
So it looks like its gonna kick off!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>be white
>go to Africa
>dis mines

For what purpose? Oh right, more diamond mines for Mr. Rothschild.

Didn't south Africa used to have a nuclear weapons programme?

Afrikaners BTFO

Weren't whites the first to discover / inhibit south Africa?

yep and when you speak to them its even more pathetic:
>"uh no i am a proud south african"
>"its not in my culture to flee persecution "
>"i cant just run away to some other land"
>"we dont do this"

meanwhile they are all descendants of europeans who LITERALLY fled persecution for the promises of a new land

or even funnier:
>nah its great bruh, rainbow nation crimes overblown
meanwhile his wife and daughter are being raped by some nigger in the background as his wealth gets inflated to dust

>we only die for Israel

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Yep. By a couple hundred years. Blacks weren’t numerous until there was clean water, food, medical facilities, schools, jobs, etc.

I don't understand why whites in South Africa just don't leave. I know Australia, Netherlands, and Zimbabwe all said they would take them in. The new Zimbabwe government is begging whites to move there.

when will they hurry up and finish it!
im getting a little tired of hearing about sa problems

If they did that then SA would fall into absolute chaos and ruin and then this would spread north.

Ya with Israel

Here's how it went down. Africans correct me, I'm painting with a broad brush.
>dutch land on some land that is seasonally inhabited by koi and san tribes
>establish a trading post for dutch trading ships to stock up on food (cape town) There literally wasn't anyone who claimed the land.
>local tribes stop trading with dutch
>dutch import farmers
>dutch farmers fold themselves into local politics, in essence becoming just another african tribe

The rothschilds shit came with the british conquering, but whites were always part of south africa since its founding as a political entitiy. You can thank the brits for importing tens of millions of black foreigners from neighboring nations for the state of SA.

Asking farmers to leave their land anywhere. You might as well kill them. SA is really beautiful.

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Why are meme flags only on Jow Forums?

I havent done any research yet, but the south african's were convinced to cease the programme altogether if my memory serves me correctly. Is this right?
Imagine nukes in the hands of these barbarians now.

You guys in south Africa just need a few tanks and helicopters to kill those gorillions of niggers in the matter of weeks.

Thank God they are only here and not across the whole of Jow Forums. They are cancerous

Interesting . You have to be black to be an african? Why doesn't this hold true for white countries?

>Nobody owned the land

Yes, they did. How can we make the claims to Europe like we do if we maintain that mindset? It's like Charlemagne going into Europe beheading everyone because "lol they didn't own it".

Whites don't need to be in Africa, for any reason.

>meme flag
For what purpose?

What? These days you can be a woman if you are in fact a MAN!

Thats an excellent point African african with european admixture.

When are they gonna genocide 5 million white south africans in Mandellas "rainboe nation"?

They dismantled them before the government turnover I think

To make it easier to fuck with the board, since we're culturally significant.

Thank God for that

>45 million

jesus fucking christ. canadas population is only 38 mil. when can we release our weaponized sickle cell technology?

They are financially trapped in. It's been made so that they can't afford to leave without the acceptance and support of asylum from a foreign government.
Canada and Australia are telling anyone who applies "No, and you're fueled by racist propaganda. Look at the racist whites everyone."
Tho Russia took a few thousand I think
>inb4 putin is my daddy and i get those rubles

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Remember my boer friend.

It's not about quantity, but about quality.
45 mil apes vs 5mil people with actual brains

who would win? you know the answer. you.

No one was even down in South Africa until whites made something of it you larping shill faggot

>all whites leave SA
>watch how niggers destroy everything

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>Ngobo, wat dis button do?
>idk, press it see wat happen

>be white
>go to Africa
>develop it beyond anything niggers could dream
>leave because tricked by Jews
>Africa returns to shit

>be chink
>go to Africa

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No meme, just your friendly neighborhood beefsteak.

9 to 1 odds, White South Africans would likely win if allowed to shoot niggers.

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I could kill nine if them. Poison a KFC family bucket and leave it where it can be stolen.

I'm picking up that you think charlemagne wasn't european. Stay woke bruddah.

45 million apes with foreign leaders, funding, etc etc.

you dun goofd
show your real flag faggot

Imagine the absolute unironic for real state of actually being named Mampuru Mampuru.

This. War is won by decisive action brought on by discipline and cohesion.
Chimpouts will be put down with lethal force.

Having the same name twice is easier to remember for them.

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He was, but Northern Europe wasn't his. He was a dago-loving Frenchie. Also, I'd say that there are far more continents than what we recognize, unless you believe Saudi Arabia is actually an Asian country.

If all black people are going to die if whites leave according to what you say why don't you since you want it so much

Whites K:D ratio of blacks in Africa are well over 1:9.

how many clicks would a starving nigger make it north though?


Look at that little nigglet, thinking that a 9x difference is enough to compensate the disparity between the productivity of whites and niggers.

I wonder what the ratios were during apartheid.

Isn't the army only like 10k people?

Whites have as much right to south africa as anyone. They have even more right when they own the land, which has been proven legitimate by any reasonable measure. They ought to defend it.

whats this documentary called again?

