Is it okay to have a women as a friend?

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Men don't talk aboit their problems. If they do it's a big fucking problem.
The only other problem I talk to other men about is when I need mechanical advice or home maintenance advice.

Women want face to face friends while men want side by side friends.

Aka women bitch back n forth and men do stuff together


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This. Men don't have friends to bitch and complain to.

If you truly only see her as a friend... yes.
If she says "lets just be friends" say a big no, tell them you already have enough friends and just leave and tell her to contact you if she changes her mind. When girls say "lets just be friends" its a way of testing your strenght, will you let her dominate you and dictate the relationship?
I've been there bros and failed, dont make the same mistake as I did

I have one female friend, my wife. All the rest, even my sister and mother are people I pretend to listen too. I don't give a fuck what they think or their opinion. But in all fairness I only listen to a couple male friends as well, but they have proven themselves to be intelligent and worth talking to.

What kind of insight could she provide to help me better myself?
If we made music together would our efforts be 50/50? would she help me learn ANYTHING?
What about entertainment, is she funny at all? Smart? Yeah I fucking doubt it

>Is it okay to have a women as a friend?

Am I missing something? What did she mean by this? They need mentoring to prove they're equal?

> let's just be friends
let's fucking not be, whore. some women are absolute fucking train wrecks. do not ever do this - EVER! move the fuck on and say:
> NO, I can do much fucking better than you!
they hate that shit, because they expect most men these days are pathetic cucks so they can keep leeching off of them for favours or help, even money. run for your life and change your phone number if some whore gives you the let's just be friends line.
>What kind of insight could she provide to help me better myself?
>If we made music together would our efforts be 50/50? would she help me learn ANYTHING?
she'd try and claim full credit leaving you with nothing. you would learn nothing except how to be a cuck.

>wah why wont she have sex with me
>i know ill kill her, that will show her

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Exactly,based Aussie.

it's a tacit admission that women are less competent than men and they need us to help them do their jobs and shit or else they'll bungle it endlessly

the irony and self-awareness are both lost on her

I dont make my friends listen to my problems

Nope its extremely sexist, bigots.

if you want into their vajajay, you can persist no more than 3X, these the gentleman's rules. If none among you can wait. something wonderful lies in state for a man who is not obsessed with the size of his genitalia.

If she's married to one of your actual friends and you know he's sound, then sure. If she's just some random, then no she will inevitably betray you.

i dont mind being friends with women, but the relationship always becomes sexual in the end so I dont really see the point. Any woman i connect with enough to be friends i also connect with enough to fuck, in fact i can barely tell the difference between the two

Agree to be friends. Then, ask her for a blowjob. That is about the friendliest thing someone can do for you.

Is this a joke? You are posting on what is essentially a male's knitting and bitching group.

Pro tip: Women just want you to listen to their problems. They don't want to hear any of your suggestions or solutions like a guy.

Kys roastie, no one itt posted anything about hurting women

Theres nothing wrong with it but I will say women can make some shitty friends.

Its great if you have one you just have fun being around. But you cant rely on them for anything.

A good guy friend will have your back through thick and thin. A woman will ditch your ass for the most petty stupid reasons.

As a man with experience in these matters I say go for it. UNLESS you want to fuck her. Or feel like you need some kind of emotional support. Dont talk to them about your problems. It just doesnt work.

you were thinking it

Traps >>>> roasties

As we should

I have female friends but I dont listen to their problems, that is the role of other females, if they even try to lay their dumb problems on you that indicates a lack of respect for you as a man.

>Is it okay to have a women as a friend?
Only if you don't want to fuck her AT ALL and have no feelings whatsoever towards her. Otherwise, it's torture.

I got a recent experience when a girl kept staring at me and smiling. I invited her out, to get promptly rejected and served the whole 'let's be friends' after 4 fucking dates. Can you believe that shit ?

The real question is, what goes through a womans head to tease and invite a man to approach her, before castrating him that way ? I mean I'm 23, did I miss something ?

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this but unironically


Denying a woman attention is akin to murder.

