poor bumpkin waiting by the bus stop every day in freezing cold winter bull shit in the pitch black then just come back home to nothingness. fuck it was bad enough in school now I don't even have any friends that live here.

can god just like fuck off while I do this and then let me move to an awesome city and then ill get a job lol


nigga you looking for validation, I'm from Israel and we make shitty salaries here all around, my friend delivers packages to Romania containing illegal documents making 11 grand a month working for his brother, his brother "works" at the retention department in one of those scamming centers where they sell you "shares" of "stocks" on some program and they simply take the money and run, It's unethical, my friend makes a lot of money helping his brother out to deliver whatever's in those packages, he doesn't want to tell me about the contents but It's not immediately illegal so I figure It's like documents, you're just like my friend, you came here looking for moral justification for your actions and someone to affirm you that Its okay, well I can tell by your responses already that you're a knob-head like my friend and already set your mind to believe that what you're doing is okay because life is unfair, I don't know exactly how illegal what you're doing is, but I tell you, besides the obvious consequences that might come from doing whatever you're doing (my friend also thinks there's no way they'll catch him because he delivers the packages instead of his brother so essentially he's not doing anything illegal), and lets say you never face those consequences and get caught - your life will still be in shambles, whatever you're doing is short-term work, you're not developing skills useful for working within society, you can keep it up for as long as you want, or can, eventually you'll have to get a "real" job, aka a legal one, my friend is confused as fuck about his life he has more money than he knows what to do with, all he does is sit in his room and play heroes of the storm, he's top grand master and pretty well known in the hots community, on surface this might make his life look good but I tell you, a life of indulging in pleasures makes you weak, and sad, you enjoy it for as long as you can and then your happiness receptors get fucked up.

>I can't tell if thats karma or not
Morals and laws are basically the framework around which society is constructed. Something being 'bad' is usually that way for a reason and will likely be detrimental to you in the long run.

when you get richer, whoever you may be, you get a fuckton of options, those that choose the indulging path go down the drain, those that make it are the ones that keep working on their careers even after they've made more money than they can spend, BECAUSE THEY LOVE THEIR LINE OF WORK, OR THEY HAVE A HOBBY, BUT a hobby alone won't keep you satisfied - you need a legal real line of work.
everything I wrote probably doesn't matter to you but I had fun writing it, good luck.

Or you can do what I did and work your ass off regardless of the situation to better your own condition on your own behalf lol

well im not doing the career as just some fast cash to fuck around with im doing it as a desperate attempt to escape my shitty situation.

you're also wrong on that front. 1. i could do this for life if i wanted to and i'd be very wealthy and no ones ever gotten arrested for it. 2. the forum where i learned how to do has people who runs all sorts of types of legal businesses online and i learned so much shit on there about legal business ideas that thats what i wanna do after this. there's people there making like thousands a day, tens of thousands a month and shit like that all legal business operations.

the money is only for stuff like an apartment and a car then i wanna go legit. i have other business ideas i know will work

well I already have a fuckton of money from it. what do I do with that if I decided to work legit?

ye I figured you got it all figured out man gl, you weren't really lookin for advice

>I got money
>What do I do with it?
Dude it's not hard to launder your own money if you had to. If you're the big bad wolf that can get that money, you can find a way to use it.

no its not laundering it its just if its unethical and I chose an ethical path then I shouldn't use the money. idk if I can give this up I see people doing time in prison and shit for the same amounts of money and I make serious fucking cash without having that risk. fuck.

i was just saying that iits not something people get arrested for and i found legal business ideas. i wasnt playing mental gymnastics trying to justify it, was just saying i want to do it to get into a better situation not to be greedy. ive already stopped doing it because i have enough money for what i want to do.

so you're saying it wasn't illegal at all it was just a moral problem, and now you've stopped doing it and have a lot of cash.
then mate I don't see the problem here lol go get a real job now or an education

im stuck in my shitty small town AGAIN and I dont know if its karma

its illegal but it really really borders on whether or not its illegal. no ones really going to go around and point it out or report you even if they did they would just get laughed at and no one would ever suspect anyone of doing it. its a hidden talent hidden deep in the internet that no one knows about.

