Is neutering ethically the same as circumcision?

What gives you the right to remove an animal's reproductive system / cycle? Is it mutilation the same way circumcision is?

This is one of those things I had never given a second thought about as a kid because there are no voices whatsoever opposing the procedure. But after learning about circumcision, this can't be any better. Anyone got the true red pill on this?

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no, if animals aren't neutered they will breed like niggers

Do you want to live in shit skin ville? with stray dogs and cats everywhere?

>Comparing making an animal sterile to removing a human child's foreskin

So supporting neutering is basically supporting eugenics? I'm not opposing or supporting either side - but drawing that parallel seems fair

But strays wouldn't get neutered regardless?

Considering how Jews view the goyim as their pets, there could be some similarities to discuss.

Dog is mans best friend where as the goyim is Satans play thing.

There are more logical reasons to neuter your pet than there are to circumsize your baby.

So the "benefits" aren't just sham excuses like they are with circumcision?

Male dogs are healthier unneutered. It's analogous to declining testosterone levels in men. We're vitiated and weak and vice-ridden and bad. An unneutered dog, like the (post-)modern boy, just needs discipline and good training/rearing.

(Sex) hormones make us human.

I just watched a documentary on Netflix about circumcism and I was horrified. I had both of my sons circumcised and I regret it so much that I actually apologized to them the other day. My father isn’t circumcised, yet he had me done, and I just assumed that there’s no reason for the foreskin so I allowed them to do my boys. I honestly thought about them getting blown at an older age and that girls may look at them weirdly because of their foreskin. I’m fucked up over this tbhfam. Don’t fall for (((their))) trick. Please heed my warnings and DONT allow your wife or doctor to proceed with it. There is pleasure directly associated with the foreskin too. Fuck

Try living with unneutered cat or rabbit. Enjoy the smell.

Not wanting my dog to have puppies/impregnate another dog isn’t really a sham

this only makes sense when there are male and female dogs in the same household. presumably you wouldn't let your dog run around fucking everything that moves

i grew up with an intact german shepherd. he was a wonderful, loving pet. only in my twenties did i realize people actually chop off their dog's balls as a matter of course. i think castrating your pet is fucked up beyond belief

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Humanizing animals to this extent is weird user

We should spay/neuter more animals.
Niggers come to mind

What's next, leashing your dog is fucked up? Forcing it to shit outside when it would rather shit on your floor is wrong? Why keep a dog at all if you're going to apply human morality to it in some areas and not in others?

i mean dude, we kill animals for food every day. if we have the right to do that, im pretty sure we have the "right," whatever the fuck THAT means, to do this as well. and if we dont, who do we ask? the dog? god? mother nature? i am not going to stop eating meat, so animals will not stop getting killed. neutering does have a purpose, simple population control. were not doing it for any other weird reason.

is it necessary every time? i dunno. i just dont think whether or not it's a "right" means anything here

>this only makes sense when there are male or female dogs in the same household.
It makes sense everywhere, dumbass. If I take my intact male dog to the park and let him “go play” with some others, he could end up impregnating one of them. God forbid that person finds me and leaves a box of puppies at my door.

Yeah, OP, wahmen be like:

> "oh look at me", the entitled attention whore posting nonsense on kikebook
> need more attention
> buys cute pet
> "i love my pet so muuuuch:
> castrates it, ending its entire bloodline because fashion

>What gives you the right
The fact that you can't stop me if you tried, you sissy little faggot.

I suppose, but we're all animals here. And to me, my dog isn't just a household pet, I love him so much, the thought of mutilating him for my personal wishes is sickening. You can argue that they aren't intelligent like humans are, and I understand that point, but still, the act of taking surgery to their genitals is such an extreme, unnatural behavior.

Well I'd answer that last question by saying something like: Dogs, and pets in general, are living beings as well. Their lives aren't as valuable as a human's obviously, but we should love and care for them like they're family.

I'm not vegetarian or vegan - I eat plenty of meat and have no problem with that. Hunting a wild animal is vastly different from owning a domesticated one. And by "right" I mean like in the same sense as I would argue with circumcision; it's using your personal choice/beliefs to permanently affect another's body. It just doesn't seem right to me. What if children in China were castrated (or sterilized, whichever term is more appropriate) to maintain population control? Is that ethical at all? I'm not being aggressive here - I genuinely am trying to understand every point of this and take into consideration every view.

>Comparing a dog to a human

I'm all for castrating people who breed like rabbits.

I love dogs, but they aren't people. If you don't neuter your dog, he will hump shit around the house and you'll have to clean up his jizz. He'll try to escape to go chase some bitch down the street. He might try to fight every male dog he sees.

To your point I'd say that there's nothing ethically wrong with it, it's just a small group of animal extremists that believe that. If you believe that you don't have the right to neuter a dog you shouldn't have the right to detain one in your house. You can't decipline it or train it to do things against its will. You certainly don't have the right to have a vet work on it in other ways because it cannot give concent to any procedure. Essentially you should set your dog free if you really love it

I am still on the fence regarding spaying bitches, everything I read demands you spay, but also seem to indicate that you are basically trading the possibility of ovarian cancer for a plethora of other diseases. I just want a grill doggo and to have her live longer desu.

Lower animals don't have rights, retard.
You can literally have a healthy dog taken to the vets and pay 150 to have it put down with no questions asked.

you're not alone in this sentiment, who the fuck thinks cutting your dog's balls is a good idea? just keep them in your house and never walk them without a leash you retards

Animals breed super fast and are destructive to the environment. Sterilisation is probably better than post-birth abortions, isn't it?