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This is true. I had a date with a girl and she started babbling about her college professor giving her hard time (she was actually quite smart) and I gave her some advice to which she responded :"I just wanted you to hear me out and not have you advise me"... it really pissed me off but I was calm.

Real women want men that can guide them and with whom they can feel safe around both mentally and physically. When you give her advice in the beginning stages it makes her feel like you want her to stop talking. You have to listen and just express emotional support but be intersting at the same time and lead her and both have great time. There is a difference between a tampon beta cuck that soaks up all her emotions and a dude that has great time and supports her. For her literally you being a fun confident guy changes you from a virgin to a chad. The listening part is mandatory. And is either a beta support or alpha support.

>mean I'm 23, did I miss something ?
You're sorta young, semi understandable if you haven't figured it out. I don't have the screen shot that explains this reall well, but everything women do is to feed their egos. Everything. She went out with toy because you gave her attention (and presumably free food) but she's not about to tie herself down when there are so many other sources of attention to milk.

Is it OK to keep a walking rape accusation time bomb that you don't get to have sex with ever in your life? Fuck no 3D is not important in this legal and social climate.

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this one woman i talk to kept doing the friendzone shit to me, even going so far as the "let me paint your nails, do your hair" kinda crap, but i put up with it because i can tell shes lonely like most humans get
but then she randomly calls me and starts going full blown "i love you" and such
i feel like shes falling back on me because chad thundercock denied her, i have no evidence of this, but it is what Jow Forums taught me

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None of us are friends, retard. We're complete strangers we occasionally get into arguments with and wish death upon.

free food and attention
women are jews

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Did you fuck her and got served that line later?

Not if you’re attracted to her.

My sources tell me that women already know how to do everything better than a man anyway

They make for very useful wingmen

that's pretty fucking normal behavior from men and women. 4 dates, shit didn't work out, she wasn't that into you. at least you got the 4 dates out of it.

Remember fren, Jow Forums is always right.

Are your sources Netflix Originals?

They can reap what they sow. F them.


I actually didn't pay for shit, she paid for everything.

Jesus christ. I remember her being super neurotic and having issues with her father, so maybe I dodged a bullet.

I might not like each Jow Forums or Jow Forums poster, but the hivemind combination of them all.
I like that. I see that "thing" as a friend.
I mean if I could choose a hivemind to love I probably would.

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No. I tried going for the kiss on the third date (it was three dates actually, not four), and got promptly rejected.

I was lucky enough to have a hot slutty female friend that would give me a blow job on my birthday even if she had a boy friend or fuck me to get back at some guy she was mad at. There out there guys you just have to keep looking.

A woman's idea of "being friends" is finding a guy to basically do ALL of the shit work of being her boyfriend while receiving NONE of the perks. AND she fucks someone else. That's why guys get so bent out of shape when they get friend zoned. It's like working a 60 hour a week shit job and never getting paid.

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Sure, if you're a person who doesn't value their privacy.

You were too nice. If you didn’t get laid on the first night you should have never called her again.

>Is it okay to have a women as a friend?


>listen to all my problems and keep me company

This is a significant part of friendship, yes.


These are the best counterarguments. Thanks for saving me the keystrokes. I want to add, If you have a girl as a friend, make sure she is one of the ones who thinks like a man to some extent.

Well I know her mother, she's a coworker of mine. So I'd rather avoid that in such circumstances.

We aren't friends. Everyone here is psychologically tormenting and humiliating each other. On occasion we sometimes all come together and agree about a few things


only if you're using her to get to her friends yes

Yeah, but it's likely that there's some one-sided attraction between you two.

If they are loyal, they are a walking rape character witness to defend you.
Platonic-girl "user would never do that I have known him for 3 years, and I saw him last night"
Judge: "Ok, you are woman, I believe u. user is free to go"

I have had maybe 4 female friends in 10 years (not counting gf of friends). I actively seek out women to fuck not to talk to


You habe to be sexual also, touching, kissing etc. If all you do is talk for 4 dates, she could just have went out with One of her grilfriends
t.22 yrs old

The only acdeptable women to be around are:
1. Family
2. Ones you're fucking
3. Friends wives in the prescience of said friend
If you have actual women, that you consider your friend, and you're not fucking, or never fucked: you're a cuck.
Even if you work with, or especially under, a woman you're not fucking: also a cuck.

its possible but inevitably one party will develop feelings for the other

of course. there is little to be gained by announcing yourself eligible and worthy but you KNOW your intrinsic worth. The sum you make may not be worth your efforts as its measured on a grand scale. Cheers!

