If you don't produce your own food, you are a slave

if you don't produce your own food, you are a slave.

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Says the commie. Government is for slaves.

Ideologies are for slaves.

Survival is freedom.

Isolation is freedom

If you usemoney youre a slave.


Specialization of labor is what allowed civilization to grow you anarcho-primitive nigger.

How do you do that considering you glup in a day something that takes weeks to grow?
How do you get fruits if the tree takes decades to grow?
What about stuff that grows only certain season?

That's retarded, you'll need a large farm, something impossible to do if you live in a city.

How can you say yes to this one

not if you're a cannibal

Cannibals got it made. Theyre the only people whose food approaches them.

If you depend on a community youre a slave.

what's the point of civilization?

you don't understand the soul of nazbolism, friend


If you pay taxes youre a slave

if you produce food and sell it, you are a slave.

Slaves produce my food.

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if you have slaves you are a slave

If you sin you are a slave to your doings.

>If you pay taxes youre a slave

No, even the rich jews pay some tax. You are slave if you work because you need money.

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if you are a neet you are a slave

>get sick eating your own food
>can't sue
Nice going retard

>if you have slaves you are a slave
In the modern world nobody owns slave, most of them work without the whip. Modern slave even pays its own food and housing.

Attached: wage_slave_017.gif (694x251, 45K)

>if you are a neet you are a slave
Im not a neet, but i am the slave that pays neets lifestyle.

Attached: wage-slaves.png (709x430, 127K)

if everyone was farming food, who would do the electrical work?

fuck off, jew
if you have problems with someone, solve them by yourself, don't use a government created system to destroy them
