
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool:

>WH Press Brief (Pres Trump/Sarah/NBPC/CBP) 1/3/19
>VP Pence interview on Tucker Carlson 1/3/19
>VP Pence Swears In New Senators 1/3/19
>SoS Pompeo on Hannity 1/3/19
>CEAChair Hassett outside WH 1/3/19
>KAC outside WH 1/3/19
>KAC on F&F 1/3/19
>WHStratCommDir Schlapp on FoxNews 1/3/19
>RNCChair McDaniel on F&F 1/3/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 1/3/19
>WHVideo: December @WH 1/3/19
>WHVideo: VP Pence Visits Walter Reed 1/3/19
>Pres Trump Cabinet Meeting 1/2/19
>SoS Pompeo News Conf w/Brazil FM Araujo 1/2/19
>DepPressSec Gidley on FoxNews 1/2/19
>RNCSpox McEnany on FBN 1/2/19
>Giuliani on Hannity 1/2/19
>TrumpTweet: 2018 - A Year of Historic Accomplishments! 1/1/19
>Pres Trump interview on FoxNews All-American New Year 12/31/18

OP pastebin:

Attached: Screenshot - 2019-01-04 , 17_05_36.png (1883x856, 477K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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No black jews ITT

Attached: x7 (1).png (796x645, 340K)

A group invaded the Brazilian embassy in New Zealand, they also destroyed my sides

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You can look at all of them, none of them come anywhere close to presidential for either party except 2018 for Democrats.

You're looking at Democrats getting presidential level turnout during a Midterm, coincidentally according to you(?) after Trump was elected..

This has not taken place before for either party.

She's nineteen. Living in denial is a terrible thing to do.

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I sense niggertry.

Its a beautiful Friday, so go out there and embrace it.
I gotta give you that one, amigo.

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Cause he's here

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>In the thread right now there actually are blacks and Jews
I get spooped a lot

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nice digits

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By looking at a mirror?

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I'm not very well read in the subject. But why would the democrats ever want to give in to Trumps demand for a wall? The longer this shutdown lasts, the worse Trump looks. It seems to me like its a win win situation for the dems.

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1914, but then again the overall turnout of 48% is not that remarkable, actually pathetic that less than half of registered voters bothered to turn up, that's midterms for you


what video?

Attached: Dems_ tax returns, conflicts of interest, new ethics proposal.jpg (946x737, 400K)


Did you have any political-type of resolutions for 2019? I don't think I got to wish you a happy new year or merry Christmas.

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Christmas botes are a miracle.

Attached: iowa sara christmas maga.jpg (952x1500, 1.46M)

Things will get worse for people that traditionally vote democrat and rely on government assistance / federal jobs that aren't currently funded. Trump will have fought tooth and nail to hold firm to a campaign promise, while also standing up to one of the more significant domestic security issues we've had for quite some time. It won't be pretty for either side, but the left has more to lose.

>he longer this shutdown lasts, the worse Trump looks

Incorrect, as usual. The longer it lasts, the more it hurts Dems and their constituents.

Attached: Unprepared.png (1262x2899, 835K)


that dancing one. it's pretty obvious it was put out there by someone close to her campaign to elevate her and make it appear that conservatives are like people in Footloose or something that hate dancing

No, I'm no longer a NEET. Now I work nights loading these fucking things. And I worked both of them.

Attached: UPS_truck_catches_fire_in_driveway_of_Ar_0_7758271_ver1.0_640_360.jpg (640x360, 97K)

The government wipes its nose with five billion, Sven.

Your new country is going to be great, mutts.

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>The longer this shutdown lasts, the worse Trump looks.
The public is extremely, extremely dumb and keeps demanding the impossible of Trump so sticking his heels in the dirt brings back some of their paper-thin spines for five minutes. Democrats won in November so this was inevitable but there are democrats who want entitlements to flow and who want certain things from the president that he wouldn't otherwise grant without some wall funding or the like. Trump's next course of action if he doesn't somehow get something is possibly military building on the border greater than before.

Iowa's cannons are far too small in that pic.

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Is shutdown still on?

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you're a terrible shill
I'm a concern shill who posts once a month and I do more damage than you


Oh, fantastic. Sorry I missed you, great luck with your stuff and maybe you will think of some projects like I am now. I was very drunk and mostly absent anyways.

