Top of my class at school

>Top of my class at school
>First class degree at university, top 3 out of 200 people in my intake
>Dean's List
>2 Prizes for best mark in the year
>Selected for a 1 month charity/community outreach trip to Laos

Are there any other smart/successful people on Jow Forums? People who can actually effect change?

Let's have a thread where we can discuss Jow Forums related things away from the plebs and NEETs.

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this is not remotely politics you data mining retard, kill yourself homo

Can you survive out of your bubble?

>Outreach to Laos
The jungliest of jungle Asians.

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I was hoping to discuss politics in a manner reminiscent of old pol. There's too many dumbass neets and labourers here now who hurt the cause more than they help it.

Not great

I'm in medical school and I haven't killed anyone yet, so I've got that going for me.

Do people actually data mine here? The mixture of full out lies and the voluntary nature of replying makes me think data mining pol would be a gigantic waste of time.


>Are there any other smart/successful people on Jow Forums? People who can actually effect change?
I have a Ph.D. in economics and you can't affect any change unless you're willing to play dirty.

>Selected for a 1 month charity/community outreach trip to Laos

You're proud of this?

Currently attending law school on a full scholarship. Awaiting grades so I can know whether my destiny is to climb the ranks and become an elite who actually cares about the White race, or to spend my days slaving away at real estate paperwork to earn an upper-middle class existence until the market finally crashes for good.

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>People who can actually effect change?
letting others be your judge prevents you from ever changing anything.

I’ll be in law school next year

I have a bachelor's in engineering if that counts. I wasn't top of the class or anything but it probably puts me above 95% of Jow Forums. Also you should wait until you actually have a degree before you talk shit, right now you're just a worthless student.

nigger detected

It was incredibly selective and hard to get. That sort of stuff is amazing on your CV.

Would a nigger post this

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It sounds retarded

Yes, me. So what?

Conveyancing law is the literally the lowest rung of law - just one rung above real estate agents. You can do better than that m8.


What are you going to do when money is worthless? I'll be eating beans out of the can like I usually do, you'll be crying like a baby 'cause you haven't had any caviar in the last hour.

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smart vs queens successful is a leap.
you've been approved by the realm knights, that doesn't inherently mean you're making better choices. it does mean you're likely to be dogged, and that can help.

>six years ago I was 15
>make vow to god to become a priest
>become popular out of thin air, teachers sucked my dick constantly and called me a genius
>girls converted to Christianity and talked about the ten commandments after I said there's nothing wrong about loving your enemy
>tfw fucked all the stacies
>became full of myself and wanted to rub my dick on a virgin mary statue
>get cursed, she says I'm destined to death
>become deeply depressed, parents tell me to kill myself
>redeemed myself somehow, but still depressed
>got into a psychiatry, fucked the qts there (also the young looking doctor when we went for a private meeting talking about my feelings), spread Christianity and blessed God's children
>met world class athletes and models, a friend of Bill Clinton and Antifa activists
>friend of Bill Clinton got #metoo'd before #metoo was a thing, Antifa retard became a satanist
>now, college dropout, expert in astrology and getting pussy
>minimalist in preparation for shtf
>no way to get guns legally

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>schoolboy accomplishments
and its *affect change* you drooling mong

no, it's effect in physics, affect is emotional.

Acting like a jerk you're just replacing the actual elite, what you will change being an asshole with a few papers saying you are something?

You prob got a degree in psychology or some other doss subject. congrats

>Are there any other smart/successful people on Jow Forums? People who can actually effect change?
Yup, older user here, built 4 successful companies from the ground up and sold each for 8 figures always moving on to something new. I did it all, rubbed elbows, greased wheels in congress, hotter poon than the thot in your pic, but I was always empty and dead in side even though I was rich and slayin hot vag. But have found myself in Mysticism

Post the most 56% American picture you have

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What’s your definition of laborer? Because I’m sure I would meet that criteria, but I own 3 different union contractor companies and make a solid income.

