Imagine losing the biggest empire in history in less than a century


Attached: British_Empire_1921.png (640x281, 84K)

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The same people are still in charge

Imagine never having it

white guilt

>biggest empire
>conquered bunch of natives with spears and rocks and populated empty lands
reminder that 1st french empire and 3rd reich are more relevant than the british """"empire""""

don't remind me

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just came here to check if you were hungarian, would post the triannon partition file but nevermind now

Blame Darwinism. This is what happens to corrupt empires at war with God.

>people really believe the british empire was this large
the british raj, egypt, iraq, australia, south africa and canada were for most purposes independent
the rest was just some african shitholes and deserts no one cared about, so they didn't really care to give these things up

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You're exaggerating how little territory Germany wanted, Germany wanted to expand all the way into Russia and planned a mass murder of Slavic peoples. Trusting Germany at their word that they only wanted the Danzig Corridor is retarded, especially since they previously said they only wanted the Sudetenland

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Imagine losing two world wars LMFAO Nazis truly are S O Y

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Show your flag faggot.

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>You're exaggerating how little territory Germany wanted, Germany wanted to expand all the way into Russia and planned a mass murder of Slavic peoples.
Yeah, we have absolute certainty of that, since it's marked in the german's files and archived, just like the irrefutable proof of the files about the final solu... Oh wait.

Britain will pay for dishonoring our glorious motherland. All paleskins will be savagely butchered and the streets will run red with blood, womanfolk will be enslaved and used as baby making machines, the queen will be hung from the Big Ben with her runts penis shoved in her mouth

You people don’t even know how to use a toilet

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I wish Germany did conquer Europe, they would have cleansed it

>t. npc propaganda sheep

It was the people in Sudetenland that wanted to become part of Germany, same with Danzig.

Germany attacked the Soviets because they believed the the Soviets were planning to attack Germany (so they couldn't wait for the Soviets to build up and zerg rush them).

sage for meme flag

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>they believed the the Soviets were planning to attack Germany

The sudden huge number of tanks the Soviets had and their massive factories pumping out even more suggests that the German intel was correct.

the germans also said that they'd stop at the rhineland, then austria, then at czechoslovakia...
you just cant trust those g*rmans
>everyone i don't like is a npc
Jow Forums at its best

Hitler literally expresses his desire to expand eastwards and colonise in Mein Kampf and his
Obersalzberg Speech.

>It was the people in Sudetenland that wanted to become part of Germany
That doesn't matter, what matters is that Germany vowed they would ONLY take the Sudetenland, a vow which they broke when they invaded Czechoslovakia and turned Slovakia into a vassal state.
>Germany attacked the Soviets because they believed the the Soviets were planning to attack Germany
That's part of the reason, the other major reason was their ideological goals of conquest.

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Both of them got cucked by the British empire so.....

I wouldn't even be mad over losing Africa, Middle-East or India. Those were never that British lands. But Canada, Australia and New-Zealand are 100% English-speaking places and they told UK to fuck off.

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>when they invaded Czechoslovakia

Czechoslovakia begged Hitler to protect them (against other countries). Hitler was ASKED to invade, and Chamberlain said it didn't breach their old treaty as newer developments had rendered it obsolete.

By the time of the Second World War Canada, Australia and New Zealand we de-facto independent anyway. OP's image is retarded.

More like both got defeated by the Russians

>implying empires are relevant in the modern era
lmao brainlets
It isn't the 1700s anymore, you dont need a physical presence in a country in order trade with it. That's expensive.
We dont have an empire yet our tea is still picked for peanuts in india and kenya. Our texitles are stil produced in bengalis.

>they told UK to fuck off.
The white majority colonies of ours had always had much independence from us from the very beginning.
It was set out by the westminster goverment and the end of the 19th century that they would eventually seperate from britain


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Hey, at least Czechoslovakian people were protected although they became part of Germany. I remember same kind of fair offer from USSR to protect Estonia.

lmao, what? Hitler forced them to surrender by chopping up their country. The only thing Czechoslovakia needed protecting from was the Germans. Hitler planned an invasion of Czechoslovakia

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Yeah, but did Estonia ASK the USSR to protect them? Quite a difference.

I don’t mind them stretching the empire to beat the Nazis. What is puzzling, perhaps British anons can answer this, is why didn’t the British use the Japanese + German war machine (industries, manpower, newly created army) to rebuild a force to keep the colonies under control.

Nobody in USA/Soviets wanted the British to lose their colonies over the world. Perhaps there could have been an offensive led against the Soviet occupied Europe way before the nuclear weapons were a factor. It’s simple, Keep the empire by force, suppress them for years and the nuclear weapons are a double whammy to keep colonies under permanent control.

>Czechoslovakia begged Hitler to protect them (against other countries)
[citation needed]
the only reason the czechoslovak leader agreed to unite with germany is because he was inside german territory as a part of a meeting with hitler and if he would refuse he'd be executed
he also had a heart attack during his meeting, so his consent wasn't really genuine

it doesn't even matter if he agreed or not, though, because hitler promised the european leaders that the sudetenland will be the last territorial demand he'll make

You could just as easily be referring to Britain, France, Spain, Japan, United States or Israel in recent history. The Chinese won't start the next one but they will again prove Asian dominance.

Still better than your empire, faggot.

>conquered bunch of natives with spears and rocks and populated empty lands
At some point or another we've fought just about every major power on the planet over the past few centuries. Better than your people have ever achieved.

>reminder that 1st french empire and 3rd reich are more relevant than the british """"empire""""
You're a retard if you believe this.

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>they told UK to fuck off.
They didn't.

Kek at the little nigger for France.

But was that good? Wouldn't it have been better to just have UK world-wide empire? It seems kind of treachery to me in some way. Next possibility for same kind of event would be if America send colonists to Moon or Mars and once they become self-sufficient they send back a message saying they're independent now. Objectively that wouldn't be bad, but if it was my country I would be mad.

This. We will always be inferior to the glorious and renowned Serbian empire

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Did Poland also ask Germany to annex half of it and hand another half to the Soviets? Hitler would have won if he didn't just give Stalin half the Eastern Europe, lmao.

>Nobody in USA/Soviets wanted the British to lose their colonies over the world.
Are you sure about that?

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The empire as it was a massive money drain on britain and helped no one in britain but a small london ellite

Oh yeah, you're right. Makes a big difference whether USSR asked first if they wanted to be protected or if it was spontaneous message from Estonia to their government that they ask for protection.

your fault for bending your knees to the US

I'm pretty sure the Spanish empire was bigger.

Even your ID is the colour of curry poo

>Did Poland also ask Germany to annex half of it

But the Polish government refused all German proposals to fix the situation. Basically their only request was to be allowed to build a road from Germany through the Polish corridor to Königsberg.

What do you suggest? We hold onto Canada and Australia despite their wishes and turn the population against us? There'd have been no point. Aus and Canada remained close allies and remained within the British Commonwealth. They fought with us in the War but they were still democratic independent nations. There'd have been no reason to keep a grip on them and deny them their independence.

Man i'm so happy that we won the war, we can now bring in shitskins to replace us, we can teach our children to be trannies as well.



>shit coloured ID

checks out