Why do black people never tip?

Why do black people never tip?

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Because black people are incapable of empathy.

>Why do black people never tip?
Nigs gonna nig

>black people

those mostly don't tip white workers.. and why should they? whites f'd with blacks since the dawn of time.

So which one is it, faggot?

Because they are not real humans and thus capable of human empathy.
Seriously, blacks should have their own restaurants just for them (and of course ran by them) so they can go be niggers somewhere else.

A tip is something you should earn for.

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Whites...killed other whites to free nignogs. Whites gave nignogs full rights. Whites pay taxes to house, feed, and cellphone nignogs etc etc etc the least the little shits can do is tip.

Best thing anons can do is move away from niggers. Don't buy from stores that hire niggers. If you let niggers enter your store, be armed, let them see.the gun, and follow them around, charge them twice the price that you would anyone else.be prepared to shoot niggers at any moment

Never serve niggers if you are a waiter. Spit in there food if you do. They do it to ypurs. They are going to complain and want it free anyways, make sure they don't come back

because they're niggers





Attached: niggers-steal-tip-on-table-in-restaurant.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

because many of them are unemployed, and their only income has to be spent on food and gas.

I never tip. Am I black?

Idk but you're a nigger for sure.

I will never understand the concept of tips.

Do your waiters and waitresses not get paid enough already?

I no longer tip on the ipad spinny thing when I pay for food at a counter. If I haven't been served in some way, I'm not forking over extra cash. Restaurant, barber, hotel, sure.

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this, nigger detected

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Because niggers

I'll always tip if someone makes an effort over and above what is required for service. I also make a point of tipping if it's a plumber/electrician/etc. because I want them to prioritise me when I need them. However, the idea that I have to subsidise someone's pay because they didn't negotiate a decent wage with their employer is absurd. That's not my problem

>I will never understand the concept of tips.
Much like employer-provided health insurance, it is a holdover from an earlier time in America. What was originally a perk, fringe benefit, or a show of generosity, later became a customary practice, and finally, something abused and used by kike business owners and politicians to obscure the true cost or value of something.

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Blacks aren't people. And it's time to send them back to Africa.

Another way to stick it to the Whitefully God Chosen...


that criminal's shirt says "black & beautiful". kek