Yes, he's literally saying that he is ok knowing that burger flipping russians shouldn't be interjecting into discussions on particle physics.
And that's fair.
Now, I hear a timer going off somewhere, you should honor your boss's efforts.

>People who can actually effect change?
If you were actually smart then you would know that isn't possible.

You aren't smart, you just work too hard.

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So what are you studying? Gender studies?

The guy who I can see out of my office window shovelling bricks, dirt and mortar all day in -3C weather.

Bong like you should not even be on Jow Forums

Reported to all relevant authorities

I finished mate.

t. things that never happened

I think I might actually be smarter than you man... I made a bunch of money, own properties, no debt, etc but without school. Seems like you spent a lot of time trying very hard to succeed by somebody else's playbook. I'm glad you made it work but while you were spending the better part of a decade in higher learning I was already winning. You'll find that the one thing you'll never earn back is your time.

There is much to learn from his simplicity and dedication. He's got it tough, but he goes to sleep knowing he's
1. Honest
2. Changed things for a tangible better
3. Fucking tired, you have no idea how easy it is to sleep when you've shoveled 10 tons...

Ahh, yeah, actual laborers honestly make me sick. I have to hire them, for cost purposes, and they think they’re as good as my carpenters, pipe fitters, and electricians, because they’re union, but they’re glorified janitors.

oh wow, congrats for finishing fucking gender studies you brainlet ape faggit
people say that always about miracles

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What did you do to earn all that money then?

>not analyzing literature to see the deeper meaning. Fucking homo

Obviously not gender studies, English literature.

I now work in Risk consulting for a major British bank. Funny how that worked.

>valedictorian at school
>First class degree at university, top 3 out of 200 people in my intake
>fucked my vision with Lasik (optical treatment zone smaller than scotopic pupil, search for "night vision lasik complications" to learn more)

thanks to the lasikjew i destroyed my life

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>people say that always about miracles
m8 you are mentally ill seek help creating stories like this is a sign you have problems. Go get help.

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What part of that indicates success or that you can effect change? The very existence of this thread implies otherwise. Go and start a business and become influential. You haven't achieved anything interesting yet.

Oh I actually misunderstood you. You said you didn't happen. Goodbye you filthy piece of an abortion.

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second this.

electrical engineering grad

& seconded about OP being a worthless student
>muh graduation rates

>He thinks being academically smart and doing a month of charity effect change
You'll be wage slaving inside of 2 months and doing nothing to effect change.

The most change that the world needs right now is education reform globally, undeniably. As well as social services for mental health and (((laziness))) motivation. People need to be properly educated and get jobs and keep those jobs. This would fix most major issues the country faces.

The best thing that can happen to you bong is an industrial accident! You asked!

Golden key international honor society member, economics and sociolegal double major, successful student politician, student club owner (i started it and created it).....

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>getting a curse means you're mentally ill
>you should seek help if you're doing fine
Go seek a brain doctor you nerd virgin fedora

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AI will replace your job within a decade. There will be no clear path from paralegal to partner. Most of the work that keeps influential law firms alive will be taken by AI assisted analysts that work 200 clients at once.

Even if you are just ahead of the transformation when you start working you will have an uphill struggle competing with a new paradigm.

haha sure thing mentally ill faggot im married with kids. how about you actually stop lying on an anonymous image board

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how are you successful you haven't done anything yet

>English literature
>working for a (((Bank)))

I don’t have to expand, I hope. I wish you well and a lot of luck, regardless. It’s good you’re happy. Do your best for the white race, but don’t be such an arrogant asshole. Modesty is a sign of wisdom.

I work in Risk consulting for a major British Bank now. So yeah, I am wageslaving lol. I'd like to lateral into actual consulting soon though.

I can't respect paypigs, you turds are funding your
own replacements

I hear you're having troubles moving your food crops. Having never even looked at a breakdown of English exports, what are you providing, and at what level of refinement, in foods?
Obviously the US has plenty of our own, but perhaps there's a longer chain exchange we can help work out?

