The demographic shift in the US keeps blacks at 13% - white people are just replaced with hispanics

>The demographic shift in the US keeps blacks at 13% - white people are just replaced with hispanics
>Over 50% of hispanics in the US are white

So white people are getting replaced with other white people except instead of being called John they're called Carlos?
Do I have that correct?

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No, this is not white, it's a hispanic man-child who will never fly the American flag and will only ever be a passive-aggressive backstabbing asshole to white people

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Exactly but dont tell that to the real racists of our history and time the niggers and the jews because they are hell bent in pretending that we are going extinct. And don't let them see stats on black population and how many of them die every year at their hands alone. It is black people being wiped out of the country. But so black people continue to operate the way they do, jews make them think the reverse.

>Goblino jungle rats are White!

English is your second language, isn't it?

just gonna leave this redpill here, it will help you understand Jow Forums so much better and how they attack anything Jow Forums kino. that commie Obama put this into law. it enables them to slide, misinform, manipulate and outright censor online communities that deviate from the kosher approved narrative. so much for your freedom of speech.





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The only white hispanics to ever come here are Cubans. All the current invaders are not white but are the children of the Aztecs and Maya. They are either violent, lazy, or both. Trust me: They are not sending their best.

The only thing holding back black population explosion is abortion. Maybe if blacks stopped killing their unborn their percentage of the population would increase

>So white people are getting replaced with other white people
We already had to fight injun tribes like these, and beat them back many times throughout history. Now, we're just inviting them in with open arms and they are conquering us. There are areas in states like Maryland and Cali that are almost entirely full of these subhumans. Here the illegals cannot be deported, they have a right to public education, healthcare, and can even vote in local elections. For the Whites who remain in these areas, the psychological impact of being invaded and being unable to fight back is devastating. People like me would have no moral qualms with exterminating their children and raping and murdering their women. Until you've lived in it, I can only tell you that this is absolutely war. Don't let the lying politicians and jew media fool you.

>US keeps blacks at 13%

no goy, I'm just like you
But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

There's a such thing as white Hispanics but they are seldom, most commonly you've a bunch of Mexicans/South Americans who are mixed and love to claim this title, they're hardly white however.
Our black population has just remained static over the past few decades, I see them as a tool and nothing more, socially they hold little value in their current form because they're a societal net negative, none will work, impulsive and violent but politically they are of value to the left because they're a static voting populace that remains unchanged, sort of like insurance, if we ever pushed mexicans out, dems would create incentives so that blacks birth rate would multiply.

Keep spamming this post. It’s makig a difference and you’re also fully retarded

do you think a Mexican could pass as an Englishman?

Do you think if you replaced say, 30 million English men with 30 million Mexicans, that there would be no difference?

Would any other population group happily accept it. For example replace half of the Japanese population with Nigerians or perhaps half of the Gabonese population with Germans for example?

I live in Finland and even I know your estimation is delusional to say the least. Black's are 12-14 percent of your population, you retarded mutt.

Lol, spics are not white.

>hispanics are white
Indeed, according to amerimutts

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>hello hellow gringoes.

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>30 million English men

30 million Achmeds and Mohammeds for 30 million Juans and Joses?

I said Englishmen not British. English is an ethnicity. You can't get an English passport or citizenship