>tfw Tucker slowly becomes NatSoc


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>Sandberg explained that our first duty is to shareholders, above our own children. What’s remarkable is how the rest of us responded to it. We didn’t question why Sandberg was saying this. We didn’t laugh in her face at the pure absurdity of it. Our corporate media celebrated Sandberg as the leader of a liberation movement. Her book became a bestseller. As if putting a corporation first is empowerment. It is not. It is bondage.

It is not good for shareholders or the corporation in the long term anyway. Day trading was a mistake, why be loyal to some fuck who temporarily owns a percentage instead of the people responsible for the image and quality: customers and employees?

Bump this shit faggots

Ok faggot

learned this in business school and it's plain indoctrination but for right leaning individuals

you guys are so gullible. He's just saying that shit to get ratings.


I lol'd hard when I saw her Jew face on the screen immediately after minutes of NatSoc posting by Tucker.

The Tucc is based.

>you guys are so gullible. He's just saying that shit to get ratings.
Doesn't matter. He's still deprogramming millions.

I encourage everyone to watch the whole speech. It is great and should be mandatory viewing for anyone who thinks they're qualified to talk about US politics.

When do we take back society?

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He was criticizing the non-argument made by Jews that Western nations need open borders because "MUH GEE-DEE-PEE, MUH GROWF".

If economic growth requirements destroys the fucking country, then what was the point of it? Iceland could settle a million Somalis in its country and make a huge profit on the real estate building boom. But would it still be Iceland afterward? No, it would be Somalia.

If the goal of governments and nations is now to exploit the people as fast as possible to reap maximum rewards for an elite cabal who then scamper off to the next country to do the same thing, then why should we have governments? The purpose of government is to support the needs of THE PEOPLE, not the foreigners, not the investors, not the bankers.

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This is also the same as Distributism. Only Neoliberal fags will be butthurt by this.

Yeah this monologue was just about as good as it gets, I'm sure Fox is quivering at the chance to can Tucker at the very next minor slip up they can find.

>Iceland could settle a million Somalis in its country and make a huge profit on the real estate building boom. But would it still be Iceland afterward? No, it would be Somalia.
Importing Somalians is not profitable.

He has to come up with these dumb economic theories because he's not allowed to talk about the reality that Jews are importing the third world because they hate white people. And that whites need to embrace identity politics instead of Bannonesque economic nationalism.

Yes they are, according to (((modern banking))).
Somalis don't have money, but the government has to support them. Ergo, the government must go into debt. They take out loans from centralized banks to feed, clothe, house, and educate them. That loan becomes an IOU of guaranteed income to the banks, who then charge interest.

So yes, literally lobbing brown babies at our countries is how these kikes are making cash off our misery.

Just like how they used ww1 and 2 to profit off of pre and post war eu. It's just a new form of control for globalist.

Trucker, the great philosopher of our time!
Also checked!

This really doesn't imply he's becoming some cock sucking Nazi. Nor would it suggest he is becoming s communist. Rather, it may be that free thinking individuals of faith are coming to the conclusion that many of us here have a long time ago. Dogmatic belief is stifling bullshit.

Ideological adherence to half-baked nonsense thought isn't going to work. We should not listen to autists.

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Third Way is the only way.

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>Doesn't matter. He's still deprogramming millions.
Not really. His main theory is that the ruling class is doing what they do for economic reasons. They're not. Theyre doing it because the system is run by Jews who hate whites.

you gotta start somewhere, it'll get people to listen.

Yeah and the reason it's being done is primarily so the Jews can fuck over white people and take our countries away from us. Its not for profit, in fact this is what theyre willing to SPEND their money on. It's their PASSION.

Doesn't matter, breaking the msm programming is what is important. If you braik the mainstream narrative, people will open themselves up to new ideas.

That's why i said DE-programming.

Carlson is smart and is a lurker more than you think.

Right around now desu, some towelhead took oath with her towel on and swore in on a koran. I think that was the final straw for me.

Kind of like how Trump installed insiders into every federal organization to reduce regulations?

He´s long game player. the things we say here makes it so we cant say it in public as a mover. That's how these things work. hence BAIT.
You respond. You are now on record.
But the time for bait is really over. We are in a war right now. A real political one. And it's about truth vs reason and logic. The game has changed.

