So Putin wants Drumpf to run against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2020 and that's why you're shilling her so desperately...

So Putin wants Drumpf to run against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2020 and that's why you're shilling her so desperately, right? No dice faggots, it's still gonna be Uncle Joe.

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Ah yes, the pedophile who's biggest achievement was standing next to that charismatic black guy
The absolute state of the democratic party in 2019
sage and kys

I'm sure Putin is smart enough to know that she wouldn't be old enough to run against Trump then, unlike your retarded ass.

you mean creepy unlce joe?

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That meme isnt exactly hard to counter...

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how about this?

>fucking wh*te male

or how about this one?

Really? Because I have video of him molesting hundreds of children, positioning them on his dick, rubbing their nipples, smelling their hair, grabbing them tight so they don't move, whispering creepy things in their ears.

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>Seriously considering OC a candidate

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>pedo joe

oh a daughter sitting on her fathers lap, terrible.

I'll raise you

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He never positions the male children in front of his dick and holds them tight there while he caresses them. It's not an innocent affection for a child, it's a sexual fetish for young girls. The conversation always revolves around how pretty they are and their interaction with boys btw.

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>D-d-don't you dare call out OUR pedo

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You can't use monopoly money to 'raise'

Oh shit, Trump saying words that you can only dream about, also horseface is now divorced to the BF who pimped her out due to giving under the table services to Avanatti the Just guy.

how about this

Say what you will about Uncle Joe, but he wasnt a regular on the Lolita Express. I could go on all day..

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Your not very good at this, admit it Biden is a paedo & the videos prove it

cortez cant run till 2028 you fucktard

I hope it's based beeto

no parking

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that creeping thumb upwards hahahahahahahahaha, youre fucked

doesnt even recognize the fact that shes like 28

Hes an 80 year old pedoguy. No thanks Dnc

Seeing as Trump kicked Epstein out of his golf club & never was on the lolita express - unlike Hillary a fellow peado Bill Clinton alonside Chris Rock & Kevin Spacey. Bill went on the Lolita Express at least a dozen times, Hillary almost as many. Bill even told his secret service protection to leave so he could "have some fun" with his friend Epstein.

that's solid russian labor

Drumpfy keeps it in the senpai unlike creepy joe

>The parties were held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. Each of the parties had other minor females and a number of guests of Mr. Epstein, including Defendant Donald Trump at four of the parties I attended. I understood that both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew I was 13 years old.

>Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and fnial sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted,

>Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I wold be physically harmed if not killed.

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Not even close, Trump isn't even focusing on the child. The only thing wrong here is how his daughter is all done up like a model. You're attracted to her as a child that's why you think it's pedo, has nothing to do with him. Biden grinds on them and whispers and caresses other people's children while staring at them. Every single small girl he insists get in front of him and be grabbed. He gets mad if they resist or are placed somewhere else for the photo.

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cпacибo бoльшoe Myхaмaд

literally nothing wrong with any of these photos. loving father and daughter relationship. perfectly healthy

are u some ghetto shitskin from the inner city that grew up without a father?

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>thinking dems will vote for a huwhite man
Imagine being this delusional

Wow - A another common core demonicRat not knowing how government works. Imagine our shock

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Thrown out of court - actually laughed out of court. one of these joke "jane Doe" lawsuits was brought by the ex-writer for Jerry Springer & a known bringer of fraudulent lawsuits. Yes that's all they can do, wait for someone rich to get into the headlines due to a show or Presidential election & they all come out from under their rock looking for the cash - hoping the target will simply pay them off so they fuck off. Trump called their bluff & they fucked off.

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Here's Trump with confirmed molestation victim Macaulay Culkin

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And btw Ivanka is dressed that way because of her mother, not her father.

>Trump talking to someone who was in a movie with him at the premier

This degenerate homosexual with a donkey flag thinks this is sexual.

Anons wise to monarch programming will not need this picture explained. The signs are all there with Barron.

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Is there anyone this predator wont stick his dick in?

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He's grooming Barron to become a trap because Ivanka won't let him touch her in naughty ways anymore.

You can feel his sexual pleasure as he closes his eyes, thrusts his dick into their back and takes a deep inhale of their scent.

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>“Over the past weeks, I have read much regarding Mr. Jeffrey Epstein,” are words opening an extraordinary letter written by R. Alexander Acosta, who served as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida during Epstein’s criminal investigation. Mr. Acosta goes on to detail how, in 2005, a young girl first brought sex-crime allegations to the Palm Beach Police Department, which sought felony charges against Epstein. Subsequently, however, the State Attorney agreed to charge him “only with one count of aggravated assault with no intent to commit a felony,” Acosta writes. He notes that such a charge would have resulted in no jail time, no registration as a sexual offender, and no responsibility for restitution to Epstein’s underage victims.

>Frustrated by the State Attorney’s decision, the police referred the case to the FBI, which handed it to the U.S. Attorney General’s office. After reviewing the charges, federal prosecutors “agreed that the state charge was insufficient,” Acosta writes. In a script that could have been lifted from Law and Order, his team gave Epstein two choices: “plead to more serious state felony charges…or else prepare for a federal felony trial.”
Referred to the FBI (Mueller), remeber Mueller gave a producer of pedopholic material (400 videos & had recording equipment) that was Isaac Asimov's son only 6 months in jail, so what exactly did Asimov's son give Mueller or did he have details on ppl Muller wanted protecting?

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Let's wait until he is the Democratic nominee before showing everyone that he is a pedo.

might be too late then, the social media platforms are going to crack down on dissident thought next election.

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Less than a month later Hillary was smashing a TV (as was Obama in the Oval office) & hitting the bottle again. All those pathetic attempts at trying to scupper his election, a glorious night & the plan B & then Plan C were put into action to try & end his Presidency. The winning never stops & the tears keep flowing from both sides for vastly different reasons

Trump will tweet about Gropey Joe.
The people will see these videos.

Wow all from magazines, all posed & asked by the photographer. Meanwhile Biden can't help himself at every opportunity with other ppl's very young daughters


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Biden will never make the Primaries, he knows even the other Democrats will use them against him, they will blame Russian hackers again though

Isn't this the guy who told millennials to shut up about it being hard so he could shill his fucking book?

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>using Daily News as a source
Nigga you dumb

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cortez the red is like 27 my retarded friend. I'm not sure what your angle is because she'd probably do better than creepy joe anyway, not that it matters because it's probably going to be beto / harris. in conclusion i'm going to have to mage this bread and recommend you kill yourself at your earliest convenience. thanks for your time.