Very high IQ people, the best

Very high IQ people, the best

Attached: TrumpLivesInLincolnMemorial.jpg (1280x960, 104K)

what is your point

But Trump does live in your head.

65 IQ ama

That only the brightest, smartest red pilled know that Trump lives in the Lincoln Memorial

I love how Jow Forums has become the Facebook comments of a small southern town getting mad at anything remotely liberal and then claiming how easily offended liberals are. Insha’allah mayocide now.

>those fragile, low test hands indicating not even one day of manual labor has been done in the entire pathetic existence of “his” life

KYS, clownbreath

Attached: CA5PakSWcAA76Ol.jpg (600x800, 49K)

This. It's for Opsec, no one would ever suspect to find a white supremacist president in the Lincoln memorial

100% guarantee that that was done by some liberal faggot.

Kek such fragile masculinity and inferiority complex you have there

Pff you did that yourself, dirty communist.

>hey guys check out this stamp i used to make drumpfies look retarded.
drumpfies sure are stupid aren't they mister democrat

The real joke is someone still uses cash.

That don't look nuthin like Mar-a-Lago

Attached: Mar_a_Lago.jpg (400x280, 41K)

President Trump lives in all of ours hearts. His physical form resides at the white house.


do you poo in loo?

That's not even the white house.. We're doomed. Im done with people.

His point is that 1 person who doesn't know that that's the Lincoln memorial means that drumph supporters are all retarded.

ikr, they should get on with the program and switch to chip implants like the rest of us goys

Seems legit

>Very high IQ people, the best
Holy fuck that is bad. I have a similar stamp, but only use it on 20s. Last year I estimate that I marked about $15k in bills.

How do you know it wasn’t a time traveler? In fact, can you definitively prove that it wasn’t?

Mandatory for thread

Attached: americans.jpg (600x726, 60K)

>mfw i always get 20s from the bank just to stamp them all
ive circulated about 15k of these

Attached: IMG_0764.jpg (2016x1512, 823K)

What if he actually does have like a tiny room there when he just wants to be alone
I imagine it kind of looks like that famous Gamecube picture.

Does he not live in d.c.?