It begins

Yes leftists, vote away your own right to defend yourselves.

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It's not even funny anymore
>as a lifelong matriarchal authoritarian and downstate Massivetwoshits bitch, I think weapons are icky

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>That rep from Gofftown
That dude is full SHALL, assuming he's not postering. Why can't we have more of based reps like him in the US Congress?

On one hand it's cool.
On the other, you know he will get a warning and you would have your life destroyed for such civil disobedience

>we voted our own rights away
>now give up yours, peasant
Good setup for the coming AWB bill

More shitlibs leaving the states they ruined only to do the same thing somewhere else, like a plague, or a horde of locusts

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Harbingers of misery

cant wait to see how this goes. I was planning to move to NH in the next 3yrs or so

Of course you were

There would be nothing absurd about banning women or minorities, both are a disaster to democracy

Maybe the kids would feel safe if they were packing heat.

Nigga, is that Concord moniter? They are a bunch of librul fags, get union leader boi. Also this is only for house of Representatives in NH, not the state as a whole. It is worrying, but not SHTF.

Burlington Kike Press
It's not my subscription
This is the opening blow in what is going to be 2+ years of trying to ram infringenents down our throats
Good to know that our lawmakers are disarming themselves though

Dude is based af.

They live in gated communities with armed guards. Politicians, bankers, celebrities, and other kikes are constantly surrounded by armed security in public, who can take their guns places you can't. If you think the people trying to take your guns will give up theirs then you're a fucking retard.

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fucking this
it's pure classism
the literal purpose of guns is to make people equal

Women should not own guns, property, be able to vote or run for office as was the case for 99% of human history

Not even that guy but I was too. Most of my family lives there and I need to escape upstate Jew York. Probably gonna have to find somewhere else now. Fuck.

>wah muh vagina
Ban women

>the people who aren't like me should be second class citizens

What the fuck happened to NH?

The left is going for gun control hard, which is political suicide, and they know it, but they don't care because they know the time when we're going to settle our differences with votes is coming to a close, and they desperately want you disarmed before that happens.

>The left is going for gun control hard

no more than they have for the last 10 years.

>retards, niggers, and alien invaders should hold the same power as you
Wow, genius societal design. America would be perfect if women stayed in the kitchen.

Women are quite literally dumber, weaker, and have much different thought processing than males, they base their thinking on feelings rather than facts and are easily dominated and misled. There is a reason they were not allowed to vote among 99% of all successful civilizations since humans have existed. Biological differences between men and women did not suddenly stop existing in the early 1900's, do some basic research and think for yourself, if you did youd realize that male and female brains have very different thought processing, females are better at multitasking whereas men are better at focusing on a single task just for one example. Other races can vote, yes, as long as they are male, but women? Absolutely not. It's a disaster.

>no more than they have for the last 10 years.
Yes, more than they have in the past 10 years. They figured they could take their time because they'd made another Republican president demographically impossible, so they could start passing gun laws whenever they liked. Trump's win shocked them and put a new sense of urgency into what they're doing. They won't slack off again on this anytime soon.

You mean leftoids.

Real leftists realize the 2A is the best thing about America.

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>do some basic research and think for yourself

t. man whos entire political ideology was gained from infographics


While communism is indeed retarded, the leftism poltards screech about isnt even the real ideals of what the left used to be. Gun control was unacceptable in socialism/communism as well, the fake left we have now isnt leftism at all. in reality it is thinly veiled zionism, ethnic takeover, and enslavement through comfort in the disguise of progressiveness.

go back to r/liberalgunowners, it's not enough that you Marxist faggots infested r/firearms down to the bone and now you have to come here too and shit the whole place up

Name a single communist country, now or ever, with good gun laws.

t. man who's entire ideology is kike indoctrination
Prove me wrong roastie. I have three kids and seven grandkids. Enjoy dying alone whore.

You're too stupid to make an argument so you throw out an ad hominem, classic brainlet move. I've fucked plenty of girls buddy and I have a gf right now, I love her, but that doesn't mean I think she is capable of doing what a man can do. Just like I love my dog but I wouldn't trust it to run the house. Recognizing differences between men and women =/= hating women. Hopefully this gave you an extra iq point or two so you can double your intelligence

>I have three kids and seven grandkids.

lol its one of those 2016 election boomers.

>I want children to be able to come to this body

he was being sarcastic, fren

> Have three kids and seven grandkids.
> Wants to shove his daughters and grand-daughters into headscarves and not let them leave the house without male accompanyment, let alone work or vote
You have to go back, Achmed.

>implying the application of marxism didn't result in the mass disarming of the populace

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>the leftism poltards screech about isnt even the real ideals of what the left used to be
Wrong. They are the same exact people. All socialism leads to communism, the left then and now is no different than this progression. They were merely hiding their powerlevels.
>Gun control was unacceptable in socialism/communism as well
Are you completely fucking braindead? Jesus Christ.
>in reality it is thinly veiled zionism, ethnic takeover, and enslavement through comfort in the disguise of progressiveness
This has been the democratic party since the moment it was formed. Just because your social studies teacher in 4th grade used all these happy feeling words to disguise jewish bullshit doesn't make it true.

There is no where else, read the article about 2018 interstate migration that has been going around. Either things get violent now, or the whole country is New Jersey in short order.
>b-but muh based state
Unless you're an Alaskan your state has universities, run down cities to be gentrified, will prostrate themselves for the chance at a big tech firm moving in, or has niggers. You'll be treated like a psychopath if you aren't down with social media chai spice lattes where you are too.