Fuck Afrikaners

If certain people had their way, all the way to Libya and beyond

>You have to be black to be an african?

no faggot, but you have to be a colossal hypocrite fuckwad to claim that as a south african boer, you cant just leave your homelands due to persecution

thats literally what they fucking are: farmers who fled their homeland due to persecution.

they can make a new life for themselves wherever they go but for some reason have decided to attach themselves to some nigger dirt where they are outnumbered 10 to 1

you are talking about individuals who are extremely fit well trained in the arts of bush warfare, the average 9yr old south african white girl cant do that, the % of 5mill that would fit into that class of person is probably 250k or so.

Humor my analogy for moment
It's like comparing a giant medieval peasant mob equipped with chainmail and spears going up against a force of well fed, well educated and disciplined men-at-arms.
Their numbers would embolden them to attack but the fight would be short and embarrassing up until the moment the mob breaks and everyone is just running for their lives.

In addition to the other replies, the god damn niggers said that the whites cannot leave.

>nigger steals your land
>don't move wypipo

Cape of Bad JuJu

to what end hans?

they are still connected to an entire continent of niggers that will be flooding in

>inb4 muh fence

yeah they tried that and the international jews tore them apart, it failed in 1994

you cant fix africa without genociding niggers first
you cant genocide blacks until you have genocided the jews first

40k, but I imagine it’s dysfunctional and corrupt now.

depends on how much of the leadership is foreign. A well orchestrated mob can overcome a well orchestrated smaller army, especially with artillery support.

They're about to fall on their enemies sword, this will be glorious.

good luck, kill 100,000 of them if you can
niggers are a curse from God

Metaphysical Rhodesia

Fuck jews. This whole mess is their doing.

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>and then this would spread north
don’t worry. even if it engulfs the whole continent up to the sahara, arabs will put a stop to it. they’re not soft like the whites.

Serpentza talked about it on youtube. Even though he was young entrepreneur, after few years of working and selling everything, he had just 35k dollars to his name. Farmers can't sell their farms and probably don't have too much liquid money. They're also stubborn. IT's hard to start life anew elsewhere.

it always astonishes me how people still defend africans, the only decent country in the entire continent was built by whites, blacks took over and now it's fucking garbage

>IT's hard to start life anew elsewhere.
their ancestors did it via fucking wind powered ships and ox drawn carts

dont fucking preach about "hard knocks".

every human alive today is soft putty compared to where we came from, these boers are just stubborn retards. they would be far more prosperous anywhere other than africa/middle east.

That just means that every white Person there needs 9 Bullets.

Niggers are dumb

empire of dust

Memeflag disregarded, but for the sake of organic lurkers/posters

Europeans found southern Africa in a state of war when the first Dutch landed on the southern shores of the continent. They saw the savage, un-intellectual west African Zulu trying to take out the bushmen (harmless native africans alive to this day) in their path of expansion, but were met with Maxim guns by the coastal Dutch colonies, and inland farmsteads.

Their ancestors didn't have to deal with propaganda on a global scale.

>Make a pack with shiekilstein to build nukes for Isreal
>Found out Isreal is cheatin you on trade n' shit
>Boer stops nuke production
>take nukes apart
>sell the parts at a high price on the black market back to Isreal
>Isreal the founds Black Socalists ident.groups to undermind your country to fuck you over for trying to out jew the jews.

Moral of the Story
Don't make a deal with a Jew if you can't out jew him.

Save your typing muscles and direct this rhetoric to white Europeans, spiritual untermensch

I'm pretty sure white South Africans will rather die than killing blacks, because being labeled as racist carries more weight than death in the modern white mind.

You Saffers can win this

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Yeah, lol, in Germany maybe. Not in the World

White's have a greater range of needs from the global habitat. Sorry bigot its just how we were made. Whites are an intercontinental species that takes the flora and fauna we need to spread of environment (you fit in the fauna category).

>white mind

Stop projecting your socially engineered worldview onto other people. I lived in Germany for almost two years. Your media, even internet, is fully curated by anglo-american companies/consortia.

>white savior complex

None of you have been able to articulate how whites settling Africa has helped us in the long run. Involving ourselves there in any way is how we got to the present day in the first place. In fact, this white man's burden imperialist attitude is why we're viewed as an alien race here to harvest resources. I'm just saying.

They will say something like "we can't go into war against blacks just because some of them are evil" or "not all blacks are like that" or "shooting people wont solve the problem". 10 years later they'll be all dead and the rest of them who survived will be refugees who fled to China, Europe, America or Australia.

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good riddance to the morons that stuck around when mandela came into power.

Only stupid white fucknuts will die, no big loss.

Didn’t South Africa just about run out of drinking water? Why do blacks think that they can even exist without whites?

Show your flag nigger lover

Kys jew faggot
I saw your gay ass thread earlier, why do you keep going?

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>none of you

Kike detected, kike disregarded
Das ist unsere Gestalt. Du kannst selbst sodomieren, pedarastische fotze


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>I dont understand


>being American and this fucking stupid

Are they too stupid to come up with more surnames?

Jews are afraid

Wheres Neill Ellis when ypu need him

Eat shit
As long as you false flag opinion discarded

russia is taking them in
