Why does Trump hate Germany so much?

>starts trade war
>US industrial espionage in Germany is on an all time high
>US media attacking our main industries
>keeps demanding that we increase NATO spending when we can't afford it
>doesn't care about 70 years of friendship
>thinks it's ok to let Russia have their way with us if we don't meet some arbitrary spending target
>Germany is forced to ally with China and to create an EU army
Is it because we deported his great grandfather? Is someone making him to do it? Even Obama wasn't as bad for us. I just don't understand, we have been good allies for 70 years. Is that worth nothing?

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The germans are not our friends.


Wir waren, beziehungsweise sind, nie mehr als Vasallen für die Amis gewesen
Deren einziges Ziel ist es die zwei Topnationen Europas, namentlich Russland und uns, gegeneinander auszuspielen
Das sollte die AfD mal als Thema aufgreifen, die scheiß Amis aus Deutschland zu kicken

He doesn't hate you, Germany. He hates what you've become.

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Everyone hates Germany

you gravel-brained goths need to grow up. you are just destroyers

Just pay your fair share of the military. Is 2% really that hard when you let refugees in by the thousands?

>we can't afford it
Aren’t you running a surplus?

He's trying to goad you into going full German mode.

Seeing that your country is going to shit by the day, and you guys not stopping it, I'd say you hate yourself the most.

Because you keep trying to take over the world.

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Just pay the NATO bill you said you would.
Is any normal minded German in this thread going to (You) me and tell me this is anything but reasonable?

I certainly hope not.

We're trying to reduce our debt.

The problem with the 2% target is that it grows with GDP. And German GDP is always growing. The German military budget has been increasing every year, it just can't keep up with GDP growth.
Recruiting and procurement takes time, the German MOD can't even spend all the money it has.

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Hey if Russia gets on your ass Germany just change your name to "East Germany". It wont hurt that bad right?

Of course it grows with GDP you scatter brained mouth breathing cum chugging turbo nigger, do you really expect a poor country of a million people to have the same military budget as Germany?

Our demands are simple,throw some money in the collection plate and no 4th Reich. Mommy Merkel is plotting and planning, and we are not fucking stupid.

Didn’t he talk about how proud he was of his german blood during the campaign? He’s probably ashamed of it now

This has to be an American at Ramnstein AFB who is doing some good trolling.

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Because jews. And he is german himself as well, which makes it really sad. At least on his father's side. His Y chromosome and dick and balls are german. They are making him do it.

Germany exports a huge part of its GDP. It now has an incentive with other EU nations to make business as difficult and anti-competitive as possible--which prevents local competition from other nations in the EU trade zone. Stupid EU regulations don't affect VW, Adidas, Siemens, etc.....those companies have been around forever. In fact, lots of German companies have been around for decades and decades and decades from a time when things were much more "laissez-faire".

The "new Germans" aren't going to be able to support the German export requirements. The German economy will falter because of the leftist notion that all people are generally the same and want the same things. Abdi and 2nd and 3rd generation Abdi's are never going to replace 25th generation Fritz when it comes to innovation at Mercedes-Benz. Because of this, Abdi will never pay into the system at the same rate as Fritz. Because of this, the rates of taxation have to go up to pay for the social system that was designed for real Germans. "New Germans" do not like Germans....or at best, are completely neutral towards Germans. They will not vote in favor of politicians who want to increase tax rates for Abdi to pay for Fritz's parents and grandparents who are now retired.

This is a problem in all western nations, not just Germany. But since Germany is the center of the European economy, Germany is more consequential.

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The point is that German military spending is already 3/4 that of Russia and it's increasing in share of GDP. And 100% of German military spending goes towards NATO.

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Because you used to be so much better and look at you now...
A bunch of cucks.

>U.S. defense expenditure in 2017 came to just under $686 billion, equating to 3.6 percent of GDP
How much of that is tied up in the Pacific, guarding South Korea etc? When you actually do the math it turns out that the US isn't meeting the NATO target either.

Patton would disagree.

Oah ne oder?
Was will der scheiß Fuselhorst denn hier?

>not kiked to hell and back
m8 you better not be fuckin delusional. Most beautiful piece of shit in a bucket doesnt mean it isnt a piece of shit like the others.

He hates Globalists and Merkel is Queen of the globalist cabal, until the germans actually grow balls and overthrow that witch Germany is always going to be Trumps bitch.

Is not hate is tough love.

Your government is an enemy of all of Western civilization. It isn't about the German people, but the scum who rule you.