the only way it would really get into legal territory is if you made a fuck load and never payed taxes

oh so you're somehow back in that town, well that shouldn't really be a problem, get a legal job, yes people use the bus to go to work every day it sucks but that's what you do for a legal job, get a job that has options for promotion and a skill to it and keep at it, if you have money from that illegal thing then use your money to move out closer to where more jobs are, It'll make your life easier but IT'S NOT NECESSARY

It's not necessary for you to BEGIN, you need to start, and the sooner the better (I feel like a lot of people on this site reading this will relate)

no man im saying me being arrested put on me on probation so im stuck. I cant leave unless they let me

oh lol so you did do something illegal god damn, I see, set yourself straight man, stop doing illegal or borderline illegal shit you sound sketch as fuck just from the way you type about that job, and you don't even wanna tell us what it is so like just goes to show you're afraid of the police finding out, just be straight from now on bro, start doing legal work for uncle sam and pay your taxes don't fuck around, there's a lot of places in the world that make shit money and lots of sad fucking people but It's better than being in a jail cell

I cant tell people what it is fool because then 100 people are gonna go out and do it its a well kept secret.

im trying to stay out of trouble im not doing anything I just want to move to the city so I can have friends and a job and not sit here all day maybe go back to college once I get my mind straight

So much evidence in this one, John. Take a look.

theres a whole forum of people openely talking about it and showing off their cash

I feel you OP. I come from rural Kentucky, I sell drugs when I'm not working my part time job and I live very comfortably. I don't sell drugs that can harm or kill or start an addiction. I constantly worry about being arrested but I didn't ask to be born into a world where you have to pay to live.

yeah but coudnt you just move to a nice city now at that point? I want to get away from illegal stuff but now I might be addicted to this crime. I just want to wait tables in the city. an apartment and an okay car in a big city is all I want then i'll take it from there. just waiting tables in a big city is like a huge opportunity for me.

So you're stuck in a shit town
With no driver license
On probation
With a lot of money that you made in an unethical secret internet way.
But wanting a normie life in a city.

A normal person would just use the money to move to a city within your probation limits, then build the normie life of your dreams. The problem here is that you are a mental patient with no life that has made all this up and hasn't even had the common courtesy of putting dancing dinosaurs in the OP.

there is NO city in my shit. im stuck in this county and this county is literally 4 small towns in the woods. its fucking retard hillbilly shit I have to transfer my shit or im fucked and I cant

they wont let me go live a normal happy life. my suffering benefits them so thats how its gonna stay

fuck I hate god

im the guy who posted about my friend delivering packages to Romania, desu this makes more sense, feels like he's trolling now

He is not. He is just mentally ill just like that guy who posts in GIOYC threads about being kept somewhere against his will or the breathing guy or the eilot Rodgers guy. This poster is insane and its sad people indulge him with (You)s. He created hundreds of threads like this and has been spamming the board with it at least since 2014

dude I dont even have that option theres no city even close to me I have nothing literally nothing. I want to move to a major city too not some midsized shitty city there's still not much opportunity there.

I pretty much am forced to do shit but I guess its not that bad I see people doing a lot worse for a lot less

and plus everyones more privileged than me I fucking hate my life

holy shit this conspiracy theory shit is beyond me I'm gonna nope outta this thread I'm not sure who's telling the truth anymore BACK TO BEING A LURKER

it's not easy to get out of the game. First you gotta think of the supplier who will be losing the profit you're bringing in, and if that somehow doesn't end badly you have to account for money you wouldn't have working a part time job. Honestly I think the best course of action for me is to put all of my assets in my brothers name and stash money as long as I can. He'll send me money while I'm in and make sure everything's taken care of. And honestly I don't do much with my time anyway so I may as well sit in a cell.

let me elaborate on the second part. If I move to a city and start spending money on an apartment, travel, moving, yadda yadda with just the funds from a part time job it kind of makes me stick out like a sore thumb to some official dickhead somewhere checking my taxes.

user, the OP of this thread is the same guy who made these thread:
and also these threads:
And countless others. The guy is a mental patient.

>ns are like 10-30 miles away
Less than an hours commute, come the fuck ON

I have no car you fucking moron