>AI will replace your job within a decade
>AI replacing the work of a trained solicitor or barrister

AI is nowhere near that level lol. Try 50-60 years.

Married with kids? Your own? How about you stop lying you obese cuck.

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I guess I should clarify, anything you're having trouble getting sold into the EU, we should have no qualms helping you get some markets for those, in my opinion. Food was the most recent scare the EU advocates were using, so that comes to the fore easily.

yup my own you fucking loser. You really need to stop lying.

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well if you were informed enough, you were able to tell me personally what the effects of a functional nuclear fusion reactor (coming from Germany ofc) would be for the world economy and the advancements of the tech industry

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>Shitbag in high school
>Didn't go to college
>Joined the army
>Did a tour in Asscrackistan
>By that I mean watched pretty lights in a SICPS all day
>Come back home
>Work for a bit, gain experience in IT civilian side
>Start my own business
>Business in 4 years is worth 3/4 of a million and growing
>Have 8 employees

How's your navy doing? You made a rather strong boast against Russia the other day, and you've got one frigate patrolling against illegals.
How does the Islamification of London effecting safety? Concerns that all your body guards who live on site will shortly have more interest in Allah and the 72 white grapes, over your temporal paychecks?

>implying I'm a loser if I'm not married at 20+
how about you stop proliferation your cuck genetics, Pablo Incestobar

Have you done it?
And the effects will remain cost relative. Just having fusion doesn't mean it's profitable.

If the consulting position you're looking into helps regular people understand the concept of money and labor, as well as managing money and debt responsibly, then good. Corrective measures need to be taken very badly in America. I don't know how europoors situation is with debt but if the memename is any indication I'd say it's about as bad or around there.

I wish I never would have learned about credit cards. I feel reformed though. In debt. But now I'm educated and making better decisions long term.

fixed the "correction"

I don't understand how these people get this much cash in hand.

Its illegal to withdrawal more than $10,000 out of any bank but yet here is with obviously more. Dudes doing something illegal.

You are going to be a loser if Incestobar has 100 children to send your way in 60 years, and you're children are only able to produce a 6 to 1 k/d.
Better get breeding white-euro, the Sangerite bullshit about small families, even for rich people, is fucking shit up.

More like help major companies improve their bottom line.

>effects will remain cost relative
>effects of harnessing the energy of a sun remain cost relative
>Just having fusion doesn't mean it's profitable.
>having access to unlimited energy doesn't mean shit
I think you're onto something

You're asking the wrong person. I'm not really too clued up on military matters mate, unfortunately.

>old school Jow Forums
>no NEET’s
Oh I am laughin, you probably haven’t been here for more than a few weeks. Good hunting data miner!

im white unlike you Mohamed

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Yea, hasn't happened yet, and if you do produce unlimited energy, you've destroyed yourself by default.
You still have to control it, which means parts replacement.

good try

No, that's not the distinction. Just use a dictionary, you 5-second-attention-span zoomer.

>degree at university
In what?

That's Munchausen syndrome right there

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Earned a $25,000 Dollar Scholarship and helped expose a false Canadian pot company last year. I also run my own thrift store business. It may not be much, but hey.


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* There are


>implying their shitty heritage is irrelevant
I'll still be producing germanic sperm at age 30

Pic related is total cringe

>math PhD
>300k starting
>Any job I want
Life is good

Bachelor's in Biomedical engineering, 3rd in my highschool class of a couple hundred, and on 80% fin aid at a great uni. I got a co-op in my sophomore year, doing work for a pharma co.

>effect change


>selected to waste a month of life
>in some community outreach shit

So you are a fucking social science fag then.

>I was hoping to discuss politics in a manner reminiscent of old pol.
Then don't make your OP about how smart you are and instead write something about an actual topic you want to discuss. If you want a good thread you need to put some effort in it yourself.

Jews will control it. Don't listen to Pablo. Instead of breeding with mongrels, spend time crafting some plans to get a grip on these power hungry kikes.

English lit.

Now work in risk consulting for a major bank.