Denmark tråd

It's me again, virgin mid 20s incel without friends, I live in Denmark near a trainstation. At the trainstation area there is one nightclub, well also several bars but that's besides the point.
I know they have sex in an alleyway right behind the nightclub and I know they also do it in the bathrooms when they can but I found a pair of used panties lying on the pavement as well as used condoms (albeit a bit farther away) at the street leading up to the trainstation.

Is this normal for youth, to have sex on the streets? I believe there are several traffic camera and other security cameras facing that street.

Who the fuck has sex at midnight in this terribly cold weather we have?

Someone who regularly goes partying, please fucking explain to me if this is normal behavior

t. frustrated friendless virgin in his mid 20s.

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Who cares...
What's the point anyways my dude

Danish girls start doing this shit even before high school, they're a lost cause, the odds of finding a tradwife here is lower than finding oil on your property

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thats why you look for a cute feminine boyfriend
But the problem here is that even we don't want you kind of losers as bfs.

What is before high school in Denmark? What are their ages?

like 14-15 I think. It's 9th grade

9th grade, so 14-15?

Post a selfie of body and we can tell you why you are sexless (in addition to feminism)

They start at 13 and sometimes as young as 10 to 12. Albeit very rarely they start at 16 and 18.

Why is Danish fashion so "conservative" when the women are such whores?

The racism is the only reason for the stereotype, most guys drink their braincells away and are too cuck'd by the time theyre adults

>The racism is the only reason for the stereotype
Sorry I didn't get that part

Dude I'm almost 21 and still a virgin, does it look like I understand women? By the end of last year I basically have lost all hope of getting pussy.
I'm moving from my parents home to live alone (still working, so not a NEET) so hopefully I'll spend the rest of my life as an empty sex-less shell.
I guess someone else will have to carry on the aryan race, cause it probably won't be me.. I just give up.. fuck it all dude

If you want to add me to steam we can talk. Your own decision. Datamanipulator, bradford texas (obese guy in picture)

What do you want to talk about?

up to you if you want to, if not no problem.
Surprisingly many virgins in Denmark

I can confirm. Order wife from Belarus I guess is the option.

Almost same position. Save up money and then look for women in Belarus, Ukraine or Russia. You perhaps have to move to Sweden (over the bride) if you want to marry and live together. I am thinking about this myself.

It’ll get better, user. Trust me. I’m Dutch user.

you anywhere near Kolding?

Sure there are... probably more than you think. Guys like to give off the impression they get lots of pussy. Maybe I just give off some weird as fuck vibe to women.. I don't have trouble making friends or making people like me though so it's kind of a mystery..
Whatever the reason... doesn't matter in the end anyhow

post what the fucking panties smelled like already are you a fag?

Who is dutch user, sorry? I lurk a lot but not familiar.
Nope but decently close to Copenhagen.
If so many of us Danish men are not getting anything or rarely anything, mathematically it must mean the same for women. "Chad" men can't be banging multiple women a day, that's just not realistic.
I was thinking of grabbing them, honestly, but I remembered the fat slobs I had seen at the nightclubs and then immediately dropped the idea. I went to the local gym.
When I came back a few hours the panties were gone so either someone trashed them for public decency's sake or someone is home sniffing at vaginal discharge

Hvilken station? Kender ingen stationer i Kbh der har toiletter udover Hovedbanen som koster penge og er overvåget eller Norreport hvor der ikke er nogen der har sex fordi den er for offentlig og ejes af bumserne.
Samtidig kan jeg ikke forestille mig den slags degeneracy I provinsen.. så ja, kald mig nysgerrig..

>If so many of us Danish men are not getting anything or rarely anything, mathematically it must mean the same for women. "Chad" men can't be banging multiple women a day, that's just not realistic.
Most women aren't having sex daily. Just weekly. And since there's a lot more virgin men than virgin women, that does work out to an 80-20 model (80% of women go for 20% of men).

>20 yo
>fuck it all
stop yourself, cuck. I didn't get a grip on life until I was 25. Have you no self-respect? It's never to late to head down the right path.

>Is this normal for youth, to have sex on the streets?
no. are you fucking retarded?? only degenerates go to club, not to mention having sex with trangers.. probably faggots and niggers do with or some bottom tier whores.

post your picture to see if youa are buttugly or not. if not just find yourself some home sitting pussy, she prolly walks her dog in the park every fucking day. just go to the park and check them out there. or maybe it doesn't work like that anymore.. i don't know. it was like that when i was 20.. but that was 20 years ago

Toiletter på natklubber selvfolgelig. Hvis du lurker mere ved 8-10 tiden hvor jeg altid laver mine tråde så vil du vide hvilke station. men lad os bare sige Sjælland, i omkredsen af Kobenhavn.

rly?? oh shit.. well then the best choice would be to become a serial killer. that way he can have sex and kill them at the same time.

Just give her a firm handshake and strong eye contact, that's what i did

>lurker mere
does this mean lurk more?