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she literally gave me 5000 from her savings because i told her my motherboard on my favorite computer broke
I've yet to even give her 5 dollars over this 2 or 3 year "friendship"
Jow Forums told me such things are impossible.
not only am I not rich, I'm not even that great of a person, I've been downright evil to her several times.
Maybe I'm just pretty, but I don't work out, I'm slender, I guess maybe my face is cute?
don't get it. I guess some women are just different. I guess some are not parasitic or bad.
I'm so confused
She's chinese maybe that is it

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>I like that. I see that "thing" as a friend.
Jesus christ get a life.
I like Jow Forums and all, but I still have friends in the real world, whom I don't go bitch and moan to every time a chick doesn't blow me.

If you have no sexual attraction to them, sure.

Female friends can be fine as long as you aren't attracted to them and treat them like your male friends, but they're pretty rare.

Romance and sexuality are two different things. There are millions of women who can get you to climax, few you would want to spend meaningful time with. Women are no different.

The only difference is that romance can grow out of purely sexual realtionships, whereas sexual attraction will never come from romance. If you are looking for the complete package you will never find it chasing someone who doesn't already have sexual interest in you.

it'd have to be one hell of an ugly, boring bitch. How could you be friends with someone like that?

just treat her as a guy friend user, its that simple.
if she doesn't wanna fuck then just keep her at a distance.

No. They use you as an emotional tampon and do not reciprocate. If you try to talk to them about your problems they'll practically ignore you. The more you try to do this the less they'll respond.

I've already been told to kill myself twice today. I don't know where you're getting this shit.

He speaks wisdom

she probably thought you'd have a small dick, wasn't worth her time

No. That's beta cuck behavior and she just gonna use your pathetic ass as a beta orbiter. Fuck her or get rid of her.

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I'm packing 6.7'' :(

Avoid what? There doesn’t have to be some confrontation, you just don’t call anymore. Considering she zoned you she wouldn’t have cared anyway

Friends do things together. They go to shows, they make stuff, they chill and shoot the shit playing games, watching movies, and listening to music, they go camping, get food, and involve themsleves in each others lives. Women don't do any of that sort of shit with dudes they've friendzoned.

The responses to this post make me never want to leave the house

>be me
>only have dated 3 girls
>third one actually takes my advice
>listen to her when she complains about something absolutely trivial
>give simple answer and see her light up
>"I didn't think of it that way" is the typical response
>now married for three years
Ever notice how it's the women who sat that they don't need a man that end up doing the worst? Just like guys who say they don't ever need a woman, bound to fail for rejecting the simplest of human nature.

Lol, welcome to the club bub

This. Some of the butt ugly ones actually pull a decent salary and will buy you freebies from time to time to try and ingratiate themselves.
I’ve mooched gas festival tickets highway tolls etc that I say I will pay back and then forget and they are too ugly and shy to remind me.

Middle schooler wisdom:
A straight guy cant be simple friends with a woman. Always will be sexual tension.

Not true, had a good female friend from high school and would go to concerts with her, movies or out to eat. She ended up getting married and moved away but she still texts me and her husband is chill about it.

Were you on one of your first dates with her?

I dont know about other people but me and my gf made a promise to not being alone personally with the opposite sex.
I am very jealous and so is my gf thankfully.
I cant stand the thought of her being alone with another man.

Not true, you can be the bests of friends but at least once you will fuck each other

>whereas sexual attraction will never come from romance
I'll just have to take your word for that
And I have no idea if she ever did or didn't have "sexual attraction" to me
She's quite awkward & shy

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Sounds like you should kill yourself, bud.
Lots of love from your best bud

Youre both friend zoned, its just that other guy is less beta than you and gets to fuck the slag

Correct user. That’s meant for your family to listen to you bitch