All he's doing is promoting some sort of conservative socialism, which people get excited about because they think it's like national socialism, but there's no racial element to it at all. Plus he's basically talking down Trump's economy everyday when the economic data shows that things are improving so that's also not helpful.

>Is a lurker on Jow Forums
>A forum with the largest amount of corporate dicksuckers imaginable
>Voted in Trump who stuffed his cabinet with cronies from big businesses who proceeded to remove any and all restrictions on them reaping more profit
>Elect conservatives who literally create bills that prevent you from boycotting Israel, a massive infringement on your first amendment rights

Dang, so this is the power of the redpill

Pardon garbage vs truth reason and logic.

Bump for tuck

>Being correct gets views

literally pulled from MM88

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>A forum with the largest amount of corporate dicksuckers imaginable
are you commenting on a 8 year old drag queen video or this post?

Kind of like how (((cultural marxists))) and (((globalists))) like yourself support mass immigration at demographic replacement levels so as to help yoiur corporate masters make a few extra shekels from the slave labour it produces....you’re a useful idiot.

America was more capitalist than it is now in the past and it was a whiter country with stronger families. Again, when you aren't allowed to talk about the real cause of the problem - Jewish subversion motivated by racial tribal animus, not economics - you're stuck having to come up with alternate explanations that are inaccurate and counter productive. Kind of like how people used to go on about the NWO and Illuminati years ago.

>about the real cause of the problem - Jewish subversion motivated by racial tribal animus

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Is this all you have? Does a Jow Forumstard know anything besides deflection?

>Trump said he'd drain the swamp but look he installed billionaires in his cabinet that repealed regulations that prevented them from trampling the environment/basic ethical concerns/anti Monopoly laws/etc
Wow like you must be a tranny lover who thinks borders is racist. Enjoy your soimilk , it was her turn, maga

being NatSoc means shredding the constitution. Tucker would not be for doing that. he is a patriot not a traitor like you natsoc pieces of shit

Nat Soc didn't give the Country to Jews, Niggers and Muslims. Yes i'll rip up your piece of paper. It failed. You're the traitor. You allied with Jews.

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At this point he's basically paraphrasing Hitler's speeches.

>is this all you have? Does a Jow Forumstard know anything besides deflection?
is all you do here is to come for some strawman and run to your plebs. Look i have a strawman THey are that bad! we are totally the good guys. Let´s keep questioning our own arguments.
>being NatSoc means shredding the constitution.
I heard that talking point RUN ME THROUGH IT. Because i don't think you ever did that runthrough.
I help you. Here are the 25 points of natsoc. Run through them. See if they violate the US constitution and bill of rights. Btw. the US constitution and bill of rights ACTS as a nationalist authoritarian on paper. And says
>you want to change this. Nope, look at this what we wrote. You can't use democracy to ursurp us.
TAKE THE CHALLENGE. How would natsoc ursurp it. You'll find how little you even knew about it in the first place.
None of you who told you that knew a first thing what they were talking about HAHAHA

*let's not keep questioning our own arguments.

thanks for admitting to NatSoc true agenda. again my original point stands. Tucker will fight to protect the constitution, not destroy it like you pos socialist

Free Speech. Sorry but they're too stupid to have it. They were brainwashed to hate their race and become trannies. Apparently it's too dangerous for these stupid fucking normal fags.

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holy mother of BASED as shit.

read mein kampf.
Fucking jewish rabbi even understood it.
Here are some excerpts
Jewish sources for it. Read it. Tell me if anything that is happening especially now looks very familiar. The marxist plan he is talking about is kalergi. It's developing term racism and then saying if we don't all mix we are evil and racist. This ends up in destruction of all ethnicities. NOW GO READ.

You’re retarded if you don’t think every MSM shill will morph into any given political ideology that is currently in power. Tucker went from Neocon to Libertarian to Alt-Right. Stay deluded faggot.

Good luck. Those shitskins are gonna destroy it if not us.

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Worshipping corporations is so retarded

"Altright" isn't even a thing Tucker is just a nationalist


His book is a giant normie redpill.