Okay. Måske skulle du ikke bekymre dig så meget om hvordan andre lever livet. Husk at Jow Forums er en rimelig twisted linse at se verden igennem, selvom det kan være sjovt hvis man formår at holde en ironisk distance.

i have talked both my littlesisters in to become trad

>only degenerates go to club, not to mention having sex with trangers
That'd be 99% of all Western women, including Spanish women.

Of course. I make my threads around 8-10pm.

I fucked a girl behind a container in Copenhagen, not a prostitute. Actual true story.

hello muhammad

well portugese girls almost never go to clubs, we don't even have clubs here(only very few in large cities like Lisboa).. but i agree.. a lot of large cities have clubs for faggots niggers and whores to go and spread diseases

You're misunderstanding, 80% of women just sleep with the top 20% of men, while the remaining 80% of men fight for 20% of women.. Women have many many partners throughout their lives, more than men have. This just means that the remaining 80% of men still aren't virgins, they just don't get pussy that often..
It's still very rare for adults to be virgins, when I was in the army (when I was 19) guys were literally bullied because of it lol. Obviously I lied and so did a few others I bet..
Anyways, more guys and fewer women will probably be virgins in the future due to what I described above, because of jewish inventions like Tinder that basically just wrecks the natural order of things..

>Måske skulle du ikke bekymre dig så meget om hvordan andre lever livet
Det lyder som noget en egoistisk globalist ville sige.
Selvfolgelig går jeg op i mit folk og mit land, det gor ondt når jeg ser de ting der sker og jeg har ingen mulighed for at gore noget ved det.


greentext please

Denmark is depressing as fuck desu. Only you can do is drink and smoke weed.

I hope you're speaking the truth but I refuse to believe.
So you're telling me that Spain has not been hit by the women's liberation and sexual revolution movements yet?

Ahh the britfag who has family in Kolding. I remember you.

only fix is a thot patrol

lol we dont want aids.

>smoke weed
i thought it was illegal there.
i know that it's full of niggers
once i was at the kopenhagen airport and was surprized to see such a selection of different niggers that i felt like i was in a zoo, only with animals looking to vosot a few white people.

i think since Hamlet.. it was all downhill for the danish

Lost my virginity at 25 to a 20 year old girl. We're married now and going for kids. She had 1 sexual partner before (he's dead so no worries)
It was hell getting to this point but worth it. No stds, a healthy bank from not spending it on booze and chicks and she's besotted with me. I am too with her actually (fuck off blackpilled cunts)
Don't give up user, there are nice girls out there somewhere.

stop speaking in danish.. i can't understand this. switch to universal language now

Absolutely right. But we got to use the weapons that the Jews are using against us. It's low to be on Tinder, but we got to be on it. There's nothing we can do atm, just fuck this shit lol we gotta try everything we can until we have power. When we have power, this country will be reshaped!

>he's dead
from aids
>so no worries

Can someone explain how exactly the people who died, died in the train accident?
I heard they had to identify some with teeth and dna, the train however didnt look that crushed. Any dansk with information?

Is she obese? What is her reason for not having had more partners? Don't tell me the old crap about exceptions to the rule of women all being whores.

So getting a grip on life means constantly chasing pussy just because I'm a virgin?
I'm not giving up on shit... I've just decided to do things MY way instead of letting frivolities drag me down.
I'm not advocating MGTOW or some shit.. far from it. If I meet someone then great, I just don't give a shit either way.. Until then I'll just work hard at my job, pay my rent, lurk Jow Forums and go bowling with a couple of my (only) pals..

For some it is.
When I was a kid they were a minority. Usually people that ended with drug addictions. The rest of us had to wait to touch our gfs butt until the 2nd week or so.
But I guess depravity increases as sexualization is more rampant in the media.

Danish girls are the easiest, every time going to Copenhagen is like living the chad dream.

>go bowling
is this a secret phrase for "gay sex"?


nah dude I mean literally go bowling

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Nope. I was a virgin because degenerates disgusted me. I met her while doing some work in a village in the arse end of nowhere. Very conservative family. So I had some rather high standards.

maybe if you're a foreigner

Cool, so you were lucky enough to find the 1% of women who are like that
Any solutions for the rest of us?

I was drowning in pussy in my 20s.
Jomfru Ane Gade ftw.

Just be Jow Forums, approach a random qt and invite her to the dance floor. 2 hours later she will be begging for you to fuck her a second time.

It is not rocket science!

Gå med i någon organisation? Mer produktivt än att vara en incel på Jow Forums

Ikke spis for mye kringle slik at du får bollemage.

Explain yourselves, Swedecucks

The problem with this attitude is that you don't have a long time, if you want to experience young love which is the best kind of luck. In fact soon, assuming you are in your 20s, you have no chance of ever experiencing it unless you're one of those extremely lucky men who can still get a young 18 year old girl even though he's old.

Also, the older you are the more mutated your sperm cells are and thus the sicker your offspring will be.

No chance of that happening for me. If I was good enough for a conservative girl I'd sure as fucking hell be able to get someone by now. Conservative girls like that have high expectations. I'm a loser of the highest caliber.

the ABSOLUTE state of daneposters

you absolute joker. go find a wife

Hold nu alligevel kæft, hvor er det pinligt at se det her. Kom nu ud af kældrene, brodre. Danske incels, nu har jeg aldrig.

