"Steel Walls Are Stronger Than Concrete Walls" CNN BTFO

"Steel Walls Are Stronger Than Concrete Walls" Trump DESTROYS Loudmouth CNN Reporter youtu.be/WkhND2Murmc

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ugh he's so condescending

eat shit kike

she just tried to embarrass him and failed
cnn needs new reporters

top kek

That lib journalist deserves to be gassed immediately. Every single lib journo wants trump and america to fail so they can act like they won. Cmon steve king, propose some legislation to gas liberal journalists

More importantly less expensive. Post Nafta tariff money will literally pay for miles of miles

But a fence isn't a wall.

He's such a fuckhead.

Attached: Trump wall glory holes.jpg (720x731, 95K)

He immediately shuts them down with the "..here we go.."

Jesus Christ let pence do this shit Trumps dementia is getting worse by the day

hey I felt like I was on reddit for a sec. Ty! I don't get over there as much as I should.


Do the lying press deserve any less?

it's his bumbling oafishness that makes me cringe more than the condescension. i just wish he were more eloquent so he could deliver sick burns.

a fence is a type of wall retard

Look at her fuckin nose

>. i just wish he were more eloquent so he could deliver sick burns.

I miss Obama too.

(((CNN "reporter")))

que joto!

Steel wall? I thought it was slats with spikes and artistic designs.


Fuck that. Try steel encased in concrete.

>Trump DESTROYS Loudmouth CNN Reporter
Shit that has never happened.

>"Steel Walls Are
cut one beam at the boom and you have a gate

>a fence is a type of wall retard
No, you imbecile. A wall is solid; a fence has gaps.

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So then America already has a wall.

"just cut one steel beam"

>So then America already has a wall.

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You seriously think you're going to win by playing at semantics?

Reddtfag detected.

Look at the reporters nose and then look at this picture.

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Can always add reinforcement as needed.

How dumb are you? Many picket fences don’t have “gaps”, and many walls, such as the steel slays suggested, do. You libtards just make stuff up to fit your nonsensical agenda.


noun: wall; plural noun: walls
any high vertical surface or facade, especially one that is imposing in scale.

a thing perceived as a protective or restrictive barrier.

Cue the kike articles explaining why scientifically concrete is stronger and more reliable than steel.

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I love his cronies behind him trying not to laugh

You’re a bitch and your opinion is disregarded

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>that pic
Liberals are so vulgar. Conservatives want sensible legal immigration and libs literally want to felate illegal aliens, sums it up nicely.

i hope CNN, Washington Post, Vice, Vox, and NY Times burn to the ground

1man/1h work for a gate

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I was responding to semantics, so you can go fuck yourself.

More like 15 mins with torch cut. Person can carry one of them.

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>and women want more black and brown foreign dick to sample.

When talking to people with childlike minds (women) one can't help it.

Wow fuck off mods

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He has to explain it in a way so that even a woman understands.

>what is reinforced concrete
fucking retard

Technically concrete by itself is not strong at all. For concrete to be strong it needs steel reinforcement. So she's technically correct, but who the fuck would not reinforce concrete when constructing something with it.

But still

Jet fuel melts through steel beams.

Fuck this lady.


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Concrete BTFO

Also why did Trump's base take the wall promise literally not seriously, are they retarded or something?

CNN needs reporters period. All they have are activists.

This. This is the problem with the modern """"journalist""" they all think they are Martin Luther fucking King trying to grandstand at every press meeting.

>meme flag
every fucking time

For future reference you absolute newfag kike,the correct term is /thathappened and then everyone clapped
Get the fuck out

When you’re the billionaire who singlhandedly took the White House you cannot but condescend.
I’m condescending now but in a nice way.

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Worked pretty well for the WTC.

A bit heavy for crossing desert. More like 5 minutes with 2 thermite charges.

>cut one beam
Yeah, just "cut" a solid steel beam! Don't attract any attention tho...