He isn't "alt" anything if he's speaking on a mainstream cable channel with millions of normie viewers, retard

I literally just ended watching that piece on youtube and came here to post this. Brutal take on libertarianism. I like it.

The idea that corporations have a duty to shareholders is retarded too.

The thing is I know the Jews are rich but they're not doing what they're doing to whites to make money, they're doing it because they hate us. They could actually make more money if they were pro white, as whites are much more industrious than the people they're replacing us with. So no, the 'elite' are not primarily motivated by economics when it comes to this stuff, as Tucker says. It sounds smart when he says it, but he's wrong. Actually the more conventional conservative take that the left just want to destroy everything because they're evil and narcissistic is more accurate.

Still comes from us.

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That doesn't explain the white traitors though. They are doing it for short term economic gains.

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Even Ann Coulter is tweeting out agreeing with Ocasio's tax plan, as Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch had been for months now.
Mainstream conservatives AND the alt lite being blown the FUCK out hard in the times to come. They have no future. Weimar Germany was a race of socialism v socialism, and Weimarica will be the same.

Look at how hard these fucking alt lite SCREECH in pain as they realize they represent delusion and are the controlled opposition.

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Some are but many have been brainwashed and are true believers as well. But the economic incentives are ultimately there because Jews are willing to sacrifice economically in order to make their desired world a reality.

Well most of them are true believers. Christianity is already a cuck religion. It's not hard for them to just give up the race and pretend like they're all one with niggers.

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>The thing is I know the Jews are rich but they're not doing what they're doing to whites to make money, they're doing it because they hate us.
You are a goyim who figured it out. Now you must die. the talmud. even the best of the goyim should be killed.
They believe their are their own god in judaism the jewish people are god on earth THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE THEIR OWN GOD, and they will be destroyed by the cloud army. Who they themselves don´t even believe in. That come to rectify this place. They have invoked such a trigger that a spring cannot even compare when it is released. Building up of wrath. Tolerating intolerable things.

wow first nafta and now the free market.
shit the left has been bitching about for decades

It has been forever since i heard such a speech in the medias.
I don't even know how this man is still allowed to speak by our overlords.
Mr Carlson is truely based. Anyone disagreeing with what he said there is mentally ill, stupid or plain evil.

Rothschild rags frequently praise free movement of individuals globally, claiming it would yearn a profit of 872 googolplex dollars or something.

>from us
No new strain of thought is generated on Jow Forums. Jow Forums is just edgy enough to put forward extant views normies might not be exposed to

But i am not stopping. THE MUSLIMS CONSIDER YOU THE SAME. They call you kuffar. When you study islam you know where these jews come from and why they have the teffilin. They are FRAUDS. THey are of the quraysh who used to control mecca. A megashrine to saturn. Why the teffilin is black cube forehead black cube arm. Muslims have green armband bismilah in name of allah and green headband. AH... AHAHAHA
In islamic history muhammad butcher the quraysh who control the cube and put the black stone meteorite at the corner for doing the tah waf (the procession of the black cube).
This is what they call the hajj.
What is that hajj, look video. What is symbol of israel. THE NORTH POLE OF SATURN. the 'star of david' it really has nothing to do with david at all ahaha they LIE! hahh
It is remphan worship. Remphan is coptic for saturn. It's in their fucking flag. The old israel had the 7 candlesticks. See that anywhere. NOOOO they are all gone now HAHAAHHA instead, the frauds. they larp as someone they probably destroyed or the ones they larp as don't remember who they are anymore lost in time.

Wow this bitch is retarded. Why would she call Richard a Satanist? She's literally friends with the Christkillers.

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behold, the kaaba. 666 where the black stone sits. This will take some math for you to figure out why. It's a 4d hypercube. Its exit is 666. Where the black stone meteorite sits. Literal star meteorite fallen from heaven. It's just a matter of time.

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Well you're clearly retarded but the Alt Right isn't just on Jow Forums

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Here is the teffilin, oh you thought i was kidding. HAHAHA

Forgot pic haha.

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He still has to make things palatable to boomers who have grown up with cold war rhetoric and believe anything that wasn't free market capitalism was communism but he's getting there.

He never said women should make less the other night. He was pointing out that men now make less, and women prefer to marry up. It's true, and there isn't a thing about it that's outrageous. But the purple haired bunch what to be outraged so they just hear "Tucker blames women." IDK how the fuck we get out of this mess. It will end in a war. These things always do.