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>High-ranking and leadership positions in the Ministry of External Relations have been opened up to non-career diplomats for the first time. This means Bolsonaro may sideline the professional Brazilian diplomatic corps and man the foreign service however he wants and place his henchmen in said senior positions
>LGBT affirmative policies have been entirely removed from the official agenda of the Ministry of Family, Women and Human Rights
>The demarcation of indigenous lands has been moved from the Indian National Foundation (FUNAI) to the Ministry of Agriculture, controlled by agribusiness. The FUNAI itself has been reshuffled from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Family, Women and Human Rights. Bolsonaro has tweeted a complaint against the size of the indigenous lands in Brazil.
>The Vice President has been given no official functions. Vice President Mourão said during the campaign that he wanted to be an active VP.
>Gun laws are loosening, as are punishments for self defense
>LITERALLY going to remove people from power for 'communnist' like opinions


Attached: Fascist.png (1500x1000, 1006K)

I tried to warn the boomers about AOC, and now they reap the consequences. And you know the worst thing about it? they still put their hands over their ears and say that capitalism is great. People need to watch Tucker Carlson more.

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Capitalists steal labour though

>You're looking at Democrats getting presidential level turnout during a Midterm, coincidentally according to you(?) after Trump was elected.
>This has not taken place before for either party.
user, you and I agree that democrat midterm turnout was massive. The disagreement is not on that, considering it is a factual statement.
The difference in conclusion is that the state based elections (the ones with the very same turnout for being simultaneous) did result in the following events

> candidates that distanced themselves from Trump hurt and either lost or struggled to win
> candidates that supported Trump agenda but whose state party opposed and "put country over party" also lost (thinking of Ohio, Kansas and Arizona)
> candidates that supported Trump agenda and whose state party stayed firmly back did surprisingly well, exceeding expectations
Then, there is Montana, a state that may have gone blue because Trump spent too many time with "largest unemployment on record for african americans" in a state with literally 3000 blacks in the voting rolls and not enough time on "FUCK TESTER, FUCK TESTER, VOTE RONSENDALE AND FUCK TESTER".

The difference in conclusion between you and I consists in what effect this increase in turnout had on the midterms. You are focusing on teh district based elections, one where 44 republican incumbents decided for one reason or another not to run again. If you notice pic related
> In the past six midterms the president party did not retain a single open seat he failed to carry two years prior
Meaning every single seat vacated by republicans in Hillary districts were as good as gone. That magnified greatly the perception of the electoral result.

That's the extent of our disagreement, I agree with Ann Coulter on Trump's path to certain victory or certain defeat
> fulfill his campaign promise and win easily
> fail to fulfill and the opponent will run on demoralizing his base and not without source material

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-04 The biggest threat to the GOP majority no one’s talking about.png (715x950, 336K)

IIRC it's official art.

Yep. Pelosi is being magnificently retarded here, God bless her senile heart.

>The longer this shutdown lasts, the worse Trump looks.
Republicans ALWAYS win shutdowns because their base hates the federal government. You must be joking.

Very nice, thanks.

WashPoo doesn't seem to like Warren very much. NYT is also shitting on Bernie.

So there you have the State Department and CIA staking out their positions.

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Yes. Everyone here has died six gorillion times because of it.

>Ppl who support socialism respond to a capitalist polling company
It is true that the young who are ignorant, support wacky ideals & only come to their senses later in life when schooled in the hard knocks of society

Of course you can, impeachment is a political process.
Dems could impeach Trump tomorrow for being mean to Pelosi if they wanted to, but it'd be a politically irresponsible move. Clinton's approval rating went from low 50s to mid-70s after Gingrich moved to impeach him, the same would happen to Trump. A Dem House impeaching Trump would make his re-election a lock

>She's nineteen
user, plz
> Born: November 23, 1863

She's pushing 155, easily.
> the only good strawberry
> all the rest go into the trash

Attached: strawberry.png (1920x1080, 3.66M)

Republicans are the party of small government
Democraps are the party of big government
Shutdown makes the government's hard for a shutdown to hurt a repub.

Yes, whoever wins on the shutdown and the Wall will also win in 2020, this is clear.

5 BIllion is not enough.
10 miles of carpool lane in LA cost $1.1B and took almost a decade.

A 2000 mile wall through rough terrain would cost an astronomical amount when all the contractors have had their turn at the trough.

They’re going to lose this one because there won’t be a wall. And because Trump publicly took credit for it and he’ll get nothing.

> Republicans are the party of small government


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>controlled by agribusiness
Fake news, lobbies are prohibited here and the ruralists were elected by the people.

I am still waiting for Tucker to repent for the sin of defending circumcision. Though that is an unforgivable sin now that I think about it.

form of: an Arizona senator!

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I'll be laying down soon, so goodnight

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Wrong. Dems are already calling for a compromise.

Night m8, hurry back when you can.

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Before Taking Office
>"Nono, we're not going to impeach the President, because we know it wont go anywhere"

After Taking Office

Jesus fuck I knew they were going to go mad with power but I didn't think they'd run at it at fucking Warp 6.

>Republicans are the party of small government
>Democraps are the party of big government
go back to the 20th century, grandpa

I am OK with this, to a point.