First thing I noticed when she frst appears in the video.

We need compassion, not walls.

he's got the leftists complaining that the wall needs to be stronger and mexico needs to pay more for it, this is literally 4DD chess

You're a weak piece of shit faggot and you should kill yourself because of these facts.

The trick would be to put explosives inside of those square hollow steel columns. Then, when the beaners put a torch to it, KeeerrrPOW!
The beam would explode outwards like a fucking trick cigar. Hehehe.
Pic is totally not related at all. Srsly.

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What if we made one wall for concrete fans and a second wall for steel fans?

>steel is strong.

Donald didn’t read the memo....

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Obama was never condescend-

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He knows

Walls worked for you. Why don't you tear them down and hug some Palestinians?

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Why one skull and bones count as 2 deaths? why not 1 death or 3 death if there is 1 skull and 2 bones?

a stupid question that has already been answered once deserves a condescending and dismissive response

Thing is, ppl who can afford and know how to use that torch are ok by me to come legally and work on exhausts.

Like this?

Lest we forget

sure he has some good ones every now and then, but too often he's sounding like a moron stumbling over his own words. it won't stop me from voting for him again but I just wish he would get better speech and dialogue coaching, but maybe he's too old anyway. "because you'd be in jail" was the best ever, he won the election that night.

Actually that made him look like an asshole.

You mean the ones that existed long before Trump became president? Damn those time traveling Jews!

wow refugees now carry thermite charges with them. I didn’t know

>throw jet fuel at steel wall
>pass through it as it melts down
Good job Drumpf

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check out that mother fukin' DOW!!
Yeah; we should go back to the Obama economy.... dat nigga he knew whats ta do

Who cares how strong the wall is if it only needs to be a certain height, and cartel's just dig more tunnel networks anyway?

Build it all you fucking want, as if the the desert never existed in the first place. People die in the desert all the time, the remains are gone in days.

I had a meme somewhere of a guy on a plane texting
>I hate my pilot I hope he fucking crashes the plane
That is like liberals hoping Trump fails,

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Who ever said he wasn't a asshole?
If you know anything about business is you need to be an asshole sometimes.

Do you also believe there are no walls in your parent's house because there are doors between the rooms? Fucking retard.

Those steel slats are good because border patrol can see what’s going on the other side. Also it allows water cannons or gas to pass through.

I don't know why we don't just do what Israel dies and shoot anybody who comes near

What if the beaners fly a plane into the steel wall

based trump is making it steel slats so there will be plenty of gaps for the border wall agents to get their dicks sucked by mexican hookers without having to drill holes

Build the wall then deport them all. There are no other options. If we are not a sovereign nation, then the law is corrupt and not worth defending or obeying. The ZOG should stay shut down until this starts happening. Blame me for the shutdown if you want. My name is Ben Shapiro.

Yo Ben, stop stealing snappy Disqus comments from other sites to have your paid commentors seed your lame articles, bitch.

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Is it? Is steel slats really a better option than a tall concrete wall?

I want a long term solution.

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What can a concrete wall do that's so important, that a steel slat wall cannot?

I saw it live at work I kek’d and knew we gonna be alright. Bitch got REKT and sad thing is the delusional left probably think she somehow owned him.

>Disqus comments from other sites to have your paid commentors seed your lame articles, bitch.
Excuse me? EXCUSE ME! Is that slander? I will sue you, sir. Did you go to Harvard Law School? No? NO? Well I did!

Fucking loved that press conference. Pro-rape democrats btfo too.

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I love that gif.

You are never getting your wall. Never ever ever

Jow Forums user DESTROYS US President!

Not only that, but a steel wall would get really hot and burn anyone trying to climb over it, and it would reflect the sunlight back at the illegals causing them to combust like an ant being hit by a magnifying glass.

>b-but my sugar concrete sabotage!!!
Chapo fags BTFO

How we he ever recover?