Why has the left and the media become so vulgar over the past 20 years...

Why has the left and the media become so vulgar over the past 20 years. It used to be unheard of to hear cursing in public, or see things like pic related. Is it because their arguments are so weak that they need to go on a shock-and-awe campaign to make a point, or is the Jews trying to destroy to familial state.
Needs more Leave it to Beaver.

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Progressives delight in taking the sacred and making it profane. The thrill they get from doing that is the primary emotion powering the ideology

It's an evolution of the train of thought that degeneracy is true freedom and thus the true expression of free men.
It's part of the reason why boomers get annoyed when (a few) young people want to live righteous and moral lives instead of wallowing in hedonism. It invalidates their lifestyle if free people choose to be good people instead of accepting the moral relativism that means everyone is a good person in their own way.

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Because they won the war on tradition in the 70s. TPTB are taking the war worldwide right now and they are fighting multiple fronts, some parts of Jow Forums and other places are basically the equivalent of guerilla fighters in Iraq at this point.

if you can't grab your own ass like a bowling ball, whose ass can you?

What’s grand isn’t that they have the audacity to accuse President Trump of being a disgusting vulgar pig

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name one thing trump has created (by using his own creativity, not paying other people to do things)

Western culture is suffering from a chronic juden infection. Fortunately Zyklon-B is an effective treatment for the disease.

lol wut? How does what Trump ha sir hasn’t created relate to the conversation about the steady decline in morality in western nations?

he's not part of the solution, he's literally the problem.

Silverman is a poo slinger?

>literally complaining about bad language on a forum where you advocate for genocide of Jews and call niggers sheboons and dindus
Really gets my synapses firing lad

>Why has the left and the media become so vulgar over the past 20 years
you've elected the most vulgar sack of shit ever, shut the fuck up.

Ah yes let's not forget when Obama was bragging about grabbing pussies or calling other countries shitholes. If only Obama were as soft spoken and polite as trump...

OPies picture is that of Sarah Silverman. She is a comedian. As such, pushing social limits and causing shock through creativity is literally her means of making a living. Would you like me to ask the question again?

wow just kys endboss shill


>Why has the left and the media become so vulgar over the past 20 years.
More Jewish writers and actors

>I have no idea.

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common trait, all you faggots ever do.

(((Weimar USA))) has been happening since then. So many jewz in the media now. Gullible goys assume they are White people. Fake news and degenerate media is their game.

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lol wut?

>She is a comedian.

Good job Kike. You unmasked yourself. Simply put women a not funny. No such thing as a female comedian.

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>there were no problems before trump
Drink bleach, retarded nigger faggot with aids.

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Because they *hate* American culture [which is deeply intertwined with Christianity; ie why WASP was/is a big thing] and seek to destroy it utterly -- and they had enormous success with indoctrinating the Boomer generation -- this video says it very well:

Read the Ordeal of Civility by Cuddihy. Culturally backwards ethnics see Northwest European manners and concealing emotions and passions as inauthentic. When jews first started to move to Vienna from the Polish territories the Austro-Hungarians annexed, they were shocked that they couldn't be naked around their fellow jews or adopt basic manners like leaving their shoes on public trains.

>currently in a thread, talking about how Sarah Silverman is grabbing her own ass.
Yeah I guess she owned both of you dicks then...

Jews have often had a hostility to the Christian culture's dignity and decorum. They saw it as a stuffy, stifling disease. They've worked very hard to make white people 'loosen up' They have alway gone out of their way to poke at the morality of white people.

They see traditional white culture as bourgois and full of hypocracy. This is why they always side with blacks and homos and celebrate the counterculture.

Not a fan of jews or sluts... but I'd put my benis in that.

Do any parents really want their children exposed to this sort of debauchery? Sad!

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the left id controlled by jews and they are trying to destroy our christian foundation. To genocide the whites you must first undermine his institutions. This is why jews push faggotry and transexualism and all other antichristian propaganda.

The right too amerimutt retard

Jews hate Christians and christian values. They'll do anything to destroy it.
They've never been so open about being jewish either. Only when they pushed "white privilege" too far, they suddenly started to love their jewish heritage and Israel.

The Jews are undermining traditional Anglo/Euro culture and society, but not for it's own sake, they're not vandals. They're doing it so that Jews are not so susceptible to the persecution of the past (make minorities endangered species to be respected and protected), but the project will go too far and be coopted by well meaning idiots, and the end result will be the same anyways; culture becomes debased, the average man becomes disillusioned with his social/cultural superiors, he reacts by rejecting the prevailing cultural rules, and the Jews end up in mass graves again (when the economy really tanks).

yes mohammed, but not as much. most of the jews are democrats

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Crabs in a bucket, bringing each other down so they don't have to come to terms with their own failures.