Dogs are fucking nazis, fuck dogs and fuck their fucking trailer trash white nazi owners

The future is multicultural

>you wouldn't declaw a cat right user?
Inb4 thread on the subject 404s again around 150ish replies.
>for the third time
I'll bump it when I can nonetheless

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i wouldn't mind watching dogs dropped into
wood chippers.

that's disturbing

maybe seek help

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Look up what animal euthanasia looks like at shelters. That's why we neuter animals.




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Baby trauma mode #2
>complete disassociation with external world

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>I can still feel where it should be

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My lab is and was a great boy, he kept his balls, yet for some reason nine years into life, Dr. Silverbergowitz, the veterinarian, convinced my brother and father (I wasn't living with them at the time) they "had" to do it to prevent cancer $$$

I neutered my last dog and i regret it to this day. As he aged i wanted nothing more than a pup from him to keep his memory and blood line going. When he died all I could think about was the regret. i will never neuter a dog again.

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my GS still has his balls. Makes him more aggressive and energetic. I don't want a sissy cuck boi doggo.

>a world without circumcision

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www foreskinrestore com
I wish I had more of the greentext from previous threads to add; got 404'd when it should've archived. I do hear it is possible to regrow 'claws' though.

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Neutering serves a purpose because if your dog runs away, they won't be able to impregnate another stray and create more puppies and more suffering because these puppies will probably be forced to go to the pound

Neonatal Circumcision serves objectively no purpose and does not help anyone in any way. It objectively only causes harm and violates another humans bodily autonomy

More Americans are waking up too huh. That's nice. I'd never be able to neuter any animal though.

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That's why you take care of his sexual needs like a good Canadian.

I dont really care one way or the other. Neuter and spay or don't. I really could give less of a fuck. But at least there is some kind of argument to be made for and against spay/neuter.

But there is zero fucking reason to force a baby boy to have his foreskin amputated. Its so fucking insane this procedure was forced on me and millions of other boys. I have confidence intactivists will win. People are slowly realizing this barbaric practice of cutting into babies genitals as they scream in pain is an evil abomination

They should have gotten their bitch spayed then

Keeping pets is morally wrong.

Don't forget how they think or that this is dome for fun and profit.
>what a valuable foreskin, ripe for harvest and sale

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Ahh cats

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Male foreskins are very seldom collected in America. The reason its pushed is so hospitals can bill insurance companies for the procedure, so doctors get kick backs for it. Or at the very least are straight up told lies about the health effects so they push it on parents.

The foreskins that we do get are from south korea, is my understanding.

Of course, the individuals who set this system up so hospitals had a financial motivation to mutilate baby boys... That is an interesting question hm...

In wolf packs, there is naturally no spaying and neutering. The way wolves manage their populations is that only the alpha male, and alpha female are able to breed. They do not let lower ranking pack members breed. For this reason, pups, at sexual maturity, sometimes leave the pack to start their own.

Dogs, do not have the same, consistent pack structure that wolves do. The problem with dogs breeding with each other is that they don't have the rest of the pack to take care of the puppies, and when the female dog comes home to her masters, the family may not want to take care of the pups either. This creates a problem where the pups either
1.Flood shelters with limited resources
2.Get killed
3.Get neglected, and then killed
4.Become strays that continue the cycle

God has made us the masters of the earth, and in doing so we have the right and duty to manage animals, especially domesticated ones.

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It stems (in america) from some Kellogg guy who was convinced that that forced branding of circumcision and a drop of acid on the clitoris would prevent masturbation and all the negative aspects it brings.
They are collected both for the act to charge the bill and to sell the human foreskin. It really is valuable in terms of money to the merchants that deal in it. Because makeup and money
>and some evil sense of fun I'm sure

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Soon the world will come to know of the American experiment. How a few wealthy Jews conspired to slowly genocide a race through genital mutilation and pornography; for fun and for profit.
>ban dual citizens from holding congressional office
>ban circumcision and all gential mutilation
>ban/restrict pornography and TAX the producers heavily
All rationally good and just things to do, with the affect of saving your country in 2 generations or less.

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Circumcision doesn't make it so you can't have babies tho...

Castrated dogs have greatly reduced odds of cancer and urinary problems, which in turn cause a higher average lifespan.

If you don't control the population even more pets will live all their lives inside a cage because there are not enough families that want them. Also there are animal rights, and they don't protect pets from neutering, they are not humans, the choose to live with us but as the dominant specie with bend them to our will

>the act of using a surgical knife to carve into newborns doesn't fully neuter them though
It just makes something that should be 'fun' into something wracked with anxiety and grief huh? Make no mistake, this is done to inhibit reproduction. Wonder if the same people do abortions, vascetomy, and the like doesn't it?
>the brand of a slave is inflicted this way to stunt, humiliate, and ostracize; and mark as property of course.

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I know why its done but that doesn't make them the same thing, I personally would like to see it banned but I'm not going to conflate circumcision to castration to push an agenda no matter how good I think that agenda is.


No. Circumcision is mutilating a penis. Neutering is a vasectomy.

>to conflate circumcision to castration to push an agenda
That's the best part user. I don't have to conflate it to be equivalent to castration at all; that's an extra step. I simply have to elaborate the rational basis for why this barbaric practice to exist. This alone is enough to have it banned. Ah, if only I had done more work to archive information in the past 3 threads. Don't think Jow Forums allows the subject to archive right now.

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>but why or for what does the penis need to be mutilated doctor?
Try and answer it, and down the rabbit hole you go.

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Someone made a thread dedicated to the topic. I believe its dead 1425cst but it might have more added later.

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In rural Thailand they inject the female cats and dogs with hormones to stop them getting pregnant. Sometimes they accidentally inject the pregnant ones too so the unborn babies and the mother die. They do this because neutering is too expensive for them. Is this the future you want, user?