Who's Ready For Reparations?


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That stare.
She is completely fucked.

We've already paid reparations; it's called welfare.

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If niggers finally get reperations what will they complain about after?

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sage any AOC threads boys.
enough is enough

Sure thing, you eight-legged freak.

It will never be enough.

women in the covernment is the real cancer right after the kikes who are the original cancer

Anybody who unironically speaks of reparations needs to be shot on site.

> Reparations
> Most whites came to America after slavery was ended.


No amount of reparations will EVER be enough. There are nignogs on public assistance who have never ever had a job who think they are owed reparations from the same government that has been giving them money their entire lives.

Why? The Jews enslaved the Africans, so they should pay them reparations to compensate for this crime.

Never happen...

Half the slaveowners were Jewish, so it's a no-go.

our boomer parents already shoveled trillions of dollars at niggers in Afirmative Action, Section 8, Welfare, EBT, etc etc and all it did was encourage them to sit on their asses all day and drink and smoke cools, that WAS reparations and you're not getting more money

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Wtf I love Occasional Cortex noaw

never accept the dsa scum

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She's even dumber than our own local commies, I don't understand how you fellas decided she'd make a good politician.

Which state elected her anyway?

In order to completely redress the situation, it would require that any recipients renounced US citizenship and returned to Africa.

I swear to God, she's legit fucking retarded.

If we could end the Fed, I'd be down to give 50 grand to every African American who could trace their lineage to an American slave, no questions asked.
But only if we end the Fed.

>tfw you're glad that you are a 56 percent mutt

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It's also called the half a million people who died in the civil war

Wrong. Welfare pales in comparison. We already paid reparations, it’s called Liberia. Remember “40 acres and a mule”? We bought them a fucking country. Big enough to give each 40 acres and a mule. We have them total freedom, to the extent that they had their own constitution to form as they wished and our protection. And what happened? Few wanted to leave, many stayed in the US. Sorry, we offered reparations and you refused it. Fuck off, niggers.

it’s unfortunate aoc doesn’t see how quickly she’ll burnout

>actually following that monkey

Oh it will be a (((livestream))) all right.

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My great great grandfather was half black. I can prove this via birth certificates. I will GLADLY take their money.

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Ok fine. Reparations should be paid to every African American who was a slave prior to 1865.

Global blowjobs?

Simple spelling mistake. What she meant was " repatriations."


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40k to move to Liberia and renounce US citizenship.

What a psycho. Send all the Puerto Ricans back. They're retards.

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This. Glad someone said it. I hate history deniers.


Student loans is an actual good idea, but she's going to come up with the shittiest way to implement it and the GOP will then say that the only alternative is to do nothing about it.

food stamps, HUD, welfare, and WIC aren't enough for you niggers?

You will end up paying them to some white people.

Shock...you heard it here first!

Nothing will close the permanently outstretched black hand

>If niggers finally get reperations what will they complain about after?
White people stopped making good Cadillacs in 1998.

>good idea

It’s a horrible idea. I’m not paying for some cunt’s gender studies degree. You have to pay for your own higher education. If you take a degree that’s useless then you deserve your debt.

Can we pay in worthless African currency?

She can explore reparations to her anal cavity with me.

That's the shitty implementation. A better version would be prioritising STEM and abolishing subsidisings and allowing student debt to be discharged via bankruptcy. I also support the idea of the university having to pay the loss via clawbacks.

If something like that was implemented gender studies programs would evaporate overnight.

Govt. So small you could drown it in a bathtub!
Your debts are your own, declare bankruptcy like a grown up!
Legalize Cannabis, check!
Explore reparations for the minority curse against whites!
Baby Bonds???

mfw oc is proliferating

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I think reparations are a great idea, a one time lump sum and that's it. Once you're broke, you have to renounce your citizenship.

How about the 600,000 white men who died to free ungrateful niggers from slavery?

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>Federal Jobs Guarantee
Make-work projects do not contribute to the economy, they only serve to keep a poor populace from becoming rowdy.

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>bailout student debt

So she wants to use taxpayer's money to cover lenders who have been making predatory loans?

>baby bonds
Oh boy, get ready for a gibs-me-dat program that’s on a whole new level. This country is getting too dumb for me.