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The Paris Commune, the only communist project Marx ever actually endorsed. Every man woman and child was armed and the French military had to put it to a 3 month siege.

And to preemptively address the "no true communism" thing I can see coming in a few posts time. Given what Marx has said about the inalienable right to bear arms, do you not think a communist country that doesn't allow the public to own guns might not be as Marxist as they claim?

Fuck off back there then.

I've been on Jow Forums since 2005 buddy.
Everything I said was true.


>Implying the application of Marxism doesn't necessarily require an armed populace in Marx's own words.

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>Everything I said was true.
no contest from me

>All socialism leads to communism,
No, you're mistaken. All socialism IS communism, if it's not communism then it's not socialism. It's capitalism dressed up in red.

>This has been the democratic party since the moment it was formed. Just because your social studies teacher in 4th grade used all these happy feeling words to disguise jewish bullshit doesn't make it true.
The democratic party are bourgeois scum that literally fought for slavery. Any self-proclaimed communist that votes democrat deserves a bullet.

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New York, Mass, Grafton County Marxists, the whole place is by and for pearl clutchers, entrenched Sandersites gaining full control in VT, every young man an unemployed junkie piece of shit, need I go on?

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You shouldn't be able to vote outside of your birthstate. I'm tired of fucking caliniggers coming to Washington and voting for the same exact policies that destroyed their state. They're a fucking plague, ruining laws and demographics then moving on like it never happened.

turns out when you can buy a house for $200k and live within an hour of a city that has $500k 3 room condo's, thing's don't turn out well for you

Marx wasn't for universal human rights to weaponry; he was for the proletariat being armed because it accomplished the means he thought best. Can you prove that he would have defended the bourgeoise's right to keep and bear guns with all the enthusiasm he did for the working class?
Any self-respecting Jow Forumsommando knows people of all social class and ideology have the right to weaponry.
It's why we're better than them.

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>The Paris Commune, the only communist project Marx ever actually endorsed.
Marx was not alive for the Russian Revolution, which received praise from self described Marxists across Europe. Your point is moot. Marx said many things, friend.

>And to preemptively address the "no true communism" thing I can see coming in a few posts time.
>preemptively addresses the point by using a variation of the "not real communism" argument
Was Lenin a CINO to you?

>ignoring historical facts of what happened after the russian revolution so you can weasle around with "muh not real marxism"
>implying the ideal meets reality in warfare
Read some Clausewitz son.

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>Had to go to Deleware to be born

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based john burt

Here's the thing, you don't need to defend the bourgeoisie's right to keep and bear arms. They're in no danger of being disarmed because they completely and utterly dominate the political system, even if you ostensibly ban civilian firearms the bourgeoisie can still surround themselves with armed security guards and the police along with the military are the frontline between us and them anyway. You could only disarm the ruling class if they weren't the ruling class anymore, i.e in a dictatorship of the proletariat scenario.

And another thing is it doesn't really matter if the bourgeoisie are armed or not, the bourgeoisie are so small of a class that even if they were all armed to the teeth it wouldn't make them much of a threat. The real danger of the bourgeoisie is the enormous economic power they have, and so the real combatants of a communist revolution wouldn't be proletariat vs. bourgeoisie - it would be proletariat vs. proletariat because as I said the police and the military are the front line between us and them.

>Any self-respecting Jow Forumsommando knows people of all social class and ideology have the right to weaponry.
The goal of Marxism is the elimination of the class system altogether. Can't have class discriminatory gun control when there's no class.

The goal of marxism is zionism.

>Marx was not alive for the Russian Revolution, which received praise from self described Marxists across Europe. Your point is moot. Marx said many things, friend.
Marx also said this by the end of his life "what is certain is that I myself am not a Marxist" because he was completely disgusted with the kind nonsense he would see among his self-described followers. And Rosa Luxembourg was fiercely critical of the Russian revolution and she was the main other European communist leader besides Lenin at the time.

Marx did say many things, and those things are where we get Marxism from, any deviation from that isn't Marxism. It's just using "Marx" as a brandname for historical socialist credibility, when you start running into bullshit like Marxism-Leninism-Maoism it's so far removed from Marxism that the "Marx" aspect of it is completely vestigial.

>Was Lenin a CINO to you?

>ignoring historical facts of what happened after the russian revolution so you can weasle around with "muh not real marxism"
I don't support the Russian Revolution. That much is clear so I don't see why you're clinging on to it.

>Israel is a capitalist country that was established by the British Empire and draws its foreign support almost exclusively from American right-wingers

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Bourgeoisie, meaning owners of means of production, are not exclusively fat capitalists. They are neither a small class, and I doubt they all have nothing to fear from disarmament.
It's not just about defending yourself personally, it's about defending yourself and your people from larger threats.

> are not exclusively fat capitalists. They are neither a small class
The premise is true, but the conclusion is not. In the US there are a little over 5 million employer firms big or small, that's a minute fraction of the population even if we're to assume each firm belongs to a different person. The bourgeoisie are a tiny class.

>It's not just about defending yourself personally, it's about defending yourself and your people from larger threats.
Yes, like defending the proletariat from the bourgeoisie and their government. Which is why the 2A is sacrosanct and the rich are one of the most disproportionately pro-gun control demographics in America.

*30 years