In a world where we are bound to appease the feelings of others, and in a world where our successes trigger envy and depression, we become morally obligated not to succeed. Our success are constant reminders of our own power as well as their failure to activate the potential of their power. We rush to see who is worse than the other, racing to the bottom to meet our cultural standard of being a victim, helplessly oppressed by the powerful people who unfairly and immorally lord their successes over us. Our sensitivity to the emotions of others has inevitably stifled our very way of being. Humans are not moral, humans are a naturally destructive force out of equilibrium with our environment. Therefore, within our current culture, the only "moral" way to exist is to cease being human. To stop working, stop thinking, and to stop resisting your natural proclivities. Humans, particularly Americans, are reverting to an animal like-state of dependency and harmony. This is the only answer when taking any moral system to its logical extreme, and we're witnessing the effects first here in America. We are willingly turning ourselves into cattle because we're so terrified of becoming the butcher.

That pic. Sarah is raunchy and not funny at all. I remember when she posted here for Jow Forums to STAND THE FUCK DOWN if we wanted to keep our "board". rofl

Because nobody massacres them. If someone went to hollywood and massacred a bunch of people. Maybe theyd get the message. Sneak into universal studios with an AK and a drum magazine and massacre some people. Use a drone to fly the weapon over the fence. Then buy entry and retrieve your weapon

They love the feeling of power in profane. They think that it's rebellious and cool to undermine tradition. All teenagers go through this phase, the problem with the far left is they never leave it.

Jewish Trick Identified - Grotesque Imagery
>Using language to paint a vile and disturbing image in the minds of others in hopes of associating disgust with the subject at hand.

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Fly it over the fence the night before. So nobody sees it in the air.

Welcome to current year, where a comedians job is no longer to be funny

>in the past 20 years
>t. wasn't fucking alive during the 90's

>why so vulgar
It's Pandora' Box. Once you unleash degenerate behavior, legalize something, or make it a part of the system, it will become exponentially harder to suppress or make illegal again. This is true with immigration, fag acceptance, Medicaid, welfare, swearing in public, atheism, skimpy clothing, critical theory, and a load of other shit. Whoever is in the position of subversion (the left) has the upper-hand in regards to how easy their job is and how permanent their actions are, as the aphorism of being harder to build than destroy goes.

Why do you think the 'right' has only had successes in tearing shit down or keeping things legal; keeping our guns, making the 'muh Holocaust' narrative sound as gay as it actually is, and meming the shit out of the left? It's because subversion is easy as fuck.
>wat Ttump mak?
Billions of dollars in wealth from real estate. What the fuck kind of question is this? Does he have to make model trains from trees that he himself has cut down for it to be of his own work according to you?
Obama literally incentivized the legalization of fag marriage; degenerate as it gets. Trump says mean things and is a poonhound.
>Being a comedian is about X
No, being a comedian is about being funny. Sarah Silverman is not funny.

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That is the most fucking retarded way to frame this conversation I've heard. What does creativity have to do with moral hedenism? If anything I'd argue that the more "creative" and "open minded" of the world are responsible for it.

Okay you have to be bait, there's no way someone is this stupid.

See, this makes rational sense to me, and I wouldn't be opposed to an idea of loosening up and chilling out a stuffy old culture. But the thing that pisses me off about this, is right after mocking our traditions and dated ways (which admittedly can be funny and worthy of good- faith satire), they go right back into their communities to practice a 2000 year old tradition of the xenophobic patriarchy that is the Torah.

It's that double standard that I think is really pissing all of us off. They come to our lands and make fun of us and make us feel guilty for behaving the way our parents behaved. "It's the current year," they say, "time to lighten up and let go of your old fashioned, problematic ways", and so we do and we destroy our traditions. And then we go to visit our new friends who taught us about modernity and rebelling against dated tradition, and what are they doing? Praying in a dead language about the fall of Babylon with their entire family, which is stable and thriving and includes their parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. Then when you see that, you realize your "friends" weren't being so cool or honest when they told you it wasn't okay to be like your family. The truth is they want us to break our bonds so that the bonds they share naturally will have a greater controlling strength.


It’s a paid shill. I can tell by the pixels. The two or three of them in here realized that this wasn’t a debate directly about Trump though so they left pretty quickly


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George Soros along with Russian infiltration are using Jewish power in the west to bring a NWO while LARPing as the Illuminati. Wonder what all of these leftists would think if they found out the guy at the head of their movement is a small player in the world and isnt a part of any secret society.

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>I wouldn't be opposed to an idea of loosening up and chilling out a stuffy old culture
>I love the roots but hate the tree
You're the exact type of retard that made all of this possible. Elaborate on the coward-words of 'loosening up' and 'chilling out,' because you just appear to be one of those 'let's just go back to the 90s!' brainlets/neckbeards.

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Weimar Republic, part 2.

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Look at that hairy fucking arm...

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