>just give her a firm handshake

No, norweigans are easier. And swedes are easier than norweigans

Can you faggots stop with this 80-20 rule already? I know it gives you consolidation through creating this impression that there are more incels than there truly are, but it's based on a misunderstanding of the actual stats. The real story was something like 20% of men account for 80% of all relationships, and the number for women was ca. 20% accounting for 75% of all relationships. The rest had a normal amount of relationships, it's just that 20% of the most degenerate of men and women constantly switch eachother out.


Inte all pilsner då?

Get out of large towns or cities. Look into churches or try a christian dating service. If it's really so pozzed there, pack up and go elsewhere in europe. Make a future family your priority goal, you'll find someone.

Jeg går ud hver dag til diverse ting, inklusiv motionscentre. Ændrer ikke på en skid.

Hvad i helvede gor i anderledes?

Jamen, jeg er ikke et hak bedre, går i byen, på arbejde og så videre. Prover desperat, og har lullet mig selv i ind i en tro på, at det en dag må komme af sig selv.
Men det at have så ondt af sig selv er for meget.

no point to it, I'll drive myself mad looking

wtf translate now

Lets not make it a competition, it wouldn't be any good for any of our countries

No that isn't normal. Getting women isn't hard, but in your country it is. Just maintain confidence, fake it if you have to. Exude aloofness rather than being cocky. Lift weights, do something competitive and win. Look into ways of raising testosterone (women can smell it) and lowering estrogen. I'd say move, but you should fight to re-establish normality in your country.

Guy says, "Just go out, incels."
We say, "But we do go out and it changes nothing."

Other guy is talking about getting fat from eating or drinking and warning us not to get fat with a beer belly

It was always normal for subhuman clubgoers near trainstations

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You don't need to be Jow Forums, danish girls are all alcoholics.

This. Rural areas have better women in my opinion.

I was on high dosages of steroids like testosterone, made no difference. Shit advice to be honest.

this, men jeg har ikke ondt af mig selv, jeg ser bare ikke pointen i at jage det pis når jeg alligevel bare spilder min tid.. Hvis det er så skide nemt som fisseministerne på det her board siger burde jeg nok have fået noget efter at havde været i byen næsten hver uge i over 2 år...

I know her. She said she likes you

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Denmark is one big suburb

I truly don't see why you danish men having such a hard time, if you have low selfesteem just fucking get yourself shitfaced and go to a bar.
You will auto talk to the girls when you are that drunk and sooner or later you gonna find a girl that likes you, and because all danish girls are alcoholics she will be equally as drunk as you. This makes it all very easy.

Steroids are bullshit because its external and tells your body it is no longer needed to produce it. You probably fucked your levels. Natural supplements are better for young people.

Because Denmark is full of militant feminist dykes.

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Der er absolut ingen grund til at jagte de snot dumme liberale race forrædere til kællinger, som hænger ud i byen hver eneste weekend.

I was virgin until my 26 years old, and I'm a fucking brazilian (you all know we fuck like animals);
It was a concious decision since I'm a christian and I actually take my religion seriously.
I got married and losed my virginity with my wife.
There's no reason for a 21 year old guy to be freaking out about being virgin.
This is actually the source as of why your women are not marriage material, because you banalized the idea of sex as something that is mere entertainment.

What happened to the church in Denmark? I can't beleieve there isn't a single church that has trad girls anymore. Your flag has a fucking cross in it.

Just walk over em lad, they like getting being dominated even if they don't say it.

Agreed, but a low T Dane has a hard time comprehending that let alone executing it.

>Steroids are bullshit
Um nope that's a retarded myth. Actually, steroids, even if you inject physiological levels (same amount you'd naturally produce) they still have a stronger effect. The reason for this is the shutting down of the production of progesterone, and progesterone has an inhibitory effect on testosterone. Injecting testosterone also for some reason lowers shbg so you have higher free testosterone.
There are more reasons but those are majors ones.

>you all know we fuck like animals
More like fuck animals

Change it. Sit down for a day free from distraction and think about the future you want v the future you're headed towards.
Look, it sounds gay but you have to have to force a mentality change before anything else happens.
>Write out a plan, first start with diet and daily routine-Up at set time, wash, shave, cleaning, reading time, maybe start on learning new language
>Couple weeks later add in an exercise regime, start small. Socially awkward? Then use your bodyweight in house, buy some weights, run at night in the cold
6 months later you'll look and feel better and confidence will be higher. Don't have drivers license? Nows the time. Get used to talking with people. A good start is small talk with shopkeepers. Then a pub atmosphere, or even a cafe.
You should have a job but if not, get one. Even a shit factory job, anything. You may even meet a decent girl by then.
The most important thing though is your mentality, you have to want it.

Go to the beach Great place to meat girls

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>What happened to the church in Denmark?
Jewry galore

fisseministerne. det fandme sjovt. fucking lol :