Manufagturing fag here. Employed 9 months so far, 21.50 an hour, all major holidays off and paid. With 2 weeks vacation and 3 personal floating holidays. How's everyone else holding up? Oh and we are getting a 3.5% raise this week

Attached: so much to be proud of.png (419x402, 29K)

Estimates start at 21.6B i think, from DHS.

I am not worried about muh socialism it is used by kikes and cucks just to purity troll right wingers. Particularly older right wingers. Mainstream leftists are neo liberals

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>WashPoo doesn't seem to like Warren very much. NYT is also shitting on Bernie.
They're "social democrats" that want to turn down the fire a little bit to keep boiling the frog

So long as that "compromise" contains less than $5.6B for the wall it won't pass the Senate, let alone Trump's desk.

She wasn't alive and therefore didn't biologically age for those 155 years, though. She died at nineteen and was resurrected at nineteen. The creators of the show itself say her true age. And that age is nineteen.

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Just call them Marxists and be done with it.

>Yes, whoever wins on the shutdown and the Wall will also win in 2020, this is clear.
Trump needs more that simply "winning it", he must do it without compromising on Amnesty otherwise he can say goodbye to a sizable share of his original base to try to get a much smaller "moderate" one that would never vote for him anyway.

To be clear
> democrats are the party of swallowing the most of the economy and putting it under the government explicit management, making the government the largest segment of the economy bar none
> republicans are the party of swallowing the most of the economy and putting it under the favoured private complanies management, funded by the government with grants, contracts and bids, making the companies favoured by the government the largest segment of the economy bar none

See: Amazon gobbling up all government data contracts and healthcare.

More like Warp 10. They're skipping straight to the retarded salamander orgies.

stop posting about bills that'll never be approved by the senate

It seems to me that turnout was up for Ds across the board. And they gained seats where that turnout increase was enough, but didn't where it wasn't. But this turnout increased for the general will make it extremely difficult for Trump to withstand it.

A very bad sign.

It will be some absurd shit like±
>We get universal healthcare
>You get 5.6 billion for a partial wall.

>one guy virtue signalling

And I'm averaging 55 hours a week. Unlimited OT if we want it. On your 12.75 of a 16 hour shift before the weekend. God bless trump

>She wasn't alive and therefore didn't biologically age for those 155 years
PERFECT! That makes her a young looking hot super centenarian that cannot age!
> How can a MILF be this perfect
Btw, that happened to Nana from Franxx as well

Attached: yugiri-lewd.png (1074x610, 241K)

And so is this. The size varies from picture to picture, but the general consensus is that she's got some pretty colossal cannons.

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Their compromise means no money for the wall, she wants to renegotiate wall funding "at a later date" (read: never)

DOA. Constitutional Amendment required. Requires both houses to pass, President to sign, and a majority of states to ratify.

I surely hope people stop giving credence to "introduce bill". There is no barrier of entry to introduce bills, IIRC it takes one congressmen to introduce and a couple to sponsor

They are capitalist neo liberals. The southern democrats were the best example of socialism in the US.

$10 million a mile - seems rather expensive, once the land is purchased it is just a case of building & with modern equipment should be easy & done very quickly

You have to remember that US politics? Like what we do? Would be exactly the opposite of whatever Sweden would do.

So you would think Trump will look terrible but the left wing is going to be blamed for not building a pittance of a wall, 5B is legit NOTHING and Dems are looking like total assholes right now.

We don't just move into yurts and force feed ourselves poisoned yogurt while out suicide notes say "sorry to every government worker I caused to lose a day of work. I deserve to die." - the cuckshed


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(in other words, the policies of the D or R candidate didn't matter, pointing even more to a 'party of Trump' vs 'not party of Trump' election)

>capitalist neo liberals
So Jewish agents who desire to install communism then.

Bitsy BTFO!

Attached: SheIsn't.png (1908x898, 264K)

Gave us public banks and schools benefits unions and Social security. Would’ve worked too if it wasn't for those meddling republicans and nonwhites


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What would be better is if we get all those women fighting each other instead

It's true. She may be the mistress of all aryans but boy does she have charisma of a dead frog.


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has /our Finn/ showed up yet?

That guy looks like a cuck
>hello fellow conservatives

>Rrepublicans are the party of swallowing the most of the economy and putting it under the favoured private complanies management, funded by the government with grants, contracts and bids, making the companies favoured by the government the largest segment of the economy bar none

For all intents and purposes those "contractors" like when Republicans balloon DOD are hardly private. Even Amazon is competing of tax money instead of consumer money at some parts (the recent relocation and scamming of two cities)

>Wages and jobs numbers increase
>Tucker goes on another rant about how badly the economy's doing

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