My girlfriend gained a lot of weight in the past year. I don't like it. I just saw a picture of her from last September and it made my jaw drop. Like my day is totally ruined now.
Despite eating most of our meals together, I've gained no weight during that time. She just snacks so much and drinks soda. I don't think she has any idea how much she eats in a day? Is there any way to get her to count calories without being a total asshole?also she didn't get me anything for our anniversary
My girlfriend gained a lot of weight in the past year. I don't like it...
If thats her then i would fuck her
My ex starved herself after we split up so she could leave you and get thin which is worse
Sounds like you've been together awhile. You should be at a comfortable spot to suggest working out together
That's like warming the ocean by pissing in it. She needs to stop eating crap
>Is there any way to get her to count calories without being a total asshole?
So this topic may be a bit sensitive but the way to do it is teamwork.
Start off by saying "Honey, I am going to hit the gym weekly, what can I do to make it easier for you to join me?"
If she asks why, tell her straight up that she gained a lot of weight and you worry about your relationship.
Assuming you make it past the emotional outburst, negotiate a regiment and work together. If she refuses plainly, then give her a week or two and ask again and if that isn't going anywhere, consider breaking up.
However, do understand how complacency and pointing it out can be a double edge. Make sure you aren't as complacent as her.
And again, make it a team effort, not just "stop eating, you sow".
>also she didn't get me anything for our anniversary
I am gonna guess you are young but who cares? you sound needy and entitled when you say it like that. I'd recommend dropping it.
Yeah there's a shitton of fat people, ladies especially, who use the gym to assauge food guilt and make exactly zero changes to their body. Planet Fitness made a business off these people.
Diet is 90% of weight loss. Working out is more for building strength/endurance. Making you look sexy once you lose the weight.
Unfortunately, I don't see a way of bringing this up gently or successfully. Like a drug addict, a sugar addict has to want to change.
Do you have any idea why she eats more than her body needs?
Has she tried to lose weight before?
Is she in an emotional tough phase?
Be prepared to get cursed and yelled at with tears and lots of manipulative bullshit thrown at you. Dont give in to any of that and stay calm. Dont go down to the level of the piggy. People that say shit like unconditional love are bonkers.
God I hate fat people
Is it only white men who feel it's ok to call other people's women derogatory names? And only white men who actually allow it?
OP, my friend approached his girlfriend by asking her to do Keto with him. They both dropped a shit load of weight. Try asking her to do something like that with you.
How do you even know that user is white or male? Either way get fucked, you fat faggot
What does skin color have to do with anything?
I can tell.
>fat faggot
>white manlet detected
I somewhat agree....White males are predominantly uncultured and ill mannered.
Only a fatty would get so butthurt that they bring race/gender into the conversation when literally no one was talking about it. Have a nice day, piggy ;^)
No one is hurt man, it's a pattern and observation. Hey I'm white too and it's the traits we have.
Jow Forums pls
This is a thread about a fat pig and her caretaker. Go derail one of the other threads.
My point has been proven. Good day to you.
You know, racisim isn’t only bad when it’s against people of color. But who am I kidding, you’ll never listen
You can't convince anyone to change when it comes to something like this.
External motivation does not work. They have to want to do it of their own volition and then you can encourage them towards the goal they already set. But you can't set it for them. It doesn't work like that.
This applies to any kind of habit, addiction, lifestyle etc. You either live with it or just leave. Trying to change people is a waste of time.
This, so much.
I was chubby all my life. Whenever someone brought up diet with me, I got so madly offended and resented them. When I finally wanted to lose weight, I did. Without anyone telling me, supporting me, or anything.
Asking people to change doesn't work.
Tell her she's been getting fat, if you think she hasn't realised it by some weird cosmic combination, but... heh.
All true.
That said, you should still tell her where you stand. You don't to ask for or demand change, but you do need to clearly communicate your feelings on the matter so that she is aware it is an issue for you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with candidly saying "Babe, you've putting on a lot of weight. It's your body and you can do what you want, but I want you to know that it's not something I want or find attractive in a partner."
And if she throws a hissy fit or runs off to some guy that's going to validate her weight, you didn't want her anyway. Internalize this....
You are LITERALLY allowed to want whatever it is you value in a partner without anyone else's approval or permission, including theirs. There's nothing wrong with having standards, and there's nothing wrong with communicating them honestly and respectfully. How other people react to it is on them.
>Pretending to be pretending to be retarded
Chief, I will not lie to you, fat chics are hot fucks with all the femflesh but there is nothing that compares in the realm of fuckfests that compares to all out fuckathons with fit chics.
Having said that: if your there damsel is balooning the fuck up, well, no amount of team/partner effort will get her back on the path to strongisthenewskiniville. hell, she won't even make it to normal I'm not a human zeppelin status, she has began to become, and her becoming is the rise of her long repressed fat inner self that is now free.
It is now free because she believes you are in the palm of her hand, it is free because she believes she has found someone that will love and respect her no matter how much she balloons.
The only remedy for this is for you to get lean and mean. Yes user, you must become a lean mean fucking machine. And then if she truly loves you as you deserve to be loved, she will feel threatened by the presence of lithe and comely fellow femanons, cumdumpsters and wife material women around you—and decide to... basically stop stuffing food down her mouth and have a fighting chance.
>implying men can last
Lol I've never had a man go for more than 3 rounds. Liar!
Well, maybe you need to explore the fascinating world of tag team play and gang love-ins, you know, to quell your femgodess thirst for the cawk—are fat?