Washington Post is absolutely disgusting. Lie after lie after lie


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They're right. We elected Obama to bring our troops home. He didnt do it. He lied.. Thank God for Trump

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I repeat. Thank God for Trump

Everyday I hope to see stories about the offices for WaPo and NYT being firebombed or attacked in some way.

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I most certainly voted for Trump based on his positions (stated publicly and often) regarding getting us out of those messes caused by the dynasty of retards that preceded him.

My nipples are hard

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lol Trump went down to South Carolina and blamed Bush for letting 9/11 happen live on stage, to Republican cheers

I only wish he kept at it. Technically Bill Clinton's "operation infinite resolve" is directly responsible for 9/11/

>directly responsible
9/11 was planned by Israel for 30 years.

I cant wrap my head around the fact that these Maga cucks still exist.

How can anyone lie to themselves with such confidence in the face of so much evidence of incompetence and corruption

what a fucking embarrassment you people are

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tick tock maga cucks

tick tock
tick tock

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This. It has to happen. The media is the #1 problem. They control the narrative. They decide what's important and what people are "outraged" about. The ruling class elites can only survive with the media doing their bidding. If The People knew the truth, nobody would support the elite uniparty. The media prevents The People from knowing the truth.

>so much evidence of incompetence and corruption
Sounds like the "scandal free" Obama years

>moderate voters elect president foremost because they believe the other candidate is a warmonger
>"didn't elect him to end wars"

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Mueller works for Trump retard. To take down the ZOG.

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So how was last night's episode of the Tonight show, Did I miss anything good?

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fpbp and confirmed

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This is blatant as fuck, they couldn't be bothered to make a bullshit article about something else that could at least vaguely pass as true? It's like they don't even care anymore.

We're getting readings on the Shoah meter that shouldn't be possible!

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>in the face of so much evidence of incompetence and corruption
Exactly what corruption and incompetence?
Please don't confuse "incompetence" with being obstructed.

>The media is the #1 problem. They control the narrative. They decide what's important and what people are "outraged" about. The ruling class elites can only survive with the media doing their bidding.

>How can anyone lie to themselves with such confidence in the face of so much evidence of incompetence and corruption
>supporting Mueller
absolute irony

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Um no sweaty Drumpf lied about everything and ruined the country. He promised us WW3 and now he's canceling Obama's wars all over the world. I'm officially off the Drumpf train. I'm a Warrenigger now.

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>Drumpf broke his promise about the syrian airstrikes once, better support endless wars and child drag queens
You shills are stupid.

Dude, Donald;s skin looks like burnt chicken.

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Washington Post comment sections are the absolute worst. Heavily censored and those idiots think they’re representing every smart American because their gay muh Russia comment gets 10 upvotes.


I absolutely voted for that,


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time to go all the way back to r/politics, faggot. and don't come back. keep sopping up what your betters cram down your throat. naive faggot.