A j*w that respects their precious JudeoChristianity, is more a "friend" to them than an alt right atheist.

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How profound

Here is what the black cube really is. It's a tesseract.
You know when you see the tree of life in the kabala kaba allah cube of allah in jewish mysticism. You can draw with a little pen 2 cubes on top of eachother under kether and malkuth. (crown/high heavens) and malkuth (kingdom). The rest don't matter it's just there as a distraction.
What you get when you merge 2 x 3d cubes. A hypercube a tesseract. IT'S A FUCKING PRISON CONSTRUCT. They recreate a similarity to it and bow down and worship it.
Here is what it might look like.
You take a cube you add another dimension and expand it to infinity. Once you are inside it it absorbs you. Every exit is stretched to infinity! Maximum security. You can run principally FOREVER you will NEVER get the edge of it. Unless an angel with a key collapses it. Since it is ultimately based on a 3d cube. It collapses to that. Revealing the exit on the side. Hence. the black cube. because it's infinite. THE ABYSS MY FRIEND. He is the angel that resides in the abyss! The angel of the abyss. Bottomless pit.

whats with the bondage and the little plastic top hat?

and slowly he begun to hate

>whats with the bondage and the little plastic top hat?
haha. Good one. I am sure you are a referring to the kippa. Even the kippa is north pole of saturn. T hey have their little top hat aswell. Saturn and its rings. The reason they tie it up it means bondage to they do what it says.

We absolutely should raise taxes on the rich. Trump signing that tax bill was a mistake, and I bet he knows it now. The difference is Cortez wants to spend it on stupid shit. We need to give tax cuts to the working class so they can make a down payment on a car or a house. We also need to be fucking companies that have their factories overseas hard. I bought into financial conservatism until recently. That has killed us as badly a socialism would have.

Holy crap, just finished the whole thing. This is actual NS philosophy here. I'm with Tucker, though. It should simply be rebranded as Nationalism. Calling it National Socialism has connotations of Marxist Socialism and heavy handed Authoritarianism to Americans.

Now is the time. The zoomers are screwed, and they know it. Also, the legacy media no longer has a monopoly on information.

>So no, the 'elite' are not primarily motivated by economics when it comes to this stuff, as Tucker says. It sounds smart when he says it, but he's wrong.
Being wrong very loudly about a particular subject is the same as being right modestly. Like how certain instructions show you the wrong way of doing things so that you don't do it..

Based Tucker. Capitalism and Bolshevism should be eradicated.

>raise taxes on the rich
>they flee to a different country to evade taxes
The reason you tax the poor so heavily is because they don't have the resources to escape.

More about this, please.

Exactly this. Tucker Carlson is quite literally speaking from the liberal lefty manifesto.

Calling for regulation of corporate greed and a rethinking of GDP. Goes against the neoconservative manifesto directly. Also goes against Neoliberalism but neoliberalism isn't liberal leftism.

Not sure how to argue this on this brain dead swamp of a thread.

That only works for Americans if the become expats. You pay income tax to Uncle Sam no matter what country the income was made. Actors have been screaming murder about it since so many productions moved to Canada.

Not even remotely but whatever. WW2 is like babby's 1st redpill these days, the entire NatSoc ideology was a psyop on the gullible German people and Hitler was working with the kikes to scare jews out of Europe so they could justify the creation of Israel to the British.

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Now who is that creature they all worship. he is a standing in stead for. What is the word. Let's settle with that. Standing in stead for god at this region. He did nasty shit. like creating his own little subspecies ofcourse the biggest one of his mistakes. Sending him into quarantine. Tell me. Do you think an ark put all animals and plant life and everything on a little boat. Ofcourse not, they sent an ark ship to save all specimens and replant them and gave you a covering story. Here's a few verses of who the annointed guardian cherub was.
>12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.
>13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
>14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
>15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
>16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
>17 Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
He's not talking to man. He is talking to who controls tyre. Tyre was not in the garden of eden.. just stop it. Isaiah 14 backs it up by matthew 18:20 recipy two or three come together. Very important.

imagine being this far up the shit hole of conspiracy.