What career choices are there for people who have no talents or passions in anything...

What career choices are there for people who have no talents or passions in anything, the only thing I’ve ever had even a mild interest in was art and literature, and can’t fucking handle nursing or factory work?

I don’t want to work retail for the rest of my life.

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IT/tech/web stuff

I tried to get into school for IT once. The entrance exam was 80% logic puzzles and problem solving. The best 44 got in.

I scored 213th.

I hate maths and computer stuff.

you don't need school, i know high school dropouts who work just fine in web

do you have to like your job? no. in fact you'll probably hate it. most people hate their job. that's what a job is. just go for the ones you hate the least or pay well enough for hobbies that make you happy.

How do I know what I hate the least? I did factory work, fucking hated it so much they called me an ambulance twice within a year because I just couldn’t take being there anymore.

Tried to go study nursing, had to drop out because my overwhelming horror of just being there and having to deal with these people was actively endangering patients.

>How do I know what I hate the least?
keep trying different stuff, that's all. there's a whole bunch of stuff out there, you could browse Indeed randomly and see thousands of different jobs that way.

Browse what randomly?

Indeed, it's a job site

Does it work outside of the US?

I don’t want menial labour, I want an education.

Use your retail experience to get a job in a bookstore or art gallery. Use your experience there to move on to jobs in publishing, library, museum, etc.

i've gotten jobs from it from companies outside the US but i'm not sure if it works for every country. it's not a menial labor site, has all kinds of work.

bruv you sound really demanding and pessimistic. i get it the frustration but you'll quickly stay stuck in what you hate the most without some attitude shift.

I’m sorry I was misleading but I don’t actually have retail experience. Only factory.

Then how should I be thinking?

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Webdev, specifically frontend. If you like art you could even work to become a web designer.

Can I do that even if I passionately hate computer stuff, problem-solving and math?

The civil service? Not those degree required policy/analyst jobs but stuff like IT, tech or admin and the like

I’m awful with computers, aggressively uninterested in anything related to them (save for the platform and unlimited feed of entertainment that the internet provides) and I have a hard time learning about subjects I don’t care about.

Maintenance? And I don't mean being a janitor but like dealing with the building's upkeep and keeping the lights on.

english lit work towards an academic career



What you could do is become more educated in your weakness, I myself never learned math until now, and a ton of doors are open for me, you can do it if you try.

Railroad train crew. I keep getting ads in social media about union pacific hiring. If you're willing to move to rural eastern Oregon or south Carolina or something sparsely populated they have a nice signing bonus, stipend for moving fees, and 40k/yr salary. A lot of travel and open countryside.

Staffing agency

As in go to one or work for one? The idea of linking people up with the jobs they need sounds more enticing then being stuck in a whatever position

Contact a staffing egency and talk to a recruiter, they have different recruiters for different fields. Perfect for people that want to start somewhere. I started with Data entry and now make 20/hr (not alot) but 3 years ago I was making 12/hr with first data entry job. They find you a job then company will eventually hire you, that's when you decide if you're happy or want a higher paying job with experience you've now got

Not OP, was just asking for clarification. Is data entry just a typing job?

No, you hit the keys with your pecker.

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Pretty much although there can be other computer related duties

find something that uses literature and art. marketing maybe. teaching. just keep in mind you're never going to find something you love 100%, you'll always find something you'll hate about it. it's about sucking it up and dealing with that shitty aspect.

Go abroad and work as english teacher?