What do I do if im attractive but no girl will talk to me?

what do I do if im attractive but no girl will talk to me?

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That's not how it works. If you're a man and you want someone else to make the first move just because you look good, go gay.

no ive tried talking to girls they just ghost me or ignore me despite me being attractive

Well, change the way you talk to them I guess. You're obviously doing something wrong. Provide more details.

It's almost as though women don't just care about physical appearance.

It is called dancing lessons, tinder or bar and the other part is called flirting.

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maybe are u gay ?? i think I am bc girls dont even look at me

I literally just say hey and then I ask what they're up to or something small then I just try to make conversation based on that or I ask about their hobbies and interests and tell them mine.

I get 0 matches on tinder despite being attractive. I just have an aura I put out in the universe that makes everyone hate me. not really my fault its not something I can control.

do I just accept my grave of loneliness and just lay in bed until its over?

Good job at ignoring rest of the post.

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You can be the hottest guy in the world and nobody will want you if you have a boring personality
Conversely you can be the ugliest guy in the world and attain chad status with a humorous or exciting personality

I cant go to a bar im on probation for being black

i dont have a boring personality i think my taste in everything is better than everyone elses

No. Dating is mostly luck. Never ever stop trying. Eventually it will work out, with somebody.

I will just feel bad for the girl who settles for me for whatever reason when 99% of the population is disgusted by my existence

>i think my taste in everything is better than everyone elses

Yeah, that attitude never communicates an interesting person to me. A person excessively proud of their taste is haughty, closed-off, and inactive.

She can feel bad for herself. Unless you're a pedophile, she's an adult and she can make her own decisions.

no girl is going to want me. any girl can have 50+ suitors and I am in the bottom 1 percentile of humans

You don't get to make that call, faggot.

ive already tried tinder and everything no girl likes me or will like. even if they did im just too depressed I think to do a relationship

>im just too depressed I think to do a relationship
That might be the case. From this thread you seem to have self-esteem issues well in excess of what can be justified. Maybe get some therapy.

even when not depressed i just get ghosted. dont know what it is.

I think you may not be as attractive as you think you are

How the fuck do you become interesting if you have nothing to talk about/do

It's depression because depression isn't just a switch you turn on and off
You've likely been depressed for a long time, you just only care when the context of getting pussy to smash comes up

And don't bother refuting that. If sex were off the table you could date a million girls, you just want the tiny petites with rockin' bods and lives of their own despite offering none of this back to them.

no I went to a bar and had a fat chick come up and talk to multiple times and call me attractive and stuff and then the next day she just ghosted me completely

im attractive and not even a fat girl will date me. the only girl to talk to me in the past years was a fat girl on tinder and I mean an actual 450 pound fat girl who just dates guys gets plowed then they dump her and then she would talk to me after in between relationships. she told me she had sex with like 100 dudes or something.

I think he is, but so far his personality seems to be really shit.

OP, why do you keep making so many threads about so many different things?

What we have on you so far is
>You’re black
>You have two DUIs
>You hate small towns
>You want to run away to California
>You can’t get girls

Are you okay? Do you need help?

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no im not ok